
#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-04-06)

Meeting started by jflory7 at 20:55:22 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (jflory7, 20:55:35)
    1. Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas (jflory7, 20:55:41)
    2. Justin W. Flory; UTC-4; Marketing / Magazine, CommOps, Ambassadors, and more (jflory7, 20:56:02)
    3. James Bishop; UTC-3; (jbishop, 21:02:05)
    4. jzb is traveling and may not be able to attend (jflory7, 21:02:37)

  2. Announcements (jflory7, 21:05:42)
    1. === G11n team finished vFAD from April 1-5 === (jflory7, 21:05:51)
    2. (jflory7, 21:05:56)
    3. The Fedora Globalization (G11n) team recently wrapped up a virtual Fedora Activity Day (vFAD). F24 went from 3% to 40% translated in a single day! 7 new FAS accounts created in local supporting events. Forecasted for 100% completion by end of month. (jflory7, 21:06:03)
    4. === Marketing mailing list spammers === (jflory7, 21:06:10)
    5. Thanks to abompard and puiterwijk, the Marketing mailing list issue is resolved. There was a filter to allow anything with the characters 'f', 'e', 'd', 'o', 'c', 'a', 'l' to pass through without being subscribed (for Fedocal). Spammers figured this out too. The issue has been resolved, the list is no longer moderated, back to business! abompard++ puiterwijk++ (jflory7, 21:06:16)
    6. (decause, 21:07:02)
    7. Fedora Friends Birds of a Feather Session at Red Hat Summit is scheduled and public :) (decause, 21:07:34)

  3. Action items from last meetings (jflory7, 21:10:15)
    1. (jflory7, 21:10:21)
    2. === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Follow up on previous action items (see Remy's email) === (jflory7, 21:10:28)
    3. === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Query the Python SIG mailing list to get a review of the brochure for technical review / other possible content === (jflory7, 21:10:33)
    4. (jflory7, 21:10:40)
    5. === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Add basic information about PyCon NA to Ticket #219 === (jflory7, 21:10:46)
    6. ACTION: jflory7 Add basic information about PyCon NA to Ticket #219 (jflory7, 21:10:52)
    7. === jbishop Work with the Marketing list and other team members on drafting an initial idea for the process for an organization to apply as a Fedora affiliate (e.g. things like who to contact, what the steps are to become recognized, things we might need (like logos, personal statements, etc.)) === (jflory7, 21:10:59)
    8. Discussion / activity in progress (will revisit during ticket discussion) (jflory7, 21:12:43)
    9. === bkp Accept ownership of Ticket #223 and begin working on a Fedora presence on Diaspora / GNU Social === (jflory7, 21:12:51)
    10. bkp not present; will check in soon with him either this week or the next (jflory7, 21:13:49)
    11. === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Reach out to ryanlerch / stickster about Ticket #210 === (jflory7, 21:13:55)
    12. (jflory7, 21:14:01)
    13. ACTION: ryanlerch Review Marketing Trac ticket #210 about Fedora Magazine categories (jflory7, 21:14:12)
    14. === linuxmodder to head the effort for Beta Freeze === (jflory7, 21:14:58)
    15. === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Post to mailing list asking for clarification about what Proposed Changes Profiles are === (jflory7, 21:15:23)
    16. (jflory7, 21:15:28)
    17. === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Take to the mailing list asking for clarification about Firefox bookmark review process === (jflory7, 21:15:34)
    18. (jflory7, 21:15:39)

