The Developer Portal for developers using
Fedora or wanting to contribute to Fedora has had some new changes.
Read up on what's new in the Developer Portal and a little bit of
background behind its inception in the Fedora Magazine
On Friday, decause announced on the mailing
list that he will be leaving his position at Red Hat to become the
Open Source Campaign Manager for a candidate in the US elections. We
wish decause well in his future endeavors and will always be happy
to see him in Fedora whenever he has the time to stop by. For the
time being, the Fedora Community Lead position will remain
=== "Makeuseof: Fedora Design Suite: Best of
the Basics" ===(jflory7,
Fedora Design Suite was recently featured as
one of the best Linux distros targeted towards designers who want
the best of the basics. Check it out and feel free to share it
around. Thanks Luya Tshimbalanga for pointing it out!(jflory7,
Action items from last meetings(jflory7, 21:09:48)
=== [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Work on creating an
initial "template" draft for Friends of Fedora websites example
ACTION: jflory7 Work
on creating an initial "template" draft for Friends of Fedora
websites example(jflory7,
=== [INCOMPLETE] linuxmodder Take screenshots
for F24 KDE and Xfce and upload to the screenshots page on the wiki
ACTION: marketing-team-member Take screenshots for F24 KDE
and Xfce and upload to the screenshots page on the wiki(jflory7,
=== [COMPLETE] jflory7 Put up an initial wiki
page for F23 marketing retrospective, check in with mailga, share
with Marketing team ===(jflory7,
HELP: Marketing team
members, please review Ticket #229 and add comments / take a vote on
the two options so we can move forward on choosing an option for
secure password distribution and propose it to
AGREED: Will post to
the list about the ticket, collect votes for a proposal to bring to
Infrastructure later on(jflory7,
The tool is in progress and coming along, but
does not yet support attachments in Trac tickets yet. Might be best
to wait for attachment support to be added and then consider moving
from Trac to Pagure then.(jflory7,
ACTION: jflory7
Update ticket #230, remove from meeting agenda for now(jflory7,
HELP: Marketing
members, please add your thoughts and opinions on Marketing
performance and ideas for improvement this release cycle to the F24
Marketing retrospective wiki page. Anyone who has contributed this
release is welcome to add to it!,