18:01:20 <darci> #startmeeting
18:01:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 30 18:01:20 2015 UTC.  The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at
18:01:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:01:46 <darci> A list of useful commands is displayed above.
18:02:17 <darci> We will mostly use the #topic and #info commands today
18:02:42 <darci> #link
18:02:43 <ghislop> Recording the meeting will produce a transcript of what you see on the screen, but also a summary driven mostly by the #tag items
18:02:55 <darci> Here is the link to our agenda
18:03:59 <ghislop> Shall we start with introductions?
18:04:01 <darci> Yes ghislop! For example, here is a link to the minutes of the last meeting.
18:04:06 <darci> #link
18:05:12 <[1]Kate> Hi! I'm Kate Lockwood, Assistant Professor at the University of St. Thomas (in St. Paul, MN). New to FOSS.
18:05:59 <lizj> #info I'm Liz Johnson, Assoc Prof at Xavier U in Cincinnati. New to FOSS and IRC
18:06:19 <CyclingFan> Hi, everyone.  I'm Linda Webster, Professor of Computer Science at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri.  This is my first IRC.
18:06:31 <darci> Thanks Liz! Yes, it would be good to start with the #info tag.
18:06:35 <ghislop> Darci - topic change?
18:06:43 <atartaro> #info I'm Andrea Tartaro, Assistant Professor at Furman University (Greenville, SC). Also new to FOSS and IRC.
18:06:44 <darci> #topic Introductions
18:06:46 <darci> yes!
18:07:05 <docrea> #info I'm Alan Rea, Professor of Information Systems at Western Michigan Univ.
18:07:19 <emme> Hi! I’m Emily Lovell, doctoral student at UC Santa Cruz, where I also spend a big chunk of my time teaching. Bit of experience with OSH(ardware), but new to FOSS.
18:07:30 <ghislop> Hi Emily!
18:07:32 <lynnlambert> #info I am Lynn Lambert for Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Va. I did one POSSE before, but am still a novice.
18:07:32 <rescal> #info I'm Rafael Escalante, CS instructor at El Paso Community College in Texas. Not new to FOSS, but haven't taught about it before.
18:07:37 <emme> Hi Greg!
18:07:43 <cshereme> #info Hi! I'm Candace Sheremeta. I'm currently a research assistant in CS Ed at North Carolina State University, and I have previously worked in FOSS at Red Hat.
18:08:03 <IngridR> #info Hi! I'm Ingrid Russell, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Hartford, CT. I used an HFOSS project in a software engineering course about 6 years ago. Intereseted in learning more about recent work in this area.
18:08:50 <darci> Jow_W?
18:09:01 <darci> *Joe_W?
18:09:25 <darci> Okay, maybe he's not here right now.
18:09:28 <ghislop> I'm Greg Hislop, Professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia.  I'm one of the team members for POSSE.
18:09:53 <darci> howardf: We are doing introductions would you like to go next?
18:10:05 <howardf> sure..
18:10:08 <KarenAlkoby> hello  Thank goodness I just had gotten into
18:10:17 <darci> Hi Karen! Welcome!
18:10:45 <howardf> I'm Howard Francis at the University of Pikeville. I am hoping to make use of FOSS in my Senior Project class
18:11:14 <darci> KarenAlkoby: could you do a brief introduction?
18:12:14 <KarenAlkoby> Hi I am Karen Alkoby at Gallaudet University in Wash. DC.    I had use FOSS in senior capstone courses.  I just want to expand into a lab for students because I witnessed it's good for them
18:12:51 <ghislop> Thanks all.  Did we miss anyone on the introductions?
18:13:32 <darci> Assuming we have everyone I'll change the topic
18:13:43 <atartaro> you and darci?
18:13:44 <darci> #topic IRC Commands
18:14:10 <ghislop> My intro is there... Darci - did you do one?
18:14:19 <darci> atartaro: Sorry, I'm assuming everyone know me by now...
18:14:31 <atartaro> oops sorry. missed it :)
18:14:47 <darci> #info I'm Darci Burdge from Nassau Community College. I am a member of the foss2serve team
18:15:16 <ghislop> Now on to IRC commands...
18:15:34 <darci> Some of the most useful commands are list on the agenda.
18:15:45 <ghislop> I'll guess that many of you may be new to IRC... that's typical.
18:15:46 <darci> Are there any questions about using IRC?
18:16:24 <KarenAlkoby> Yes,  I was wondering if this is also apply to    When I logged into, I did not use backslash
18:17:00 <darci> KarenAlkoby: yes, they should apply to all clientes
18:17:08 <darci> *clients
18:17:08 <lizj> Do people tend to use their own names as nicknames or pseudonyms?
