
#fedora-meeting: Fedora QA Meeting

Meeting started by adamw at 15:00:05 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (adamw, 15:00:13)
  2. Previous meeting follow-up (adamw, 15:08:34)
    1. "adamw to update installation and base matrix templates for workstation-on-aarch64 change" - this was done, with an assist from pwhalen who pointed out some I missed, thanks (adamw, 15:12:31)
    2. "kparal to move default app functionality reduction proposal forward by summarizing current state and declaring intent to make changes shortly" - kparal did this, and then went ahead and made the changes after no objections were raised (adamw, 15:15:24)
    3. "adamw to file a ticket and figure out how to handle IoT test result tracking" - ticket filed: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/623 . we have a plan in the ticket, implementation got hung up on Beta work, will resume this week (adamw, 15:16:05)

  3. F32 Beta release tasks, Final plans (adamw, 15:21:38)
    1. https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-02ee4b1a1c needs testing and karma (adamw, 15:22:05)
    2. ACTION: adamw to create and populate F32 Common Bugs page (adamw, 15:23:58)

  4. COVID-19 impact on Fedora 32 validation (adamw, 15:28:31)
    1. our Red Hat employees are currently in 'expected to work from home' mode (adamw, 15:30:08)
    2. this affects access to some hardware used for specific release validation tests, like Mac dual-boot and firmware RAID installations (adamw, 15:30:35)
    3. this also affects efficiency of general validation testing somewhat as we just have fewer general-purpose test systems available (adamw, 15:33:13)

  5. Test Day / community event status (adamw, 15:42:05)
    1. will come back (adamw, 15:42:40)

  6. COVID-19 impact on Fedora 32 validation (redux) (adamw, 15:42:47)
    1. adamw is a quasi-SPOF for openQA, likelihood of him being unable to deal with emergencies is low, if it happens lruzicka+tflink+jskladan+michelmno+etc. etc. should be able to figure stuff out (adamw, 15:47:35)
    2. ACTION: kparal to write a mail summarizing the validation tests for which hardware access may be an issue (adamw, 15:48:04)

  7. Test Day / community event status (adamw, 15:49:15)
    1. 2020-03-20 (Thursday) is Cloud test day, details to come soon on test@ list (adamw, 15:50:44)
    2. there will be a re-run of IoT Test Day soon (adamw, 15:52:12)
    3. Kernel Test Week will run 2020-04-13 to 2020-04-17 (adamw, 15:52:20)
    4. i18n Test Day is complete and went well (adamw, 15:58:31)
    5. Upgrade test day is pencilled in for 2020-04-02 (adamw, 15:58:42)

  8. Open floor (adamw, 15:58:50)

Meeting ended at 16:01:45 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. adamw to create and populate F32 Common Bugs page
  2. kparal to write a mail summarizing the validation tests for which hardware access may be an issue

Action items, by person

  1. adamw
    1. adamw to create and populate F32 Common Bugs page
  2. kparal
    1. kparal to write a mail summarizing the validation tests for which hardware access may be an issue

People present (lines said)

  1. adamw (99)
  2. sumantrom (18)
  3. bcotton (17)
  4. kparal (17)
  5. tflink (15)
  6. frantisekz (15)
  7. lruzicka (14)
  8. zodbot (11)
  9. coremodule (6)
  10. pwhalen (4)
  11. cmurf (3)
  12. sumantro (3)
  13. Southern_Gentlem (1)

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