
#fedora-mindshare: Fedora Mindshare Committee meeting - 2022-11-08

Meeting started by jwf at 13:00:49 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Meeting structure & agenda (jwf, 13:03:16)
    1. === 1. Hellos & welcome (~5 minutes) === (jwf, 13:03:20)
    2. === 2. Committee announcements & team read-outs (~5-10 minutes) === (jwf, 13:03:24)
    3. === 3. Ticket-driven review & discussion (remaining time) === (jwf, 13:03:27)
    4. === 4. Open floor (final 5 minutes) === (jwf, 13:03:33)

  2. Hellos & welcome (jwf, 13:03:38)
    1. Quorum of two today and no major tickets for discussion flagged, so we will have a speed meeting today (jwf, 13:13:32)

  3. Committee announcements & team read-outs (jwf, 13:13:47)
    1. Our request for a GitLab sub-group is submitted to Fedora Infrastructure. (jwf, 13:14:21)
    2. https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10974 (jwf, 13:14:23)
    3. FOSDEM 2023 devrooms are announced and CFPs are starting to open. There will be a Distributions devroom for the full day of Sunday. Fedora and CentOS will wrangle the CFP. (jwf, 13:15:49)
    4. https://fosdem.org/2023/news/2022-11-07-accepted-developer-rooms/ (jwf, 13:15:50)
    5. Ben Cotton (he/him) was on the Open Source Voices podcast and gave a shout-out for Mindshare! Check out the full episode below. (jwf, 13:16:16)
    6. https://www.opensourcevoices.org/31 (jwf, 13:16:17)
    7. The global F37 Release Party ran last Friday and Saturday. We had 1200+ registrants with 63% turnout. This broke the record for all release parties and even had more registrants than Nest 2022! (jwf, 13:18:58)
    8. The go/no go meeting for Fedora Linux 37 will happen on Thursday, 10 November. (jwf, 13:19:39)
    9. at 18:00 UTC (chromebittin, 13:19:58)

Meeting ended at 13:26:53 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. jwf (49)
  2. chromebittin (10)
  3. bt0 (7)
  4. zodbot (5)
  5. LunaJernberg[m] (1)

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