18:17:08 <ghislop> There are some differences between clients, but much commonality too.
18:17:28 <ghislop> nick choice varies all over the place... it's up to you
18:17:50 <CyclingFan> When do we use a # and when do we just type a comment?
18:17:57 * ghislop showing a "me" command
18:18:21 <darci> # followed by a command is for the meetbot
18:18:41 * ghislop thinks that the easiest way to get the hang of this is to just try different commands
18:19:05 <darci> Since I started the meeting, some of these commands can be issued only by me and some can be issued by anyone
18:19:10 * darci agrees
18:19:16 <lizj> Are the delays because we are all shy or is there a delay in comm?
18:19:29 <docrea> #link
18:19:34 <KarenAlkoby> I am wondering how did you create the green quote
18:19:42 <darci> :)
18:19:56 <rsjodin> Thanks for the link
18:20:01 <darci> lizj: a little of both
18:20:03 * docrea nods
18:20:35 <darci> KarenAlkoby: What is quoted in green?
18:20:47 * CyclingFan smiles as this is starting to make sense.
18:20:55 <ghislop> KarenAlkoby: where are you seeing green?  (different clients show things a bit differently)
18:21:10 <lizj> me thinks maybe it won't be so hard
18:21:11 <KarenAlkoby> You see the green fonts    like you did  *darci agrees
18:21:13 <atartaro> KarenAlkoby: those are the "/me" commands
18:21:18 <atartaro> on kiwi
18:21:31 * KarenAlkoby testing
18:21:36 * lizj understands
18:21:36 <KarenAlkoby> got it
18:21:41 <darci> You  got it!
18:21:43 <CyclingFan> My green comments are when someone joins or when the topic has changed.
18:21:53 <ghislop> atartaro: thanks.  that was my guess.  on my client, /me shows as a line in italics.
18:22:40 <darci> I've marked myself as being away.
18:22:54 <atartaro> I couldn't get a regular client to connect. I figure there must be some kind of block at my school
18:22:56 <darci> On my client, my nick is greyed and italic
18:23:11 <KarenAlkoby> I didnt seethe marker as being away
18:23:13 <atartaro> darci: shows no diff on mine...
18:23:38 <emme> My client shows darci as grayed out now too, if I look in the panel that shows everyone in the room
18:24:03 <darci> This is sometimes slow to sync
18:24:08 <CyclingFan> My regular comment shows with my name in <>, but /me shows with an *name.  Is there a difference fromt he system's perspective?
18:24:10 <darci> I'm now back@
18:24:18 <ghislop> sometimes the change to "away" takes a while to show up on other people's client...
18:24:45 <cshereme> a lot of people in IRC will also use the /nick command to show that they are away - for example:
18:25:21 <cshereme|away> I just typed /nick cshereme|away
18:25:39 * liz_afk testing
18:25:48 <ghislop> cshereme: yes.  you'll also see an "afk" suffix which stands for "away from keyboard"
18:26:57 <darci> This is great! Any other questions/thoughts about using IRC? Or should we move on?
18:27:42 <CyclingFan> test.
18:27:52 <darci> Oh, I would like to add that on my client I can type the first few letters of someone's nick and then hit the tab key to auto-complete it.
18:28:14 <emme> oh, that's handy!
18:28:16 <lizj> darci, mine too
18:28:20 <CyclingFan> dar
18:28:49 <darci> Also, when your nick is mentioned, you've been pinged. You should get some kind of notification.
18:29:01 <rescal> I get disconnected frequently, is that normal on freenode?
18:29:14 <ghislop> rescal: no
18:29:44 <darci> Should we move on?
18:29:48 <ghislop> sure
18:29:49 <lizj> yes
18:29:50 <Guest46287> I do not see mine on the roll call
18:30:26 <darci> Guest46287: Not sure what you mean. I see you in the list.
18:30:27 <ghislop> Guest46287: I see you on the list of who's here.
18:30:29 * Guest46287 
18:30:34 <emme> I see you, Guest46287!
18:30:53 <lizj> Guest46287, you need to change nick back to Karen
18:31:22 <ghislop> lizj: I think your suggestion was correct
18:31:54 <ghislop> KarenA: welcome back
18:31:55 <darci> #topic HFOSS Projects
18:32:11 <darci> Hi heidie
18:32:49 <darci> Here is a list of HFOSS projects we have been working with.
