15:59:55 <mobrien> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2021-04-22)
15:59:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 22 15:59:55 2021 UTC.
15:59:55 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:59:55 <zodbot> The chair is mobrien. Information about MeetBot at
15:59:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:59:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2021-04-22)'
15:59:55 <mobrien> #meetingname infrastructure
15:59:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
16:00:00 <mobrien> #chair nirik smooge siddharthvipul mobrien zlopez pingou bodanel dtometzki
16:00:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: bodanel dtometzki mobrien nirik pingou siddharthvipul smooge zlopez
16:00:00 <mobrien> #info Agenda is at:
16:00:06 <mobrien> #info About our team:
16:00:06 <mobrien> #topic aloha
16:00:08 <dtometzki> .hi
16:00:09 <zodbot> dtometzki: dtometzki 'Damian Tometzki' <>
16:00:15 <nirik> morning
16:00:19 <dtometzki> hello
16:00:19 <samyak-jn> .hi
16:00:20 <zodbot> samyak-jn: Sorry, but you don't exist
16:00:24 <darknao> .hi
16:00:25 <zodbot> darknao: darknao 'Francois Andrieu' <>
16:00:30 <mobrien> hello everyone and welcome to this weeks installment of the fedora infra meeting
16:00:34 <mobrien> .hi
16:00:35 <zodbot> mobrien: mobrien 'Mark O'Brien' <>
16:00:53 <mobrien> .hola
16:00:53 <zodbot> mobrien: (hola <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hello $1".
16:00:57 <jednorozec> .hello humaton
16:00:58 <zodbot> jednorozec: humaton 'Tomáš Hrčka' <>
16:00:59 <samyak-jn> .hello
16:01:00 <jcsho> .hi
16:01:01 <zodbot> samyak-jn: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1".
16:01:04 <zodbot> jcsho: jcsho 'Justin Ho' <>
16:01:14 <Zlopez[m]> .hello zlopez
16:01:15 <zodbot> Zlopez[m]: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <>
16:01:27 <samyak-jn> .hello jnsamyak
16:01:28 <zodbot> samyak-jn: jnsamyak 'Samyak Jain' <>
16:01:41 <samyak-jn> Ah, finally :)
16:02:39 <mobrien> looks a good turnout today. I'll give another minute then move on to new folks introduction
16:03:06 <ayustae> hello
16:03:10 <ayustae> .hi
16:03:10 <zodbot> ayustae: Sorry, but you don't exist
16:03:32 <ayustae> .hello ayustae
16:03:32 <zodbot> ayustae: Sorry, but you don't exist
16:03:53 <mobrien> ayustae do you have a fas username?
16:04:09 <ayustae> yes
16:04:34 <mobrien> try .hello <fas_username>
16:04:39 <nirik> zodbot is still using our old account system, so if you made your account recently it wouldn't find it. ;)
16:05:07 <ayustae> Oh, then my name will not be found
16:05:15 <ayustae> Thank you for the explanation
16:05:29 <mobrien> Ok lets move to the next topic
16:05:31 <mobrien> #topic New folks introductions
16:05:31 <mobrien> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves
16:05:31 <mobrien> #info Getting Started Guide:
16:05:57 <mobrien> Any new folks like to introduce themselves?
16:06:34 <jcsho> Hi I'm new here!
16:06:54 <mobrien> welcome jcsho
16:06:58 <samyak-jn> Hi, jcsho o/
16:07:03 <ayustae> welcome
16:07:16 <jcsho> My name's Justin, 2 years ish of using Fedora for school, recently graduated n want to contribute on my free time
16:07:17 <Derek71> I have been a sysadmin for a couple of decades.  I am a generalist and need to improve my skills in scripting and operating at cloud scale. .  I am also currently studying security.
16:07:18 <dtometzki> welcome jcsho
16:07:29 <Derek71> I have been using fedora off and on since FC1
16:07:40 <jcsho> Found work in python jenkins n satellite data processing
16:07:53 <jcsho> Nice to meet everyone!
