19:00:19 <darci> #startmeeting POSSE Meeting 3
19:00:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov  2 19:00:19 2017 UTC.  The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:00:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_meeting_3'
19:00:35 <darci> I'll add a couple of chairs
19:00:49 <darci> #chair hislopg joshdehlinger lorip kuss
19:00:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: darci hislopg joshdehlinger kuss lorip
19:01:14 <Pirate> hi
19:01:29 <darci> Hi all!
19:01:34 <darci> Our agenda is at
19:01:36 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_3 contains the agenda for this meeting
19:02:02 <darci> #topic Roll Call
19:02:14 <darci> Please reply with a #info your name, your institution.  For example:
19:02:23 <darci> #info Darci Burdge, Nassau Community College
19:02:32 <Pirate> #info Junhua Ding, East Carolina University
19:02:40 <kussmaul> #info Clif Kussmaul, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA
19:02:41 <joshdehlinger> #info Josh Dehlinger, Towson University
19:02:41 <hislopg> #info Greg Hislop, Drexel University
19:02:54 <carterh> #info Hank Carter, Villanova University
19:03:01 <lorip> #info Lori Postner, Nassau Community College, Long Island, NY
19:03:08 <Nwokeji001> #info Joshua Nwokeji, Gannon University
19:03:34 <darci> I think that's everyone...
19:03:51 <darci> I will move on to our next agenda item.
19:03:53 <darci> #topic Progress on Stage 1 Activities
19:04:07 <darci> How are stage 1 activities going?
19:04:48 <Nwokeji001> So far, good
19:05:26 <darci> Is everyone comfortable with their progress?
19:05:32 <darci> Any bumps thus far?
19:06:11 <carterh> I'm comfortable! It's good initial exposure to a community I haven't interacted with before.
19:06:51 <darci> carterh: By "community", do you mean a project's community?
19:07:04 <carterh> Open source development in general
19:07:13 <hislopg> carterh: glad to hear it!  And "community" is a key concept for open source.
19:07:26 <darci> cool!
19:07:58 <hislopg> I'm going to guess that at least one of you is a bit behind schedule on stage 1.
19:08:11 <wdt> #info Wesley Turner, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
19:08:12 <bburd> Yes — but catching up.
19:08:26 <hislopg> That's pretty typical at this point.  I'll recommend that you do what you can to catch up before we assemble in Raleigh!
19:08:31 <darci> welcome! wdt!
19:08:36 <wdt> Me too. Exam
19:08:39 <wdt> Thanks
19:08:40 <ktstolee> #info Katie Stolee, NCSU
19:08:48 <darci> Hello ktstolee!
19:08:53 <Pirate> I am a little bit behind also but catching up
19:09:45 <bburd> #info Barry Burd, Drew University, P.S. I have conflicts with both IRC times (this time included).
19:09:50 <darci> Just a reminder to log comments on learning activities in the Google sheet
19:09:55 <darci> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1igSyZ7wWXmlmqqgvtWTJqvsFj2wsQHVJW2qAGjnmFpA/edit#gid=0 to log comments on Stage 1
19:10:06 <darci> Welcome bburd!
19:10:16 <lorip> one of the exercises that is important to do before getting to Raleigh is the git activity as we will be building upon it
19:10:43 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Intro_to_GitHub_(Activity)
19:11:13 <darci> Yes, you may not have gotten that far yet, but you definitely want to have Git installed when you arrive in Raleigh!
19:11:51 <darci> #topic Stage 1 Activities on Planning for HFOSS in Courses
19:12:15 <darci> The next item on our agenda...has everyone signed up yet?
19:12:52 <bburd> darci, please define “signed up”.
19:13:21 <darci> Sorry, I was thinking about the next agenda item!
19:13:52 <darci> In reference to Planning, you should be thinking about how you might incorporate HFOSS into your courses...
19:14:14 <hislopg> and which course would be a good target for you
19:14:41 <darci> This is part of activities B.4 and C.3
19:15:56 <darci> What types of activities are people thinking about?
19:16:55 <carterh> The intro to Github and practicing documentation activities looked appealing for my CS2 course
19:17:02 <bburd> Translating, testing, and helping with docs for CS1 students.
19:17:21 <hislopg> Great ideas!
19:17:24 <carterh> I'm also thinking of something for networks, but that would be more project-dependent
19:17:27 <bburd> Intro to Gitbub will be great if it can be done without confusing students.
19:17:47 <wdt> Mine’s easy, I am running RCOS. We have the students do independent study on open source projects. Git/blogging/tesing all are part. This semester’s projects are at https://rcos.io/projects
19:18:12 * darci looking
19:18:34 <darci> Cool!
