15:00:05 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting
15:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 16 15:00:05 2020 UTC.
15:00:05 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:00:05 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting'
15:00:09 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa
15:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa'
15:00:13 <adamw> #topic Roll call
15:00:21 <tflink> morning
15:00:22 <adamw> morning morning folks
15:00:23 <adamw> who's around
15:00:29 * coremodule is around
15:00:33 <coremodule> good morning!
15:00:35 <bcotton> .hello2
15:00:36 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com>
15:00:42 <frantisekz> .hello2
15:00:43 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com>
15:02:09 * kparal is here
15:02:28 * sumantro is here
15:02:28 <cmurf> .hello chrismurphy
15:02:29 <zodbot> cmurf: chrismurphy 'Chris Murphy' <bugzilla@colorremedies.com>
15:02:49 <lruzicka> .hello2
15:02:51 <zodbot> lruzicka: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com>
15:04:18 <adamw> how is everyone
15:04:30 <lruzicka> hopefully not crowned
15:04:44 <bcotton> living the dream
15:05:05 <sumantro> great for now!
15:05:27 <adamw> heh
15:05:30 <lruzicka> we are having martial law here, so it is funny
15:05:43 <adamw> oh yeah, martial law is always a laugh riot!
15:06:26 <tflink> you keep using that word but I don't think it means what you think it means
15:06:28 <kparal> pubs are closed permanently, eol (end of life)
15:07:10 <adamw> tflink: in czech I think it's the same thing as "pubs are closed permanently"
15:07:22 <sumantro> same in Bangalore
15:07:33 <adamw> "pubs are closed permanently", "martial law", "end times", "Ragnarok", they all mean the same thing
15:08:30 <adamw> alrighty  then =)
15:08:34 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up
15:09:21 <lruzicka> adamw, no, we actually are having a ban on free movement outside with big fines and punishments if you do, unless there is a serious reason to do so
15:09:59 <adamw> yikes
15:10:04 <lruzicka> tflink, ^ how would you like to call it? of course they try to avoid the word in media, but except the death penalty, I am not seeing much difference
15:10:10 <frantisekz> lruzicka, actually, i've been walking outside a few times already without reason ... went all good
15:10:12 <frantisekz> :)
15:10:20 * tflink takes notes on what may be coming his direction in the future
15:10:44 <tflink> lruzicka: the ban on free movement? martial law is the first thing that comes to mind
15:10:46 <lruzicka> frantisekz, well, you could always argue that you needed to have a stroll in the nature
15:11:02 <lruzicka> tflink, exactly
15:11:02 <adamw> well we're way off topic, but to get technical about it, 'martial law' isn't exactly about what the rules are aiui, but who's choosing and enforcing them
15:11:12 <adamw> martial law is when the military is given that power
15:11:15 <frantisekz> yeah, you could, but if you are not grouping on one place, nobody is going to ask you anything
15:11:35 <adamw> but yeah, take it to, i dunno, freenode #friday-list? :)
15:11:50 <tflink> or #topic dictionary corner
15:11:54 <tflink> :)
15:11:55 <lruzicka> #monday-list rather
15:12:01 <adamw> every day is friday in qa!
15:12:31 <adamw> #info "adamw to update installation and base matrix templates for workstation-on-aarch64 change" - this was done, with an assist from pwhalen who pointed out some I missed, thanks
15:12:57 <adamw> "kparal to move default app functionality reduction proposal forward by summarizing current state and declaring intent to make changes shortly" - kparal, wanna give a summary here?
15:14:29 <kparal> right
15:14:44 <kparal> I summarized, nobody objected, I put the proposal into effect
15:15:07 <adamw> eeexcellent
15:15:24 <adamw> #info "kparal to move default app functionality reduction proposal forward by summarizing current state and declaring intent to make changes shortly" - kparal did this, and then went ahead and made the changes after no objections were raised
15:16:05 <adamw> #info "adamw to file a ticket and figure out how to handle IoT test result tracking" - ticket filed: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/623 . we have a plan in the ticket, implementation got hung up on Beta work, will resume this week
15:17:07 <adamw> alrighty, any other followup?
15:21:13 <adamw> i guess not!