18:32:52 <darci> #link
18:33:39 <darci> You will note that there is both a place to sign up and a list of faculty who have done some work with the specified project
18:34:17 <darci> At some point, while doing the activities, you will be asked to sign up for the project you are interested in
18:35:01 <darci> Does anyone have any questions about the various HFOSS projects?
18:35:43 <lizj> are there any that might be better than others for absolute beginners to this?
18:36:02 <KarenA> Yes  Do I have to choose one?
18:36:03 <emme> Do you have any advice for us on how to choose a project? Like picking based on technical expertise involved vs. interest in the subject matter?
18:36:16 <IngridR> the sign up link takes you to the list of project participants and not to sign up
18:37:06 <darci> Sometimes the choice is based the language and/or the platform
18:37:26 <lynnlambert> One thing to consider is how active the group is. You can find that out via  IRC if that's how the project communicates, but it is hard to get started when you ask questions and get no answers.
18:37:30 <ghislop> we'll talk about project selection at the stage 2 POSSE meetings
18:38:22 <emme> Got it, thanks!
18:38:45 <ghislop> we also have some publications about project selection that we can share including a paper at SIGCSE a few years ago.
18:40:06 <darci> Okay, should we move on?
18:40:10 <KarenA> Would they list their timeable for their IRC meetings
18:40:10 <emme> great!
18:40:39 <darci> KarenA: Some projects do
18:41:21 <ghislop> KarenA: some projects use IRC for ad hoc communication rather than meetings at assigned times.
18:41:46 <KarenA> ok
18:41:59 <darci> Some projects also post meeting times using other communication tools
18:42:16 <IngridR> do they post meeting minutes
18:42:20 <CyclingFan> Would these be projects in which our students would participate?
18:42:33 <darci> IngridR: yes most do
18:43:08 <darci> CyclingFan: yes, our goal is to help you find ways for your students to participate.
18:43:53 <darci> There are many types of participation
18:44:48 <lizj> darci: can you elaborate?
18:46:01 <ghislop> lizj: people think participation = writing code
18:46:12 <darci> Students can function as testers, write documentation, improve instructions for downloading and installing the development environment, as well as writing code for example
18:46:27 <lizj> ok, that helps
18:46:44 <ghislop> #link
18:47:02 <darci> Thanks ghislop! Great link!
18:47:42 <ghislop> We had an effort called "50 ways to be a FOSSer" just to help people understand the broader opportunities.  The link is to a list of possible assignment ideas
18:47:55 <rsjodin> Can we propose/create new HFOSS projects, or do we need participate in an existing one?
18:48:14 <lizj> If I were looking for that later on the wiki, is it linked someplace?
18:48:16 <ghislop> Good topic for stage 2!
18:48:28 <CyclingFan> ghislop:  Great link!  Thanks.
18:48:52 <lizj> found it!
18:48:53 <darci> One of the benefits of working on a common project is that faculty can support one another!
18:48:55 <ghislop> We encourage using an existing HFOSS project because you get the benefits of an existing community, code base, user base, etc...
18:49:22 * atartaro agrees with darci and CyclingFan
18:49:34 <darci> They can develop activities/assignments together and help one another when they are having trouble
18:49:38 <ghislop> But there has been work on starting projects too - we can point to some examples when we discuss projects in stage 2
18:50:15 <darci> We have about 10 minutes left.
18:50:31 * ghislop is not trying to just put everything off to stage 2, but there's more time to discuss then.  these are great questions!
18:50:39 <darci> I'm going to change the topic, but we can definitely continue this conversation during stage 2
18:50:49 <darci> Sound good?
18:50:54 <lizj> yes
18:50:55 * docrea_ nods
18:51:01 <emme> sounds good!
18:51:05 * CyclingFan agrees
18:51:10 * KarenA nods
18:51:27 <darci> #topic General Questions
18:51:50 <darci> Does anyone have general questions or travel related questions?
18:52:09 * atartaro wants to ask a question about one of the assignments.
18:52:19 <darci> Please do!
18:52:49 <cshereme> darci, I don't have a question for you or Greg, but I would like to ask the rest of the group a question (after atartaro)
18:52:58 <atartaro> I'm doing the "field trip" activity. I have 2 questions about the SourceForge site
18:53:14 <atartaro> First, it looks like is "offline" is that going to affect this assignment?
18:54:04 <docrea> #link
18:54:09 <docrea> Working for me.
18:54:14 <ghislop> ditto
18:54:48 <atartaro> scratch that. looks liek it came back up yesterday: #link
18:55:00 <darci> Oh good!
18:55:19 <darci> cshereme: you had a question?
