ACTION: commops New
members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing
list [ ](jwf,
Alberto Rodriguez S; utc-6; Commops, Dotnet,
Justin W. Flory; UTC+1; CommOps, Marketing,
Magazine, Ambassadors, Diversity Team, sysadmin-badges, and
Sachin S. Kamath; UTC +5.30; CommOps, GSoC,
Join, Metrics, and more.(skamath,
Eduard Lucena; UTC-4;
Magazine,Marketing,Ambassadors,Join and starting with infra(x3mboy,
Starting in Fedora 27, there may not be any
more Alpha releases as part of Fedora. Instead, people who want to
try the latest and greatest are encouraged to install Rawhide and
use that to help test and be a part of the release testing
=== Fedora is participating in GSoC 2017!
Last week, Fedora was officially announced as a
participating organization of Google Summer of Code 2017. We're
still soliciting the call for mentors and project ideas on the wiki
for now – more information to be announced soon.(jwf,
How This Works: We look at past #action items
from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed,
we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and
re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick
update and move forward.(jwf,
=== [INCOMPLETE] jwf Start thread on CommOps
mailing list (CC: bexelbie) on the best way to store and host a
"directory" or database of Fedora contributors actively involved
with EDU efforts ===(jwf,
ACTION: jwf Start
thread on CommOps mailing list (CC: bexelbie) on the best way to
store and host a "directory" or database of Fedora contributors
actively involved with EDU efforts(jwf,
=== [INCOMPLETE] jwf Follow up with schyken to
confirm that the article is ready to be published / apply necessary
edits as needed ===(jwf,
ACTION: jwf Reach out
to schyken with suggestions about integrating with the Fedora
community based on original article draft(jwf,
=== x3mboy Follow up with LATAM Ambassadors
about if a CommBlog article suffices for reimbursement, update
ticket #21 with feedback ===(jwf,
ACTION: x3mboy Follow
up with LATAM Ambassadors about if a CommBlog article suffices for
reimbursement, update ticket #21 with feedback(jwf,
=== [INCOMPLETE] jwf Update ticket #21 with
proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals for pre- and
post-event reports ===(jwf,
ACTION: jwf Update
ticket #21 with proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals
for pre- and post-event reports(jwf,
=== [IN PROGRESS] jwf Make a thread/wiki
page/ticket with regards to University Involvement Initiative
discussion ===(jwf,
ACTION: jwf Make a
thread/wiki page/ticket with regards to University Involvement
Initiative discussion(jwf,
AGREED: Intended
target audience for a "Fedora Student Pack" would be university
students, which compliments the Fedora Marketing efforts and also
allows us to shape our content and language to be friendlier to a
specific audience (this can be repurposed or retooled later)(jwf,
How This Works: There is a quick blast of
information about what was published in the past week with some
metrics, followed by posts that are being drafted. After the
information blast, the floor is opened for any Community
Blog-related discussion. Here we go!(jwf,
commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
jwf Start thread on CommOps mailing list (CC: bexelbie) on the best way to store and host a "directory" or database of Fedora contributors actively involved with EDU efforts
jwf Reach out to schyken with suggestions about integrating with the Fedora community based on original article draft
x3mboy Follow up with LATAM Ambassadors about if a CommBlog article suffices for reimbursement, update ticket #21 with feedback
jwf Update ticket #21 with proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals for pre- and post-event reports
jwf Make a thread/wiki page/ticket with regards to University Involvement Initiative discussion
Action items, by person
commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
jwf Start thread on CommOps mailing list (CC: bexelbie) on the best way to store and host a "directory" or database of Fedora contributors actively involved with EDU efforts
jwf Reach out to schyken with suggestions about integrating with the Fedora community based on original article draft
jwf Update ticket #21 with proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals for pre- and post-event reports
jwf Make a thread/wiki page/ticket with regards to University Involvement Initiative discussion
x3mboy Follow up with LATAM Ambassadors about if a CommBlog article suffices for reimbursement, update ticket #21 with feedback