16:08:07 <dtometzki> many thanks+
16:08:19 <jcsho> Really interested in silverblue n currently using a custom build based on martin pittis guide
16:08:33 <mobrien> Welcome Derek71 also
16:08:39 <samyak-jn> hi, Derek71 o/
16:08:41 <Zlopez[m]> Silverblue++
16:08:43 <jcsho> Welcome Derek71
16:09:09 <nirik> welcome everyone!
16:09:41 <mobrien> If you ever need assistance don't hesitate to ask, you'll usually find a helping hand on the #fedora-admin channel
16:10:02 <jcsho> Will do!
16:11:00 <mobrien> ok lets keep the train going next topic ....
16:11:06 <mobrien> ### Determine who the next chair is
16:11:06 <mobrien> #topic Next chair
16:11:06 <mobrien> #info magic eight ball says:
16:11:24 <mobrien> oops didn't mean to copy that first line
16:11:41 <mobrien> #info chair 2021-04-29 - zlopez
16:11:41 <mobrien> chair 2021-05-06 - ???
16:11:50 <dtometzki> I can do it
16:12:02 <mobrien> Thanks dtometzki
16:12:11 <samyak-jn> I am happy to volunteer for the next chair.
16:12:13 <mobrien> #info chair 2021-05-06 - dtometzki
16:12:33 <samyak-jn> After, dtometzki! :D
16:13:06 <mobrien> thanks samyak-jn
16:13:14 <dtometzki> for me is ok 50-06 or 05-13
16:13:35 <mobrien> #info chair 2021-05-13 - samyak-jn
16:14:01 <samyak-jn> mobrien[m]: you might be able to tag me with (jnsamyak) nick
16:14:31 <mobrien> roger jnsamyak
16:14:42 <samyak-jn> :)
16:14:56 <mobrien> #undo
16:14:56 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by mobrien at 16:13:35 : chair 2021-05-13 - samyak-jn
16:15:00 <mobrien> #info chair 2021-05-13 - jnsamyak
16:15:34 <mobrien> ok we should be good for chairs, thank you both. Next topic ..
16:15:43 <mobrien> #topic announcements and information
16:15:43 <mobrien> #info CPE Infra&Releng EU-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting
16:15:49 <mobrien> #info CPE Infra&Releng NA-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-meeting-3
16:15:49 <mobrien> #info work is being done on getting COPR proper powerPC systems
16:15:54 <mobrien> #info final freeze started on April 06th at 1400 UTC
16:16:52 <mobrien> #info F34 final release Go/No Go meeting April23rd
16:17:05 <nirik> sadly looking pretty nogo right now, but oh well.
16:17:06 <mobrien> anyone have anythiong else to announce
16:17:12 <dtometzki> and the party :-)
16:17:16 <dtometzki> then
16:17:28 <nirik> reminder that if release is no-go for next week, we slip a week and we stay in freeze...
16:18:52 <Zlopez[m]> #info Fedora Release Party happening 30th April - 1st May
16:20:05 <mobrien> Thanks for the link Zlopez I must sign up to that
16:20:19 <siddharthvipul> sorry to be late folks :)
16:20:30 <mobrien> oh hi siddharthvipul
16:20:30 <siddharthvipul> mobrien asked me to go take a nap XD
16:20:34 * nirik should also sign up
16:20:41 <samyak-jn> +1 mobrien[m], thanks Zlopez[m]!
16:20:58 <siddharthvipul> \o :D
16:20:59 <mobrien> that was 5 hours ago siddharthvipul
16:21:17 <siddharthvipul> mobrien, what now, your naps last less than 5 hours?
16:21:35 <samyak-jn> siddharthvipul: o/
16:21:43 <siddharthvipul> samyak-jn, hey, how are you all
16:21:47 <Zlopez[m]> siddharthvipul: hi
16:21:48 <siddharthvipul> s/all/all
16:21:58 <siddharthvipul> sorry to interrupt y'all, please continue :P
16:22:29 <mobrien> ok so next topic
16:22:31 * nirik guesses siddharthvipul is on from texas, us today. :)
16:22:43 <mobrien> #topic Oncall
16:22:43 <mobrien> #info
16:22:54 <mobrien> #info darknao is on call for 2021-04-15 to 2021-04-22
16:22:54 <mobrien> #info mobrien is on call for 2021-04-22 to 2021-04-29
16:23:11 <mobrien> who would like to volunteer for 2021-04-29 to 2021-05-06?
