
#fedora-meeting-3: Infrastructure (2021-04-22)

Meeting started by mobrien at 15:59:55 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Agenda is at: (mobrien, 16:00:00)
    2. About our team: (mobrien, 16:00:06)

  1. aloha (mobrien, 16:00:06)
  2. New folks introductions (mobrien, 16:05:31)
    1. This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves (mobrien, 16:05:31)
    2. Getting Started Guide: (mobrien, 16:05:31)

  3. Next chair (mobrien, 16:11:06)
    1. magic eight ball says: (mobrien, 16:11:06)
    2. chair 2021-04-29 - zlopez (mobrien, 16:11:41)
    3. chair 2021-05-06 - dtometzki (mobrien, 16:12:13)
    4. chair 2021-05-13 - jnsamyak (mobrien, 16:15:00)

  4. announcements and information (mobrien, 16:15:43)
    1. CPE Infra&Releng EU-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting (mobrien, 16:15:43)
    2. CPE Infra&Releng NA-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-meeting-3 (mobrien, 16:15:49)
    3. work is being done on getting COPR proper powerPC systems (mobrien, 16:15:49)
    4. final freeze started on April 06th at 1400 UTC (mobrien, 16:15:54)
    5. F34 final release Go/No Go meeting April23rd (mobrien, 16:16:52)
    6. Fedora Release Party happening 30th April - 1st May (Zlopez[m], 16:18:52)

  5. Oncall (mobrien, 16:22:43)
    1. (mobrien, 16:22:43)
    2. darknao is on call for 2021-04-15 to 2021-04-22 (mobrien, 16:22:54)
    3. mobrien is on call for 2021-04-22 to 2021-04-29 (mobrien, 16:22:54)
    4. jednorozec is on call for 2021-04-29 to 2021-05-06 (mobrien, 16:28:11)
    5. dtometzki is on call for 2021-05-06 to 2021-05-13 (mobrien, 16:28:11)
    6. Summary of last week: (from current oncall ) (mobrien, 16:28:56)

  6. Monitoring discussion [nirik] (mobrien, 16:30:13)
    1. (mobrien, 16:30:20)
    2. Go over existing out items and fix (mobrien, 16:30:20)

  7. Learning topic (mobrien, 16:33:20)
    1. Onboarding process to fedora infra [nirik] on 2021-04-22 (mobrien, 16:33:20)
    2. (nirik, 16:34:10)
    3. (nirik, 16:44:35)
    4. will setup a repo for infra and releng docs soon (nirik, 16:52:48)

  8. Open Floor (mobrien, 16:53:01)
    1. will try and schedule a video meeting to just say hello next week sometime (schedule on list) (nirik, 16:53:11)
    2. (siddharthvipul, 16:53:57)

  9. Ideas for upcoming learning topics (mobrien, 17:00:31)
    1. Flatpak build chain in Fedora [otaylor] on 2021-04-29 (mobrien, 17:00:32)
    2. fedora docs [mobrien] on 2021-05-06 (mobrien, 17:03:02)

Meeting ended at 17:04:00 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. mobrien (102)
  2. nirik (56)
  3. zodbot (28)
  4. dtometzki (26)
  5. samyak-jn (16)
  6. jednorozec (13)
  7. siddharthvipul (13)
  8. ayustae (11)
  9. Zlopez[m] (10)
  10. jcsho (10)
  11. darknao (4)
  12. Derek71 (2)
  13. computerkid (2)
  14. bodanel (0)
  15. smooge (0)
  16. zlopez (0)
  17. pingou (0)

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