
#foss2serve: POSSE Meeting 3

Meeting started by darci at 19:00:19 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_3 contains the agenda for this meeting (darci, 19:01:36)

  1. Roll Call (darci, 19:02:02)
    1. Darci Burdge, Nassau Community College (darci, 19:02:23)
    2. Junhua Ding, East Carolina University (Pirate, 19:02:32)
    3. Clif Kussmaul, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA (kussmaul, 19:02:40)
    4. Josh Dehlinger, Towson University (joshdehlinger, 19:02:41)
    5. Greg Hislop, Drexel University (hislopg, 19:02:41)
    6. Hank Carter, Villanova University (carterh, 19:02:54)
    7. Lori Postner, Nassau Community College, Long Island, NY (lorip, 19:03:01)
    8. Joshua Nwokeji, Gannon University (Nwokeji001, 19:03:08)

  2. Progress on Stage 1 Activities (darci, 19:03:53)
    1. Wesley Turner, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (wdt, 19:08:11)
    2. Katie Stolee, NCSU (ktstolee, 19:08:40)
    3. Barry Burd, Drew University, P.S. I have conflicts with both IRC times (this time included). (bburd, 19:09:45)
    4. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1igSyZ7wWXmlmqqgvtWTJqvsFj2wsQHVJW2qAGjnmFpA/edit#gid=0 to log comments on Stage 1 (darci, 19:09:55)
    5. http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Intro_to_GitHub_(Activity) (lorip, 19:10:43)

  3. Stage 1 Activities on Planning for HFOSS in Courses (darci, 19:11:51)
  4. Stage 2 Group Sign-up (darci, 19:22:14)
    1. http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups to sign up (darci, 19:22:24)

  5. Good of the Order - Travel Questions (darci, 19:32:47)
    1. Everyone should log their travel information -- There is a Google sheet in the 'POSSE 2017-11 Participants' folder on Google drive (darci, 19:33:06)
    2. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2rMbpfK2ojuU0pNOEFBWjhSWms (darci, 19:33:18)

Meeting ended at 19:43:20 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. darci (65)
  2. hislopg (15)
  3. Pirate (12)
  4. wdt (10)
  5. bburd (8)
  6. carterh (5)
  7. Nwokeji001 (4)
  8. zodbot (4)
  9. joshdehlinger (3)
  10. lorip (3)
  11. suhaibobeidat (2)
  12. kussmaul (1)
  13. ktstolee (1)
  14. sheckman (1)
  15. kuss (0)

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