16:23:18 <jednorozec> I can
16:23:20 <mobrien> .oncalltakeeu
16:23:20 <zodbot> mobrien: Error: You don't have the alias.add capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
16:23:46 <jednorozec> .oncalltakeeu
16:23:47 <zodbot> jednorozec: Error: You don't have the alias.add capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
16:23:55 <jednorozec> weird
16:23:57 <mobrien> lets try that again
16:24:00 <mobrien> user identify mobrien Weareplat1
16:24:05 <mobrien> oops
16:24:06 <dtometzki> i can do the week after jednorozec
16:24:18 <mobrien> .oncalltakeeu
16:24:18 <zodbot> mobrien: Kneel before zod!
16:24:33 <nirik> .admin capability add jednorozec alias.add
16:24:33 <zodbot> nirik: Kneel before zod!
16:24:37 <nirik> try now?
16:24:48 <jednorozec> .oncalltakeeu
16:24:48 <zodbot> jednorozec: Error: You don't have the alias.add capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
16:24:55 <nirik> .admin capability add jednorozec +alias.add
16:24:55 <zodbot> nirik: Kneel before zod!
16:25:02 <nirik> perhaps it's that.
16:25:04 <jednorozec> .oncalltakeeu
16:25:04 <zodbot> jednorozec: Error: You don't have the alias.add capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
16:25:08 <nirik> if not we can sort it out after meeting
16:25:20 <jednorozec> yeah lets do it after the meeting
16:25:28 <Zlopez[m]> I always need to authenticate with zodbot
16:25:55 <mobrien> I'm on for this week anyway jednorozec you want to take next week?
16:26:32 <jednorozec> yup
16:26:58 <dtometzki> i can do the week after jednorozec
16:28:11 <mobrien> #info jednorozec is on call for 2021-04-29 to 2021-05-06
16:28:11 <mobrien> #info dtometzki is on call for 2021-05-06 to 2021-05-13
16:28:46 <mobrien> thank you
16:28:56 <mobrien> #info Summary of last week: (from current oncall )
16:29:06 <mobrien> not sure is darknao here
16:29:07 <darknao> not a single ping on my ride
16:29:11 <darknao> side*
16:29:14 <nirik> hurray
16:29:17 <mobrien> ah there you are :)
16:29:18 <darknao> very quiet week
16:29:26 <mobrien> great!
16:29:27 <nirik> the freeze sometimes is...
16:30:13 <mobrien> ok so
16:30:13 <mobrien> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik]
16:30:20 <mobrien> #info
16:30:20 <mobrien> #info Go over existing out items and fix
16:30:25 <nirik> so, mostly same as last week...
16:30:41 <nirik> but I will note there's several machines we need to add disk space to after the freeze.
16:30:51 <nirik> in particlar all the container registries are getting full
16:31:20 * nirik has a nice pile of stuff for post freeze. :)
16:31:22 <mobrien> do we ever archive images/layers off them?
16:31:27 <nirik> anyhow, thats it, lets move on.
16:31:28 <Zlopez[m]> Containers, containers everywhere :-D
16:31:46 <nirik> mobrien: we do prune yeah, but it's still growing over time
16:32:44 <mobrien> I once tried to clean up a registry and accidentally removed a layer that nearly all the other images relied on, luckily I had a local image to fix it :)
16:32:56 <nirik> fun
16:33:18 <mobrien> Ok you are up again nirik
16:33:20 <mobrien> #topic Learning topic
16:33:20 <mobrien> #info Onboarding process to fedora infra [nirik] on 2021-04-22
16:33:48 <nirik> so, I didn't really have anything prepped. I figured we could go over what we have, and also get input from new folks on the kind of info they would like us to have. ;)
16:34:05 <nirik> in the past our onboarding info has been in the wiki...
