ACTION: commops New
members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing
list [ ](jwf,
This PR is a complete rewrite of our current
wiki page. In the end, we will move our wiki page to the Fedora Docs
site. The content is rewritten to better explain what CommOps does
and the tools in our toolbox. All CommOps members, past and present,
are encouraged to review to see if it makes sense to you.(jwf,
ACTION: commops
Review PR#146 by Wednesday, Mar 21, 2018 -,
=== "Fedora participating in Google Summer of
Code 2018" ===(jwf,
Fedora is participating again in Google Summer
of Code. Applications close March 27, 2018 at 12:00 (EDT). See more
info in wesleyotugo's article.(jwf,
=== "Deprecate TCP wrappers Test Day
2018-03-22" ===(jwf,
How This Works: We look at past #action items
from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed,
we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and
re-action if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update
and move forward.(jwf,
=== [DROPPED] "x3mboy Open new CommOps ticket
with expanded idea on improving communication from public to
Ambassadors" ===(jwf,
This is superseded by activity in the Mindshare
=== [INCOMPLETE] "jwf Work on first draft of
FAD event report, share with team for feedback" ===(jwf,
ACTION: jwf Work on
first draft of FAD event report, share with team for feedback(jwf,
=== [COMPLETE] "wesleyotugo Write first draft
of "Fedora accepted into GSoC 2018" on CommBlog; write to mailing
list when ready for review (final draft due: 2018-02-26)" ===(jwf,
Need to focus on the outreach campaign. FAW
template exists but is blocked by Pagure issue templates. jwf is
working on this. bt0 wrote draft of contributor stories intro on
CommBlog and needs review.(jwf,
After the two of these things done, we begin
collecting stories from now until May / June, when we do more
follow-up to collect new stories(jwf,
Current goal is to have one type of data feed
loaded into our test GrimoireLabs instance. skamath is working on
this, pending an update from him.(jwf,
ACTION: jwf Follow up
with skamath offline for a progress update(jwf,
=== Ticket #145: "Research other
"representation" programs in other open source communities"
Mindshare Committee is planning to implement
changes to Ambassadors to be more effective and efficient. It would
be helpful to see what other open source communities are doing with
their own representation programs(jwf,
IDEA: The "deliverable"
is a list of other open source communities with representation
programs and reading information / links on how those programs are
run and managed(jwf,
ACTION: bt0 Prepare a
first draft list of other open source communities with
representation / advocacy programs with links to their organization
/ policies (to help inform upcoming changes for Fedora Ambassadors)
by Wednesday, March 21, 2018(jwf,
=== Ticket #108: "Metrics for Community Blog
and Fedora Magazine" ===(jwf,
dhanesh95 discovered an open source tool called
Huginn which may enable us to implement fedmsg support for WordPress
without writing our own plugin(jwf,
ACTION: dhanesh95
Finish research into implementation solutions and put together a
final proposal for how to move forward with WordPress fedmsg
integration by Monday, March 26, 2018(jwf,
commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
commops Review PR#146 by Wednesday, Mar 21, 2018 -
jwf Work on first draft of FAD event report, share with team for feedback
jwf Add FAW template in Etherpad as Pagure issue template in contributor-stories repo
bt0 Request review for "Contributor stories" article on CommOps mailing list
commops Review bt0's "Contributor stories" article draft and share feedback
skamath Research (possibly implement) Guard to manage granular permissions between accounts in Kibana
jwf Follow up with skamath offline for a progress update
bt0 Prepare a first draft list of other open source communities with representation / advocacy programs with links to their organization / policies (to help inform upcoming changes for Fedora Ambassadors) by Wednesday, March 21, 2018
dhanesh95 Finish research into implementation solutions and put together a final proposal for how to move forward with WordPress fedmsg integration by Monday, March 26, 2018
jwf Pitch new meeting time in a WhenIsGood poll
Action items, by person
bt0 Request review for "Contributor stories" article on CommOps mailing list
commops Review bt0's "Contributor stories" article draft and share feedback
bt0 Prepare a first draft list of other open source communities with representation / advocacy programs with links to their organization / policies (to help inform upcoming changes for Fedora Ambassadors) by Wednesday, March 21, 2018
commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
commops Review PR#146 by Wednesday, Mar 21, 2018 -
commops Review bt0's "Contributor stories" article draft and share feedback
dhanesh95 Finish research into implementation solutions and put together a final proposal for how to move forward with WordPress fedmsg integration by Monday, March 26, 2018
jwf Work on first draft of FAD event report, share with team for feedback
jwf Add FAW template in Etherpad as Pagure issue template in contributor-stories repo
jwf Follow up with skamath offline for a progress update
jwf Pitch new meeting time in a WhenIsGood poll
skamath Research (possibly implement) Guard to manage granular permissions between accounts in Kibana
jwf Follow up with skamath offline for a progress update