15:21:38 <adamw> #topic F32 Beta release tasks, Final plans
15:21:45 <adamw> so, we signed off Beta on Thursday (somewhat unexpectedly)
15:21:54 <adamw> i see a couple of things we need to get done today:
15:22:05 <adamw> #info https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-02ee4b1a1c needs testing and karma
15:22:10 <adamw> we need to have that update pushed stable today
15:22:19 <adamw> that's the F30 upgrade module issue update
15:22:31 <adamw> so if folks can test F30 -> F32 updates with problematic module-y packages installed and give feedback that'd be great
15:23:58 <adamw> #action adamw to create and populate F32 Common Bugs page
15:24:02 <adamw> (that's the other thing that needs doing)
15:25:00 <adamw> anyone see any other action items or have concerns for beta?
15:25:09 <adamw> oh, and please nominate anything that should be on the commonbugs page
15:27:08 <kparal> 👍
15:28:29 <adamw> okey dokey
15:28:31 <adamw> #topic COVID-19 impact on Fedora 32 validation
15:28:38 <adamw> so yeah, it's time for everyone's favourite topic!
15:28:55 <coremodule> *cough cough*
15:28:58 <adamw> impact on fedora release validation is obviously not the most important thing in the world, but as we're the fedora qa team i still figured we should cover it =)
15:29:01 <adamw> .quarantine coremodule
15:29:05 <coremodule> lol
15:29:54 <frantisekz> so, depends, how long is office going to be in wfh expected mode
15:30:08 <adamw> #info our Red Hat employees are currently in 'expected to work from home' mode
15:30:08 <frantisekz> we have a few bare metal machines we are using for release media validation
15:30:15 <tflink> another question that came up in bcotton's email about releng - do we have enough coverage such that if someone gets sick, we can still function and don't have any bus numbers of 1?
15:30:19 <bcotton> frantisekz: let's assume for the sake of planning that it extends through the scheduled release
15:30:28 <frantisekz> okey dokey
15:30:35 <adamw> #info this affects access to some hardware used for specific release validation tests, like Mac dual-boot and firmware RAID installations
15:30:59 <frantisekz> then, there is other possibility, I have office in walking distance, I can talk with my manager and get there without using public transport just fine
15:31:06 <adamw> tflink: you know how to admin openQA, right? :P
15:31:07 <frantisekz> if needed, if possible
15:31:17 <tflink> adamw: define admin ...
15:31:59 <adamw> it's fine, don't worry, i have a plan, the plan is not to be sick
15:32:04 <tflink> in all seriousness, do we have enough knowledge/access to fix openqa if adamw gets sick?
15:32:15 <adamw> lruzicka knows some stuff
15:32:31 <tflink> I have access to the machines but I don't pretend to have much understanding of openqa's inner workings
15:32:33 <kparal> I think the biggest impact is that we generally don't have extra bare metal machines lying around at home that we can use for tests. I have one old laptop, and it takes an hour just to perform an installation. And it's BIOS only. So the impact will probably be in the speed of bare metal tests and some features might not be testable for many of us
15:32:38 <adamw> i'd hope you'd be able to figure it out if anything happens. if nothing too awful happens it mostly runs itself.
15:32:41 <lruzicka> I could probably restart and reschedule tests on the production system
15:33:13 <adamw> #info this also affects efficiency of general validation testing somewhat as we just have fewer general-purpose test systems available
15:33:18 <kparal> anything that can be tested in a VM should receive no impact
15:33:19 <pwhalen> I can help with x86 bare metal if need be.
15:33:23 <lruzicka> I have an old machine, that has not run for several years, according to kparal, the disks are gonna fail, if switched on
15:33:42 <kparal> lruzicka: make your own claims!
15:33:42 <tflink> I have some hardware around here that can be used for testing
15:33:57 <lruzicka> I also have a T460s laptop that I can use for testing
15:34:10 <lruzicka> kparal, you said that
15:34:11 * tflink is planning to get more of it hooked up to prepare for helping test
15:34:13 <adamw> i have a test box, too, can run more testing for final if needed.
