The Diversity Adviser position is officially
filled by long-time contributor María "tatica" Leandro. Learn more
about the position, what work is going on, and a little bit more
about tatica in the Community Blog.(jflory7,
=== "“I contributed!” 2015 Gource Video Series
(3/3)" ===(jflory7,
Contributor Bee Padalkar (bee2502) wrote a
report on the Community Blog analyzing all contributions in Fedora
via a visualization with Gource. This is a cool way to put
contributions to an easily digestible video!(jflory7,
Fedora attended the FOSSASIA conference this
year in Singapore. Ambassador Woo Huiren (GIANT_CRAB) wrote a brief
report on the Community Blog about the experience.(jflory7,
=== "Fedora was at PyCon SK 2016" ===(jflory7,
Fedora recently attended a Python event in
Slovakia! PyCon SK 2016 recently finished up and Miro Hrončok
(churchyard) wrote a brief report on the Community Blog.(jflory7,
A badge has been proposed to have at our table
for Bitcamp. If a Design team member is unable to get it time,
jflory7 intends to help create this badge.(jflory7,