
#fedora-meeting: Fedora Server

Meeting started by smooge at 17:02:58 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions for instructions since I also don't have it memorized (michel_slm, 17:03:22)

  1. Introductions (smooge, 17:03:24)
    1. The agenda for this meeting can be found at <to be decided> (smooge, 17:04:56)
    2. The general SIG site is at <to be included> (smooge, 17:05:13)

  2. (a) Status of the PRD Update (smooge, 17:06:57)
    1. proposed update at https://pboy.fedorapeople.org/FedoraServerPRD-UpdateProposal-V1-0.odt (michel_slm, 17:07:30)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server/Governance_Charter (nirik, 17:10:42)
    3. AGREED: Updated PRD to be reviewed in email and finalized in next meeting (michel_slm, 17:15:35)

  3. meeting schedule (michel_slm, 17:15:46)
    1. we had a whenisgood poll with hourly time slots for two weeks, and this slot seems to be the one with the most availability (michel_slm, 17:16:20)
    2. AGREED: meetings on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 17:00. Next meeting on Feb 3. (michel_slm, 17:19:07)

  4. Improving Fedora Server documentation and visibility (michel_slm, 17:19:55)
    1. ACTION: pboy to write up the proposed documentation change for the mailing list (michel_slm, 17:45:00)

  5. systemd-oomd (michel_slm, 17:46:11)
    1. change proposal: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EnableSystemdOomd#How_to_test (michel_slm, 17:46:26)

  6. open floor (michel_slm, 17:58:56)
    1. ACTION: Michel to chair next meeting (michel_slm, 18:04:45)

Meeting ended at 18:05:19 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. pboy to write up the proposed documentation change for the mailing list
  2. Michel to chair next meeting

People present (lines said)

  1. michel_slm (65)
  2. PBoyHB (41)
  3. smooge (31)
  4. nirik (26)
  5. zodbot (16)
  6. jdubby (14)

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