
#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora Ambassadors meeting 2017-02-04

Meeting started by echevemaster at 22:58:02 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (echevemaster, 22:58:27)
  2. FEDORA talk at SETEIS (echevemaster, 23:10:21)
    1. https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/376 (echevemaster, 23:10:43)

  3. Funding request for event: Fedora Weekend 01 (echevemaster, 23:13:22)
    1. https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/375 (echevemaster, 23:13:35)
    2. AGREED: (+7, 0, 0) Ticket 375 approved (echevemaster, 23:18:01)

  4. Centralize a domain for latam countries (echevemaster, 23:21:20)
    1. https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/377 (echevemaster, 23:21:38)

  5. FAS regional groups (echevemaster, 23:25:23)
    1. https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/374 (echevemaster, 23:25:37)
    2. ACTION: , athos will send an email to the list, asking if we can delete the groups (echevemaster, 23:35:48)
    3. ACTION: the deadline for decide deleting the groups, will be of 7 days (echevemaster, 23:37:40)

  6. OpenFloor (echevemaster, 23:38:29)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/newticket?type=New_badge_idea (yulytas, 23:46:28)

Meeting ended at 00:01:01 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. , athos will send an email to the list, asking if we can delete the groups
  2. the deadline for decide deleting the groups, will be of 7 days

Action items, by person

  1. athos
    1. , athos will send an email to the list, asking if we can delete the groups

People present (lines said)

  1. echevemaster (146)
  2. athos (76)
  3. yn1v (32)
  4. yulytas (29)
  5. zodbot (18)
  6. alexove (14)
  7. chinosoliard (12)
  8. JuanCarlosLin (8)
  9. fredlima (7)
  10. NumberStation08 (6)
  11. tonet666p (3)
  12. bernardoha (2)
  13. porfiriopaiz (2)

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