
#fedora-meeting: F38 Beta Go/No-Go meeting

Meeting started by bcotton at 17:00:21 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (bcotton, 17:00:28)
  2. Purpose of this meeting (bcotton, 17:06:12)
    1. Purpose of this meeting is to check whether or not F38 Beta is ready for shipment, according to the release criteria. (bcotton, 17:06:12)
    2. This is determined in a few ways: (bcotton, 17:06:12)
    3. 1. No remaining blocker bugs (bcotton, 17:06:13)
    4. 2. Release candidate compose is available (bcotton, 17:06:13)
    5. 3. Test matrices are fully completed (bcotton, 17:06:13)

  3. Current status - blockers (bcotton, 17:06:13)
    1. https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/38/beta/buglist (bcotton, 17:06:26)
    2. There are no outstanding accepted or proposed blockers (bcotton, 17:11:01)

  4. Current status - test matrices (bcotton, 17:11:24)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Fedora_38_Test_Results (bcotton, 17:11:24)
    2. Test coverage is looking excellent (bcotton, 17:40:52)

  5. Current status - RC (bcotton, 17:43:52)
    1. RC1.3 is the current candidate (bcotton, 17:44:05)
    2. RC1.3 is missing silverblue/aarch64, SoaS, Scientific_KDE, Games (bcotton, 17:46:08)
    3. Current IoT candidate is 20230306.1 , tests of it look fine (except for https://pagure.io/releng/issue/11099 which has been ongoing forever) (bcotton, 17:57:27)

  6. Go/No-Go decision (bcotton, 17:58:17)
    1. FESCo is go (bcotton, 17:59:12)
    2. Releng is go (bcotton, 17:59:29)
    3. QA is go (bcotton, 18:00:02)
    4. AGREED: Fedora Linux 38 Beta is GO (bcotton, 18:00:18)
    5. Fedora Linux 38 Beta will release on the early target date (2022-03-14) (bcotton, 18:00:18)
    6. F38 Final freeze begins on Tuesday 2023-04-04 (bcotton, 18:00:19)
    7. ACTION: bcotton to announce decision (bcotton, 18:00:52)

  7. Open floor (bcotton, 18:00:53)

Meeting ended at 18:02:27 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. bcotton to announce decision

Action items, by person

  1. bcotton
    1. bcotton to announce decision

People present (lines said)

  1. bcotton (55)
  2. adamw (47)
  3. nirik (26)
  4. luna (18)
  5. sgallagh (16)
  6. zodbot (12)
  7. AhmedA (7)
  8. lruzicka (6)
  9. Eighth_Doctor (4)
  10. SumantroMukherje (3)
  11. smooge (3)
  12. Alessio[m] (2)
  13. copperi[m] (2)
  14. frantisekz (2)
  15. pwhalen (2)

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