  4. Tickets (jflory7, 21:15:48)
    1. (jflory7, 21:15:53)
    2. === Ticket #219 === (jflory7, 21:16:02)
    3. (jflory7, 21:16:07)
    4. "Create Python talking points for Ambassadors" (jflory7, 21:16:11)
    5. ACTION: decause copy-review the python brochure with jflory7 after mktg meeting today (decause, 21:17:40)
    6. ACTION: jflory7 Check in with SJ at RIT about printing some Python + Fedora fliers before Bitcamp (jflory7, 21:19:45)
    7. ACTION: jflory7 Parse the CommOps power sessions pad for the Python "targeting categories" and ticket-ify the info to make later discussion easier (jflory7, 21:24:03)
    8. ACTION: jflory7 assign those tickets to decause (decause, 21:24:34)
    9. (decause, 21:25:15)
    10. AGREED: decause is making final copy-edits to the Python brochure, jflory7 is taking raw notes and putting them into Ticket #219 in a more readable format. Also planning on wiki gardening / data organizing more info about those categories (before PyCon in May). (jflory7, 21:25:50)
    11. (jflory7, 21:25:54)
    12. === Ticket #222 === (jflory7, 21:26:07)
    13. (jflory7, 21:26:15)
    14. "Publicizing "Fedora affiliates" (or groups using Fedora)" (jflory7, 21:26:22)
    15. (jflory7, 21:26:26)
    16. (jbishop, 21:32:15)
    17. (decause, 21:35:30)
    18. ACTION: decause file tickets for adding links to the front page for and fp.o/easyfix (decause, 21:40:23)
    19. jbishop has made progress locally on drafting up ideas for this ticket. Two ideas he had: using the Magazine as a publicity spot in light of the "How do you Fedora?" series, so a "How do you use Fedora?" for affiliates. Second, having a static page to list the affiliates like with the Edubuntu example. (jflory7, 21:41:26)
    20. decause mentioned possible integration into Fedora Hubs as an "Affiliates Hub" as an idea. (jflory7, 21:41:45)
    21. Creating a badge would be another easy way to reward affiliates using Fedora in their organization (jflory7, 21:42:05)
    22. ACTION: jbishop Begin working rough draft of notes about affiliates ideas into the wiki page (jflory7, 21:45:56)
    23. (jflory7, 21:47:00)
    24. (decause, 21:48:01)
    25. === Ticket #223 === (jflory7, 21:49:38)
    26. (jflory7, 21:49:43)
    27. "Create Social Media Accounts for Fedora on Diaspora and GNU Social" (jflory7, 21:49:49)
    28. AGREED: Earlier in meeting, noted that bkp was not present and we would check in with him either this week or the next (jflory7, 21:50:03)
    29. === Ticket #210 === (jflory7, 21:50:08)
    30. (jflory7, 21:50:14)
    31. "Magazine Categories - Reorganization?" (jflory7, 21:50:21)
    32. AGREED: stickster reviewed this ticket and gave a new revision to the proposed recategorization of the Magazine. Ultimately, the final decision will rest with ryanlerch as the editor-in-chief. If any other Marketing team members want to add feedback to the categories, feel free to leave comments in the Trac ticket! (jflory7, 21:50:56)

  5. Upcoming Tasks (jflory7, 21:51:06)
    1. (jflory7, 21:51:11)
    2. Current / upcoming tasks: (jflory7, 21:51:15)
    3. (1) Proposed Changes Profiles (due: Tue 2016-04-05) (jflory7, 21:51:21)
    4. (jflory7, 21:51:27)
    5. (2) Update and Package Firefox Bookmarks (due: Thu 2016-03-31) (jflory7, 21:51:35)
    6. (jflory7, 21:51:40)
    7. (3) Tag Updated Bookmarks Package for Fedora 24 (due: Thu 2016-03-31) (jflory7, 21:51:45)
    8. (4) Beta Freeze (00:00 UTC) (due: Tue 2016-04-19) (jflory7, 21:51:57)

  6. Open Floor (jflory7, 21:52:00)
    1. (decause, 22:01:04)
    2. (decause, 22:01:48)

Meeting ended at 22:03:23 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jflory7 Add basic information about PyCon NA to Ticket #219
  2. ryanlerch Review Marketing Trac ticket #210 about Fedora Magazine categories
  3. decause copy-review the python brochure with jflory7 after mktg meeting today
  4. jflory7 Check in with SJ at RIT about printing some Python + Fedora fliers before Bitcamp
  5. jflory7 Parse the CommOps power sessions pad for the Python "targeting categories" and ticket-ify the info to make later discussion easier
  6. jflory7 assign those tickets to decause
  7. decause file tickets for adding links to the front page for and fp.o/easyfix
  8. jbishop Begin working rough draft of notes about affiliates ideas into the wiki page

Action items, by person

  1. decause
    1. decause copy-review the python brochure with jflory7 after mktg meeting today
    2. jflory7 assign those tickets to decause
    3. decause file tickets for adding links to the front page for and fp.o/easyfix
  2. jbishop
    1. jbishop Begin working rough draft of notes about affiliates ideas into the wiki page
  3. jflory7
    1. jflory7 Add basic information about PyCon NA to Ticket #219
    2. decause copy-review the python brochure with jflory7 after mktg meeting today
    3. jflory7 Check in with SJ at RIT about printing some Python + Fedora fliers before Bitcamp
    4. jflory7 Parse the CommOps power sessions pad for the Python "targeting categories" and ticket-ify the info to make later discussion easier
    5. jflory7 assign those tickets to decause
  4. ryanlerch
    1. ryanlerch Review Marketing Trac ticket #210 about Fedora Magazine categories

People present (lines said)

  1. jflory7 (192)
  2. decause (135)
  3. jbishop (26)
  4. zodbot (13)
  5. croberts (7)
  6. stickster (1)
  7. ryanlerch (0)

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