22:58:02 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora Ambassadors meeting 2017-02-04
22:58:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Feb  4 22:58:02 2017 UTC.  The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
22:58:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
22:58:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_meeting_2017-02-04'
22:58:16 <echevemaster> #meetingname fedora-latam
22:58:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam'
22:58:27 <echevemaster> #topic Roll Call
22:58:39 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster
22:58:39 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com>
22:58:48 * echevemaster Venezuela Colombia
22:59:01 <JuanCarlosLin> .hellomynameis lin
22:59:02 <zodbot> JuanCarlosLin: lin 'Juan Carlos YJ Lin' <lin@unisoft.com.py>
22:59:03 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p
22:59:05 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com>
22:59:07 * tonet666p from Perú
22:59:10 <NumberStation08> I'm here just to follow the meeting
22:59:25 <athos> hello
22:59:27 <athos> :)
22:59:28 <echevemaster> NumberStation08, are you from Latam or other region?
22:59:31 <NumberStation08> .fas rodrigodearaujo
22:59:31 <zodbot> NumberStation08: rodrigodearaujo 'Rodrigo de Araujo S. Fonseca' <araujorodrigo1984@gmail.com>
22:59:35 <echevemaster> or a newcomer?
23:00:04 <echevemaster> ok, where are you from?
23:00:07 <NumberStation08> so so
23:00:11 <NumberStation08> i'm from brazil
23:00:37 <echevemaster> welcome aboard NumberStation08 hope that this be the first of a lot of times
23:00:45 <NumberStation08> thanks a lot echevemaster
23:01:39 <yn1v> .fas yn1v
23:01:40 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com>
23:01:44 * yn1v from NIcaragua
23:01:53 <echevemaster> #chair yn1v
23:01:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster yn1v
23:02:51 <yulytas> .hello yulytas
23:02:52 <zodbot> yulytas: yulytas 'Julita Inca Chiroque' <yrazes@gmail.com>
23:04:46 <fredlima> .fas fredlima
23:05:05 <echevemaster> I'll not extend myself on this topic
23:05:24 <echevemaster> Basically we have to wait for the approved budget
23:05:41 <echevemaster> and decide if we will have Fudcon or other event
23:06:13 <echevemaster> The idea is having clear objectives for the next 'event'
23:06:25 <echevemaster> Fudcon have to reinvent itself
23:06:39 <bernardoha> .fas bernardoha
23:06:48 <athos> !
23:07:04 <echevemaster> so, FPL is asking about ideas, if you have one, please post it at the council ticket
23:07:09 <echevemaster> athos, go ahead
23:07:59 <athos> maybe we should discuss it, during the whole week, in a new ticket. Then we, as a community, could answer FPL in the concil ticket :)
23:08:23 <echevemaster> I agree.
23:08:25 <athos> EOM
23:08:34 <yn1v> +1
23:08:43 <echevemaster> I'll open the ticket athos
23:08:57 <JuanCarlosLin> +1
23:08:57 <echevemaster> ok, discussing other topics
23:09:54 <alexove> .fas alexove
23:10:17 <fredlima> alexove: zodbot is sleeping
23:10:21 <echevemaster> #topic FEDORA talk at SETEIS
23:10:43 <echevemaster> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/376
23:10:52 <echevemaster> yulytas, this is yours
23:11:09 <echevemaster> Can you explain a little bit this ticket
23:11:11 <echevemaster> ?
23:11:32 <yulytas> yes, hi everyone. It is to record each event I am doing by myself for FEDORA
23:12:05 <yulytas> last year I did many ones with no documentation of them at pagure, so this year I will record them at the system
23:12:11 <echevemaster> ok, this is not a request?
23:12:32 <echevemaster> let's pass forward this ticket
23:12:35 <athos> good initiative :)
23:12:56 <yulytas> Not request at all, what I want to request, maybe in a new ticket is for merchandising, I mean stickers, DVDs and ballons?
23:13:17 <echevemaster> ok
23:13:18 <yulytas> can I do that for the next ones throughout this year?
23:13:22 <echevemaster> #topic Funding request for event: Fedora Weekend 01
23:13:24 <yulytas> ok, thanks
23:13:35 <echevemaster> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/375
23:13:43 <echevemaster> alexove, this is yours
23:13:52 <alexove> yes, it is :-)
23:14:00 <echevemaster> Can you explain what do you want to do
23:14:01 <echevemaster> ?
23:14:17 <alexove> yes, thanks
23:14:18 <alexove> This event aims to train people interested in collaborating with the project effectively.
23:14:26 <alexove> It will take place on various dates for a solid learning on issues related to official fedora teams (infra, packagers, designers, translators, etc).
23:14:36 <alexove> now this events will be about websites team
23:15:19 <echevemaster> alex needs USD 55
23:15:30 <alexove> all fees included :-)
23:15:32 <yn1v> o/
23:15:35 <athos> it is so sad that 30% of the cost is just to pay transfer taxes :(
23:15:35 <fredlima> +1
23:15:38 <athos> +1 here
23:15:39 <JuanCarlosLin> is a very nice event
23:15:40 <echevemaster> go ahead yn1v
23:15:41 <JuanCarlosLin> +1
23:15:43 <NumberStation08> +1
23:15:46 <tonet666p> +1
23:15:50 <bernardoha> +1
23:16:18 <echevemaster> yn1v, ?