16:34:08 <nirik> so we point people to:
16:34:10 <nirik>
16:34:15 <nirik> which has links to:
16:34:27 <nirik> tons of other things
16:34:50 <nirik> as the ticket mobrien filed eariler this week notes, we have docs all over the place. ;(
16:35:08 <nirik> and I suspect the wiki pages are probibly needing updating.
16:35:43 <mobrien> Yes, we will be looking for help to tidy all that up, just have to make the decision on what goes where first
16:35:44 <nirik> IMHO, we should look at moving everything to
16:36:03 <jcsho> The instructions on the page was fairly clear, other than getting confused by the ticket link on the meetings page
16:36:34 <jcsho> Still reading through it so I'm happy to help update docs
16:36:34 <nirik> do we already have a docs space?
16:37:23 <ayustae> I also volunteer to help updating the docs
16:37:44 <ayustae> My main question is: how can the newbies (like myself) get access to the fi-apprentice group?
16:37:52 <ayustae> It is not clear in the documentation
16:38:20 <mobrien> I would second docs.fp.o We would probably need a new section for infra & releng though
16:38:30 <nirik> ayustae: ask in #fedora-admin basically. ;) But the is also out of date
16:38:54 <ayustae> Thanks
16:39:01 <nirik> perhaps we could look at getting that setup and then folks could start moving docs over?
16:39:32 <dtometzki> nirik and what is the process for the next stage after  fi-apprentice
16:39:32 <nirik> releng also has their own docs space too...
16:39:34 <dtometzki> ?
16:39:56 <jednorozec> and releng is also out of date
16:40:14 <nirik> dtometzki: there's no one simple answer to that. :) Usually after being involved for a while and working on things, you would get added to a sysadmin-X group to work directly on that thing
16:40:20 <mobrien> I would be in favour of having infra and releng docs side by side, there is overlapping topics
16:40:23 <nirik> jednorozec: yeah.
16:40:39 <jednorozec> mobrien, +1
16:40:44 <nirik> mobrien: yeah, I think so too, but I think mboddu wanted them seperate for some things...
16:40:56 <mobrien> I would imagine a good percentage of SOPs specifically are out of date for both
16:41:23 <jednorozec> I am updating those in releng as I go through the tasks
16:41:27 <nirik> one big annoyance with both infra-docs and releng docs is that you have to 'build' them to update the sites and no one usually does...
16:41:47 <mobrien> guilty
16:41:48 <nirik> so things get fixed/merged, but the 'live' site doesn't have it.
16:41:49 <jednorozec> but there is a LOT of outdated or irrelevant content
16:42:00 <Zlopez[m]> I thought that they are built automatically
16:42:15 <nirik> Zlopez[m]: nope. :( you have to build and check into the pagure docs repo
16:42:20 <jednorozec> so first we should automate the building to see what the state actually is
16:42:31 <nirik> well, is automated. ;)
16:43:17 <mobrien> There is also a video of how to contribute to docs.fp.o that I really need to publish somewhere
16:43:23 <samyak-jn> <nirik "one big annoyance with both infr"> Oh is there any place it's documented (the build process for the same)?
16:43:30 <nirik> once we get the repo in place, we could also look at a doc a week or something in this meeting... just have a section where we all look at a doc and edit or delete or update it.
16:43:52 <mobrien> +1 for that idea
16:43:58 <samyak-jn> mobrien[m] Nice, that will be super helpful!
16:44:18 <Zlopez[m]> nirik++
16:44:35 <nirik>
16:45:23 <dtometzki> for me is it a little bit difficult to help i can write a comment to issues or i can say please open a ticket
16:45:25 <samyak-jn> nirik, thanks for the link and +1 for the idea.
16:45:28 <nirik> for the meeting we could dump a doc into a or etherpad or whatever and shared edit, then commit it at the end. :)
16:45:42 <dtometzki> and in the end you have to do the work
16:46:50 <dtometzki> and my question is what is the help here
16:46:53 <dtometzki> ?
16:47:11 <nirik> dtometzki: yeah, it's always been difficult jumping from looking/new to doing deep changes... I am not sure how to make it easier. We could try more to announce tickets, but it's hard to do when we have some many flowing thru
16:47:28 <nirik> I'm not sure I understand your question fully tho...
