13:00:49 <jwf> #startmeeting Fedora Mindshare Committee meeting - 2022-11-08
13:00:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov  8 13:00:49 2022 UTC.
13:00:49 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
13:00:49 <zodbot> The chair is jwf. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
13:00:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
13:00:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mindshare_committee_meeting_-_2022-11-08'
13:00:57 <jwf> #meetingname mindshare
13:01:01 <jwf> #info About Mindshare: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/mindshare/
13:01:05 <jwf> .members mindshare
13:02:00 <jwf> #chair bt0 Máirín Duffy  pbokoc  Onuralp Sezer (he/him)  Madeline Peck (she/her)  davdunc  nb @SmeraGoel
13:02:39 <jwf> A good morning from the U.S. East Coast 🙂 Who is around for the Mindshare meeting today?
13:02:52 * LunaJernberg[m] is here
13:03:06 <jwf> Hiya Luna Jernberg, good afternoon!
13:03:16 <jwf> #topic Meeting structure & agenda
13:03:18 <bt0> hi o/
13:03:20 <jwf> #info === 1. Hellos & welcome (~5 minutes) ===
13:03:24 <jwf> #info === 2. Committee announcements & team read-outs (~5-10 minutes) ===
13:03:27 <jwf> #info === 3. Ticket-driven review & discussion (remaining time) ===
13:03:33 <jwf> #info === 4. Open floor (final 5 minutes) ===
13:03:38 <jwf> #topic Hellos & welcome
13:03:55 <jwf> Hey bt0, an even earlier "good morning" to you 🙂
13:04:37 <bt0> :p
13:05:28 <jwf> It might be a quiet day today.
13:08:23 <jwf> So, looks like the room is for us three today.
13:08:47 <jwf> I'm not sure it is enough for quorum, but I also think there aren't many tickets queued up for meeting discussion.
13:09:24 <jwf> I'm looking at the ticket backlog and I see a lot of docs-related tasks 🙂
13:10:35 <jwf> I requested our Mindshare sub-group from Infra: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10974
13:10:45 <jwf> But other than that, I don't have a lot of updates.
13:11:06 <jwf> bt0: Did you get a chance yet to open the new ticket about the upcoming election?
13:11:34 <chromebittin> CFP has opened for 2 of the rooms at FOSDEM today, Emulators Devroom and Community Devroom
13:11:35 <bt0> ohhh, i forgot it, let me doi it now
13:11:41 <chromebittin> and guess the rest is coming along later too
13:12:11 <chromebittin> also bcotton was on the Open Source Voices podcast today: https://www.opensourcevoices.org/31 and mentioned Mindshare
13:12:23 <chromebittin> and the other teams and elections etc
13:13:13 <chromebittin> neat
13:13:14 <jwf> chromebittin: I did see the devroom updates. Fedora and CentOS will also be co-wrangling the Distributions devroom there too
13:13:32 <jwf> #info Quorum of two today and no major tickets for discussion flagged, so we will have a speed meeting today
13:13:35 <jwf> #topic Committee announcements & team read-outs
13:13:47 <jwf> #topic Committee announcements & team read-outs
13:13:51 <jwf> Oops, the hanging whitespace.
13:14:21 <jwf> #info Our request for a GitLab sub-group is submitted to Fedora Infrastructure.
13:14:23 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10974
13:15:49 <jwf> #info FOSDEM 2023 devrooms are announced and CFPs are starting to open. There will be a Distributions devroom for the full day of Sunday. Fedora and CentOS will wrangle the CFP.
13:15:50 <jwf> #link https://fosdem.org/2023/news/2022-11-07-accepted-developer-rooms/
13:16:16 <jwf> #info Ben Cotton (he/him) was on the Open Source Voices podcast and gave a shout-out for Mindshare! Check out the full episode below.
13:16:17 <jwf> #link https://www.opensourcevoices.org/31
13:16:34 <jwf> Phew, I think I captured all the announcements for the minutes 🙂
13:16:53 <jwf> bt0: Thanks! We will use the ticket to track the election.
13:17:18 <chromebittin> and F37 ""Release"" Party happend over the last weekend with the actual release in hopefully 7 days, Go/No go meeting in 2 days
13:17:24 <jwf> In the meantime, is there anything we can do to help with CommOps identifying a new candidate?
13:18:58 <jwf> #info The global F37 Release Party ran last Friday and Saturday. We had 1200+ registrants with 63% turnout. This broke the record for all release parties and even had more registrants than Nest 2022!
13:19:15 <chromebittin> :o
13:19:37 <bt0> maybe we can talk with mariana and sumantro
13:19:39 <jwf> #info The go/no go meeting for Fedora Linux 37 will happen on Thursday, 10 November.
13:19:45 <bt0> they help with the revamp
13:19:58 <chromebittin> #info at 18:00 UTC
13:20:39 <jwf> bt0:  You mean to identify folks to nominate for the seat?
13:20:48 <bt0> yes
13:20:48 <jwf> bittin++ thanks!
13:20:54 * jwf nods
13:21:52 <jwf> Good idea. I think we can help get the word out for folks to consider running for this seat too.
13:22:12 <jwf> It will definitely be good to keep CommOps represented in Mindshare.
13:22:24 <jwf> We can have this as an ongoing discussion and use the ticket to keep track of it
13:24:24 <jwf> Alrighty. I don't have other topics for today. And we're almost near the halfway mark.
13:24:28 <jwf> Anything else before we wrap?
13:24:42 <jwf> I'll also try to do some ticket triage leading up to our next meeting
13:24:54 <chromebittin> nope don't have anything special right now
13:25:46 <bt0> not from me
13:26:31 <jwf> Cool. Then let's call it early and keep up in the tickets :)
13:26:41 <chromebittin> sure
13:26:44 <jwf> Thanks bt0 and Luna Jernberg for being here! Until next time…
13:26:53 <jwf> #endmeeting