I'm Alan Rea, Professor of Information Systems
at Western Michigan Univ.(docrea,
I am Lynn Lambert for Christopher Newport
University in Newport News, Va. I did one POSSE before, but am still
a novice.(lynnlambert,
I'm Rafael Escalante, CS instructor at El Paso
Community College in Texas. Not new to FOSS, but haven't taught
about it before.(rescal,
Hi! I'm Candace Sheremeta. I'm currently a
research assistant in CS Ed at North Carolina State University, and
I have previously worked in FOSS at Red Hat.(cshereme,
Hi! I'm Ingrid Russell, Professor of Computer
Science at the University of Hartford, CT. I used an HFOSS project
in a software engineering course about 6 years ago. Intereseted in
learning more about recent work in this area.(IngridR,