
#fedora-meeting: FAmSCo 2012-04-25

Meeting started by cwickert at 22:00:20 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. roll call (cwickert, 22:00:43)
    1. Zoltan sent regrets, he cannot attend as he is working night shift (cwickert, 22:01:42)
    2. kaio is on transit to pet store for food of his my cats and only connected through his mobile but not really available (cwickert, 22:03:18)
    3. AGREED: cwickert will be FAmSCo chair (again) (cwickert, 22:11:15)

  2. FUDCon 2013 bids (cwickert, 22:13:33)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Lawrence_2013 (cwickert, 22:15:09)
    2. AGREED: FAmSCo supports the FUDCon 2013 Bid for Lawrence (cwickert, 22:24:23)

  3. New FAmSCo election guidelines (cwickert, 22:25:17)
    1. AGREED: There will be a FAmSCo election for F18, all seats will be open. The top 4 vote-getters will serve one year, the bottom three 6 months (cwickert, 22:40:17)
    2. ACTION: cwickert to update http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FESCo_election_policy (cwickert, 22:48:03)
    3. ACTION: all FAmSCo members: spread the word about the new FAmSCo election guidelines (cwickert, 22:48:23)
    4. we need to hurry up (cwickert, 22:48:35)
    5. ACTION: cwickert to send inode0 all necessary info for his announcement (cwickert, 22:48:56)
    6. AGREED: FAmSCo appreciates the work gbraad has done and will not remove him from the committee forcefully (cwickert, 22:59:03)
    7. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FISL13 (igorps, 22:59:56)

  4. 13th International Free Software Forum - FISL (cwickert, 23:00:12)
    1. AGREED: budget for FISL is approved as outlined in the wiki (cwickert, 23:03:53)

  5. Reimbursement - shipping costs (cwickert, 23:04:53)
    1. AGREED: #284 is approved (cwickert, 23:07:30)

  6. Fedora disks for first half of 2012 (Chile and Argentina) (cwickert, 23:07:50)
    1. ACTION: yn1v to nag harish about #263 (cwickert, 23:13:45)

  7. Regulate what regional tracs are needed (cwickert, 23:20:28)
    1. http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-04-14/apac.2012-04-14-04.01.html (cwickert, 23:21:41)
    2. http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-04-14/apac.2012-04-14-04.01.log.html#l-125 (cwickert, 23:21:50)
    3. http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-04-14/apac.2012-04-14-04.01.log.html#l-385 (cwickert, 23:22:19)
    4. all APAC tickets will be handled in https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac (cwickert, 23:22:53)
    5. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-india/ will be discontinued and read-only (cwickert, 23:23:09)

  8. Discuss Budget Allocation for FY2012 (cwickert, 23:23:44)
    1. 2012 budget should be confirmed by May 15th (cwickert, 23:25:05)

  9. Funding request for the drinks, Release Party F17 Surakarta (cwickert, 23:25:54)
    1. AGREED: #278 is approved (cwickert, 23:29:50)

  10. Open Floor (cwickert, 23:30:10)
    1. ACTION: yn1v to add the bid for Managua to #288 (cwickert, 23:31:21)

Meeting ended at 23:34:39 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. cwickert to update http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FESCo_election_policy
  2. all FAmSCo members: spread the word about the new FAmSCo election guidelines
  3. cwickert to send inode0 all necessary info for his announcement
  4. yn1v to nag harish about #263
  5. yn1v to add the bid for Managua to #288

Action items, by person

  1. cwickert
    1. cwickert to update http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FESCo_election_policy
    2. cwickert to send inode0 all necessary info for his announcement
  2. inode0
    1. cwickert to send inode0 all necessary info for his announcement
  3. yn1v
    1. yn1v to nag harish about #263
    2. yn1v to add the bid for Managua to #288

People present (lines said)

  1. cwickert (229)
  2. herlo (59)
  3. igorps (53)
  4. yn1v (33)
  5. kaio (33)
  6. ianweller (27)
  7. zodbot (15)
  8. inode0 (10)
  9. kaio_ph (6)
  10. nb (5)
  11. nirik (3)

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