18:55:22 <docrea> Please be careful if you install .exe files from SourceForge. They have been embedding other software in the installs. The FOSS community is not pleased.
18:56:11 <cshereme> if atartaro is done :)
18:56:20 <atartaro> second question: the assignment says to define the various "statuses" of a project. I didn't see actual definitions anywhere (searched to documentation) but they seem fairly straightforward. Did I miss something obvious?
18:56:20 <ghislop> docrea: thanks.  That's news to me.  Do you have a source for that information?
18:58:19 <darci> atartaro: I don't think you missed anything, yes they are fairly straightforward. So, I think you're good.
18:59:15 <docrea> One correction on SF. It looks like they publically backed off of this in June. But still be careful #link
19:00:26 <darci> atartaro: do you have other questions?
19:01:09 <atartaro> no. thanks
19:01:50 <ghislop> I'll answer a question people may have:  I'll be sending information about hotel arrangements later today.
19:01:51 <darci> cshereme: I think you can ask yours now
19:03:15 <cshereme> thanks darci. I hope you all don't mind my solicitation, but I'm interested in working closely with CS professors who want to start a course (or more) in FOSS development and who have the support for that from their chairs/departments - was just curious who all that applies to?
19:03:41 <[1]Kate> I am in the beginning stages of this
19:04:07 <[1]Kate> I am hoping to create a FOSS class that meets the service learning designation at my university. I'd be happy to chat.
19:04:21 <cshereme> great, thank you so much [1]Kate!
19:04:24 <cshereme> anyone else?
19:04:30 <atartaro> I'm in beginning stages too.
19:04:39 <docrea> I have been teaching FOSS courses for a few years now. Would be willing to help out if I can.
19:04:47 <ghislop> cshereme: this would be an excellent topic when we're together - but discussions before that are welcome too.
19:04:48 <CyclingFan> We have a studio course that is project oriented that incorporates service learning projects only.  we are not FOSS, but are looking into this as an option.
19:05:03 <rsjodin> I’m planning on introducing HFOSS in 2 graduate practicum courses.
19:05:04 <atartaro> We have a "May term" that offers three weeks intensive classes. I thought it would be good for that. Also for new electives
19:05:16 <ghislop> We'd be happy to circulate a note about this to all attendees - and POSSE alums too...
19:05:51 <atartaro> when you say "working closely with" in what ways are you thinking?
19:06:27 <ghislop> cshereme: you could also announce your intentions on teachingopensource if looking for collaborators
19:06:36 <cshereme> haha Andrea you're straight to the point :) I'm starting a PhD next year and am hoping to do my research in starting a successful FOSS program at a university :)
19:06:50 <cshereme> thank you darci and ghislop, those are good ideas!
19:07:09 <atartaro> got it Cool project
19:07:24 <cshereme> thanks everyone :)
19:07:36 <atartaro> I wanted to go to the workshop before deciding what electives to propose, but we have a lot of flexibilty  for proposing new courses
19:08:00 <darci> colorin: I believe you joined us after introductions, would you like to introduce yourself?
19:09:04 <darci> Or perhaps you are away?
19:09:23 <darci> Unless there are other questions, I'm going to end the meeting.
19:09:37 <darci> Thanks to all for joining us and for a great meeting!
19:09:48 <docrea> Thank you
19:09:48 <IngridR> Thanks you!
19:09:49 <emme> thank you!
19:09:53 <rsjodin> Thank you.
19:09:54 <CyclingFan> I am at a small school with only 2 faculty, and we cannot add new courses.  However, we are looking to add FOSS into existing project-oriented courses.--Just another idea.
19:10:01 <atartaro> Thank you!
19:10:04 <cshereme> thank you :)
19:10:18 <[1]Kate> Thank you!
19:10:18 <CyclingFan> Exciting ideas.  Thanks to all.
19:10:46 <darci> You will be hearing from us again regarding a day/time for our next IRC meeting.
19:10:47 <ghislop> Thanks Darci!  :-)
19:10:49 <IngridR> Thank you!
19:10:50 <cshereme> darci, could you send the link to the other meeting logs?
19:11:02 <darci> If you have any questions in the mean time, please do not hesitate to ask!
19:11:30 <darci> cshereme: They are all posted on this page
19:11:44 <cshereme> oh, ok! thank you
19:11:46 <darci> #link
19:12:06 <darci> I'll be posting the links to today's logs in a few minutes.
19:12:36 <cshereme> thank you so much darci :)
19:12:45 <darci> No problem!
19:12:55 <darci> Okay, bye all!
19:13:17 <emme> thanks, bye!
19:13:24 <darci> #endmeeting