19:18:56 <Nwokeji001> I am looking requirements development
19:19:12 <Nwokeji001> usecases, SRS, data model, etc.
19:19:30 <Pirate> nice. introduce version control to cs1 or 2 is an excellent idea
19:19:38 <sheckman> I'm going to explore process/communication/collaboration aspects to incorporate into my CS2 and SE courses.  We already use GitHub in both, so I want to support the right practices/processes when working on a team.
19:20:08 <Pirate> do you have enough time to cover regular content
19:21:15 <darci> Pirate: That is always the challenge!
19:21:32 <hislopg> sheckman:  cool!
19:22:10 <darci> If there are no other thoughts, I'll move on to the next item.
19:22:14 <darci> #topic Stage 2 Group Sign-up
19:22:24 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups to sign up
19:22:28 <Pirate> but it is a good idea. The earlier to introduce the best practices, the better. The problem is the time limitation. We consider to have a SE course before even cs1 or cs2
19:22:39 <darci> Here's where you should be signing up for project and a course.
19:23:43 <darci> Pirate: that is an interesting idea! Has a decision been made?
19:24:57 <Pirate> not yet, but we will try it for our new SE program
19:26:54 <darci> We have quite a variety of projects and courses listed so far! This info will help us form small groups while at the workshop in Raleigh.
19:27:14 <darci> If you haven't signed up yet, be sure to do so soon!
19:27:37 <bburd> darci, how will you decide whether to include the “less likely” projects?
19:28:17 <darci> There are a few ways to deal with this.
19:28:39 <darci> Sometimes groups will talk about activities they would like to develop.
19:28:51 <darci> These are often project independent, though not always.
19:29:26 <hislopg> we will also suggest people join other groups if there is scant interest
19:29:32 <darci> Sometimes participants work with a different group/project while at the workshop
19:29:36 <darci> :)
19:29:42 <hislopg> it's helpful to use the time at the workshop to be working in a small group
19:30:13 <darci> Yes, again this time is for building ideas
19:31:38 <darci> bburd: does that help?
19:31:48 <bburd> It helps. Thanks.
19:32:03 <darci> Other questions, thoughts about projects or classes?
19:32:41 <darci> Okay, moving on!
19:32:47 <darci> #topic Good of the Order - Travel Questions
19:33:06 <darci> #info Everyone should log their travel information -- There is a Google sheet in the 'POSSE 2017-11 Participants' folder on Google drive
19:33:18 <darci> #link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2rMbpfK2ojuU0pNOEFBWjhSWms
19:33:48 <darci> I entered my travel info earlier and noted that I was the first one! :)
19:34:12 <joshdehlinger> i will enter mine tonight
19:34:42 <darci> Thanks!
19:34:43 <suhaibobeidat> I entered mine already
19:35:07 <Pirate> I am local, do i need sign the travel form?
19:35:38 <wdt> I tried, but I didn’t have edit pivileges. Greg Hislop is looking into it.
19:35:42 <hislopg> if you're local we don't reallly need the travel information
19:35:43 <darci> Pirate: no, that is fine
19:36:23 <darci> Can everyone else edit the Google sheet?
19:36:30 <bburd> ok
19:37:01 <Pirate> I probably need parking informaiton
19:37:28 <hislopg> Pirate: there's parking information in the email I sent with local information
19:37:29 <darci> hislopg sent a email earlier in the week that had parking info
19:37:34 <darci> :)
19:37:42 <darci> What he saidQ!
19:37:42 <hislopg> wdt: I just added your gmail.  Try that.
19:38:11 <suhaibobeidat> I was able to edit the sheet
19:39:03 <darci> Okay, any other questions?
19:39:18 <darci> This is our last IRC meeting before heading to Raleigh!
19:39:20 <wdt> Works now. Took a minute to pull it up
19:39:39 <darci> Yay!
19:39:47 <hislopg> :-)
19:39:53 <wdt> Thanks @hislop
19:39:55 <wdt> !!
19:40:07 <wdt> Thanks @hislopg
19:40:31 <darci> Looking forward to meeting everyone!
19:41:15 <Pirate> should we pay parking by ourself
19:41:36 <wdt> Me too!
19:41:48 <hislopg> Pirate: yes, but get a receipt and put in for the expense.
19:42:51 <darci> Okay, unless there's other questions, I'm going to end the meeting. I'll stick around for a bit just in case something else comes up.
19:42:54 <Pirate> thanks
19:43:06 <hislopg> Bye all!
19:43:10 <darci> Safe travels to all! Thanks for attending!
19:43:14 <Pirate> bye
19:43:16 <joshdehlinger> safe travels all
19:43:20 <darci> #endmeeting