
#fedora-meeting-3: RELENG (2021-03-02)

Meeting started by jednorozec at 16:00:05 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (jednorozec, 16:00:16)
    1. (nirik, 16:18:21)
    2. also has a bunch of old ones (nirik, 16:20:34)
    3. ACTION: jednorozec to review (jednorozec, 16:21:57)

  2. Open Floor (jednorozec, 16:44:21)
    1. there is a netapp switch change happening this friday (smooge, 16:45:00)
    2. There is a Netapp switch reboot Thursday (03/04) at 15:00 EST (20:00 UTC). there is no expected downtime but should be ok (smooge, 16:45:51)
    3. There is a Netapp switch reboot Thursday (03/04) at 15:00 EST (20:00 UTC). there is no expected downtime but should be ok (copperi, 16:46:46)

Meeting ended at 16:52:30 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jednorozec to review

Action items, by person

  1. jednorozec
    1. jednorozec to review

People present (lines said)

  1. jednorozec (38)
  2. nirik (34)
  3. bhujji (12)
  4. smooge (8)
  5. zodbot (7)
  6. copperi (2)
  7. mboddu (1)
  8. pingou (1)
  9. pbrobinson (0)
  10. dustymabe (0)
  11. ksinny (0)
  12. sharkcz (0)

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