15:34:29 <kparal> lruzicka: no, if I said something, it was definitely about an increased chance of hdd failure
15:35:03 <lruzicka> kparal, which is the same for me
15:35:06 <sumantrom> I have an old machine to run validation and rpi3 for Aarch64
15:35:14 <frantisekz> unfortunately, I don't have any real box at my place that can be reinstalled
15:35:15 <adamw> so, the upshot here is: we might send out a few more calls than normal for people to test stuff on unusual hardware, and of course it's always great to have general validation help from non-rh team members
15:35:16 <kparal> lruzicka: so, make your own claims, please :)
15:35:29 <frantisekz> I am planning to ask manager, if I can order/expense rpi4 for some arm testing
15:35:47 <bcotton> does the rpi4 work these days? last i knew, they didn't
15:35:49 <adamw> pwhalen: do you have enough hardware stockpiled for ARM/IoT testing? (if you're around)
15:36:11 <kparal> coremodule and sumantrom should have decent amount of ARM hardware, right?
15:36:39 <coremodule> aye, quite a bit
15:36:40 <kparal> frantisekz: about rpi4, are we sure it's going to be officially supported? I no longer remember
15:36:47 <sumantrom> i have rpi3B
15:36:49 <pwhalen> adamw, I do. And some x86 boxes if need ne
15:36:52 <pwhalen> *be
15:36:53 <adamw> great
15:36:58 <frantisekz> i think rpi4 should be supported in F32
15:37:03 <frantisekz> not sure though
15:37:21 <pwhalen> it should be, was working well until 5.6rc's
15:37:30 <kparal> heh
15:37:32 <sumantrom> frantisekz, it is AFAICR
15:38:42 <frantisekz> I'll order it, will test in from home, we'll have it in the office for the next cycle
15:38:51 <bcotton> frantisekz++
15:38:51 <frantisekz> if that damned covid is fixed before F33
15:39:04 <adamw> unfortunately can't put it on the final blocker lis
15:39:04 <adamw> t
15:39:09 <coremodule> ive got RPI4 for testing
15:39:27 <bcotton> if anyone needs reinforcement talking to their manager for equipment purchase, etc, please feel free to involve me or mattdm
15:39:35 <adamw> "I don't CARE that you're a software developer, get working on that vaccine right now"
15:40:29 <kparal> just let AI mix up some molecules and that inject it into your bloodstream, see what happens. That's call iterative development process!
15:40:31 <kparal> *called
15:40:38 <tflink> bio-hacking@
15:40:44 <adamw> and we'll run the AI on F32 Beta
15:40:45 <adamw> it'll be fine
15:41:28 * cmurf is being driven crazy by HN
15:41:45 <adamw> why would you read that
15:41:53 <adamw> it's like the comments are all *above* the break
15:42:04 <adamw> alrighty!
15:42:05 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status
15:42:06 <cmurf> amusement
15:42:08 <bcotton> okay, so back to the #topic :-)  what i'm hearing that adamw is a quasi-SPOF for OpenQA?
15:42:13 <bcotton> ah! too late!
15:42:15 <adamw> bcotton: sorry
15:42:37 <adamw> we can go back if you like
15:42:40 <adamw> #info will come back
15:42:47 <adamw> #topic COVID-19 impact on Fedora 32 validation (redux)
15:43:09 <adamw> bcotton: yes, kinda. in theory lruzicka is the backup, in practice he hasn't had time to learn everything about how stuff works yet
15:43:15 <bcotton> i'd appreciate if someone could enumerate the office-required tests on the mailing list
15:43:31 <adamw> kparal: do you wanna take that?
15:43:31 <bcotton> are there any other QA-related SPOFs, etc?
15:44:11 <lruzicka> bcotton, I can handle OpenQA if the servers don't break, if they do, I can manually set up a replacement locally.