16:47:52 <dtometzki> jeah you understand it
16:49:00 <computerkid> .hello computerkid
16:49:01 <zodbot> computerkid: computerkid 'Grayson Penland' <>
16:49:08 <dtometzki> i dont know if it is possible to do some changes together and after some time we can do it self
16:49:13 <mobrien> dtometzki: while working on docs together it will help the person with the knowledge write it in a way another will understand while helping the person without that knowledge learn it
16:49:46 <dtometzki> yes
16:49:58 <nirik> dtometzki: if there's particular areas of interest you have, might note those and we can try and work with you on tickets/issues in that area.
16:50:37 <nirik> so, how about I (or whoever) get the docs repo setup and ready... then we add to the meeting every week 1 doc and outside the meeting we just all work on moving docs over there...
16:50:54 <dtometzki> is it ok when contact you and if you have time ?
16:51:13 <nirik> there was also a suggestion to do a just casual video meeting to meet everyone and put faces to the names... we could try that next week perhaps sometime?
16:51:26 <mobrien> nirik +1 to both ideas
16:51:28 <siddharthvipul> oh great, that would be nice
16:51:37 <samyak-jn> Nice and nice!
16:51:43 <dtometzki> cgret idea nirik
16:51:51 <nirik> dtometzki: sure, happy to when I am around and have time. ;) just ping in channel and I or mobrien or siddharthvipul or whoever is around can help out.
16:52:18 <mobrien> yes dtometzki I will help where I can
16:52:23 <siddharthvipul> same :)
16:52:48 <nirik> #info will setup a repo for infra and releng docs soon
16:52:49 <dtometzki> ok i think we will them a try
16:52:59 <mobrien> ok I think I should open up the floor
16:53:01 <mobrien> #topic Open Floor
16:53:11 <nirik> #info will try and schedule a video meeting to just say hello next week sometime (schedule on list)
16:53:57 <siddharthvipul>
16:54:17 <mobrien> speaking of which, there was a note on the board to discuss moving this meeting an hour earlier
16:54:29 <mobrien> what are peoples opinions on this?
16:54:44 <siddharthvipul> I would be definitely +1 to that, but important is to ask nirik :}
16:55:09 <dtometzki> for me is ok
16:56:31 <mobrien> I would be +1 on it but either is good
16:57:23 <nirik> I guess I could... kinda nice to have a meeting thats actually in my work day, but if everyone else wants to move earlier we can.
16:57:47 <mobrien> I hate timezones
16:57:58 <nirik> yeah, they are horrible for sure
16:58:02 <Zlopez[m]> Did we skip the planing of next talks?
16:58:17 <mobrien> yes we did Zlopez
16:58:21 <mobrien> sorry about that
16:58:33 <Zlopez[m]> I know that we have one for next week
16:59:08 <dtometzki> then we will start next thursday 1h earlier
16:59:28 <dtometzki> ?
16:59:50 <siddharthvipul> I think we can do a whenisgood and share it on infra list
16:59:57 <siddharthvipul> there are more people than just who are here
17:00:03 <mobrien> Agreed siddharthvipul
17:00:18 <dtometzki> yes
17:00:20 <computerkid> 1+
17:00:25 <mobrien> we will do a very quick new topic then I will end
17:00:31 <mobrien> #topic Ideas for upcoming learning topics
17:00:32 <mobrien> #info Flatpak build chain in Fedora [otaylor] on 2021-04-29
17:00:39 <mobrien> any other suggestions?
17:01:36 <nirik> we could do one on docs? since we have been talking about docs?
17:01:55 <mobrien> Yes, that would be a good idea
17:02:15 <mobrien> I will put my name next to it and try get something together
17:02:26 <nirik> nice
17:03:02 <mobrien> #info fedora docs [mobrien] on 2021-05-06
17:03:17 <mobrien> I need to do more of these I can just never think of topics
17:03:54 <mobrien> ok I guess I will close out as we are over time and I can smell dinner :)
17:04:00 <mobrien> #endmeeting