
#fedora-meeting-3: RELENG (2020-06-02)

Meeting started by mboddu at 15:00:37 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (mboddu, 15:00:37)
  2. #9486 Fedora Change Request: NSS CK_GCM_PARAMS change (mboddu, 15:03:29)
    1. (mboddu, 15:03:34)
    2. We will ask the owner if he wants to rebuild the packages that depend on nss and needs a side tag for it (mboddu, 15:11:41)

  3. #9467 Testing compose from a side tag, possible? (mboddu, 15:19:24)
    1. (mboddu, 15:19:29)

  4. #8105 Allow owners / maintainers and provenpackagers to untag (their) builds from Rawhide (mboddu, 15:21:36)
    1. (mboddu, 15:21:42)
    2. Since its not possible to self service this ticket right now and its not that common, people can file a ticket with releng and we will untag it for them. (mboddu, 15:35:26)

  5. #9068 Please delete `epel8` and `epel8-playground` branches for `rpms/buildbot` (mboddu, 15:39:52)
    1. (mboddu, 15:39:57)

  6. Open Floor (mboddu, 15:42:57)
    1. RelEng will go dark from this coming Sunday to next week's Tuesday, everything should be back up by Wednesday and running smoothly*. (mboddu, 15:51:12)

Meeting ended at 15:54:21 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. mboddu (62)
  2. nirik (23)
  3. pingou (8)
  4. zodbot (7)
  5. siddharthvipul (6)
  6. sharkcz (4)
  7. jednorozec (0)
  8. pbrobinson (0)
  9. dustymabe (0)
  10. ksinny (0)

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