15:44:14 <kparal> I can try
15:44:19 <bcotton> lruzicka: ack, thank you
15:44:29 <adamw> bcotton: for openQA it would be awkward if i am somehow unable to work (which seems pretty unlikely, i am not that old and don't have any underlying medical conditions so even if I catch this thing I'm probably gonna be in a perfectly OK state to deal with openQA emergencies)
15:44:48 <adamw> if something awful happens, i would expect people would be able to figure stuff out
15:45:00 <bcotton> kparal: it's okay if it's not 100% accurate
15:45:05 <tflink> yeah, between me and lruzicka, I suspect we could figure it out eventually
15:45:05 <adamw> there's documentation for everything, jskladan used to deal with openQA and can probably remember how some bits work, and so on
15:45:22 <adamw> you can also talk to the IBM guys
15:45:25 <bcotton> adamw: well you might also win the lottery between now and then. just trying to get a handle on what the "OMG!" case is :-)
15:45:25 <kparal> bcotton: I'll reply today
15:45:28 <tflink> or the three of us. either way, it could be handled - it would just take a bit longer
15:45:29 <bcotton> kparal++
15:45:46 <adamw> right, that's my read too
15:46:01 <adamw> there's no rocket science in there, it'd just be a rapid learning experience :P and also, perl!
15:46:02 <bcotton> adamw: but if a personal bubble shows up at your door, know that i sent it to you ;-)
15:46:41 <adamw> bcotton: i don't buy lottery tickets, so that seems unlikely :P
15:46:56 <bcotton> :-D
15:47:35 <adamw> #info adamw is a quasi-SPOF for openQA, likelihood of him being unable to deal with emergencies is low, if it happens lruzicka+tflink+jskladan+michelmno+etc. etc. should be able to figure stuff out
15:48:04 <adamw> #action kparal to write a mail summarizing the validation tests for which hardware access may be an issue
15:48:09 <adamw> that good, bcotton?
15:48:18 <bcotton> adamw: i am content, thank you
15:49:15 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status
15:49:18 <sumantrom> 2020-03-20 will be cloud test day. Details to come up in a couple of hours. Stay tuned to @test
15:49:23 <adamw> #chair sumantro
15:49:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw sumantro
15:49:35 <adamw> sumantrom: this is your time! people are gonna need some test days to pass the self-isolation time :P
15:50:00 <sumantrom> adamw I will surely help :D
15:50:10 <sumantrom> a bunch of them will be set up this week
15:50:16 <sumantrom> now that the Beta will be out
15:50:25 <sumantrom> which most of the folks were waiting on
15:50:26 <adamw> yay
15:50:29 <adamw> sounds good
15:50:44 <adamw> #info 2020-03-20 (Thursday) is Cloud test day, details to come soon on test@ list
15:51:17 <sumantrom> we will also be re-running IoT test day again sometime soon
15:52:04 <sumantrom> Kernel Test Week is going to happen from 2020-04-13 through 2020-04-17
15:52:12 <adamw> #info there will be a re-run of IoT Test Day soon
15:52:20 <adamw> #info Kernel Test Week will run 2020-04-13 to 2020-04-17
15:52:35 <sumantrom> we should keep backups ready if things dont go by plan
15:53:42 <sumantrom> adamw when will be good day for F32 Upgrade Test Day?
15:54:23 <adamw> uh, i don't know?
15:54:43 <adamw> i'd say at least a couple weeks before final if possible
15:54:52 <adamw> so we have time to get fixes out to multiple releases if necessary
15:55:36 <sumantrom> 2020-04-09 - would that be good?
15:55:56 <sumantrom> then we can block that day for Upgrade Test day.
15:56:04 <adamw> yeah, i think so
15:56:22 <adamw> maybe 04-02? but 04-09 should be fine too
15:56:39 <sumantrom> great ,then 2020-04-04 is great!
15:56:42 <Southern_Gentlem> 3-31 which is a week before final freeze ?
15:57:13 <sumantrom> adamw 04 is sunday, 02 it is
15:57:45 <sumantrom> Fedora 32 Upgrade Test Day on 2020-04-02 - adamw can we info that?
15:58:02 <sumantrom> also, i18n test day ran great http://testdays.fedorainfracloud.org/events/76
15:58:25 <adamw> sumantrom: yeah, i think so
15:58:31 <adamw> #info i18n Test Day is complete and went well
15:58:42 <adamw> #info Upgrade test day is pencilled in for 2020-04-02
15:58:46 <adamw> OK, I think that's enough for now :)
15:58:48 <adamw> thanks sumantro
15:58:50 <adamw> #topic Open floor
15:58:55 <adamw> very quickly, any other business?
15:59:01 <adamw> blocker review will start in #fedora-blocker-review in a minute
16:01:02 <adamw> ok, thanks for coming everyone!
16:01:45 <adamw> #endmeeting