23:16:19 <yn1v> just to point out that we are in a budget freeze. I can not do reimburses until budget clears out.
23:16:34 <echevemaster> got it, alexove is good for you?
23:16:39 <yn1v> We can ask brian to reimburse, most likely he will do it.
23:16:56 <alexove> no problems for me :-)
23:17:04 <echevemaster> +1 from me, for the Alex's ticket
23:17:10 <yn1v> I have an observation about the way fees are calculated. Just to be fair.
23:17:56 <athos> ?
23:18:01 <echevemaster> #agreed (+7, 0, 0) Ticket 375 approved
23:18:13 <alexove> thanks guys
23:18:35 <yn1v> paypal fees should be calculated at the very end. After bank fees. If I transfer like that, the banks fees will no be included in the paypal fees. Is just a few cents, but I like to point out that for future refreneces
23:19:14 <echevemaster> thanks alexove
23:19:34 <echevemaster> athos, your ticket about equipment is ready to be discussed?
23:19:36 <echevemaster> or not
23:19:37 <echevemaster> ?
23:19:43 <athos> not yet, sorry guys.
23:19:49 <echevemaster> okm
23:20:02 <athos> Since I failed to do that in the last FY, I will just discuss it later on
23:20:10 <athos> if that is ok
23:20:12 <athos> :)
23:20:37 <echevemaster> athos, and for the Material for brazil
23:20:37 <echevemaster> ?
23:20:46 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br>
23:20:49 <zodbot> bernardoha: bernardoha 'Bernardo C. Hermitaño Atencio' <bernardoha@gmail.com>
23:20:55 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com>
23:21:04 <athos> yes
23:21:20 <echevemaster> #topic Centralize a domain for latam countries
23:21:24 <athos> I will do that later... let's wait so yn1v let us know about this FY budget
23:21:38 <echevemaster> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/377
23:21:40 <athos> and for ppl to fill whatever they plan for this year
23:22:10 <echevemaster> x3mboy, this issue have a lot of time around
23:22:59 <echevemaster> so, guys we have to decide what we will do with this issue
23:23:11 <athos> !
23:23:48 <echevemaster> from my side I agree with Athos's idea on the ticket
23:23:51 <echevemaster> athos, go ahead
23:24:01 <athos> wouldn't it be nice to discuss that specific issue in the ticket? more ppl could give their feedbacks there
23:24:21 <echevemaster> athos, could be.
23:24:29 <echevemaster> are you agree guys?
23:24:34 <fredlima> agreed
23:24:39 <athos> EOM
23:24:41 <echevemaster> or do you want to add something here?
23:25:16 <echevemaster> ok
23:25:23 <echevemaster> #topic  FAS regional groups
23:25:37 <echevemaster> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/374
23:26:00 <athos> I talked to a lot o fppl about this, and we have too many different opinions on it
23:26:03 <echevemaster> potty, athos something to add here, I can't see a detailed explanation
23:26:07 <echevemaster> ?
23:26:36 <athos> after thinking a lot about it, I do believe those groups should not exist. But I think each community should decide about it by itself
23:26:49 <athos> these are the fas-country groups
23:27:00 <echevemaster> oh ok
23:27:09 <athos> .admins fedora-br
23:27:10 <zodbot> athos: Administrators for fedora-br: athoscr dbruno
23:27:20 <echevemaster> from me, these shouldn't exist too
23:27:42 <echevemaster> We can vote here?
23:27:46 <echevemaster> please
23:27:51 <athos> So this is what I will do: I will talk to the brazilian community about it: If they agree, I will terminate the fedora-br group
23:28:11 <yn1v> o/
23:28:17 <athos> EOM
23:28:26 <echevemaster> athos, this is a very burocratic flow
23:28:30 <echevemaster> yn1v, go ahead
23:29:02 <echevemaster> I don't think you have to ask all the brazilian community to do it
23:29:31 <yn1v> I am not against the country groups. But they have no rules, that's what I oppose. They are a loop to get cla+1 (fcla+1)
23:29:42 <athos> exactly ^
23:29:53 <yn1v> I really do not see the point of having country groups
23:29:57 <fredlima> yn1v: agreed
23:30:09 <yn1v> nobody has done anything useful with those.
23:30:12 <echevemaster> so, I think we can vote here to delete them
23:30:20 <echevemaster> from me +1
23:30:37 <yn1v> most people want country stats. I think that the best way to do this is with a badge
23:30:44 <athos> but it would not be democratic to have a decision for all the groups here... so I think each country ambassadors should let us know we can delete theirs
23:31:03 <athos> I like the badge idea :)
23:31:12 <yn1v> so, my proposal is to delete all country groups and create badges for each country that want to count thier collaborators
23:31:15 <echevemaster> athos, the vast mayority had not activity for years\
23:31:30 <yn1v> eof
23:31:39 <athos> maybe we could give zodbot a function to list members who own a specific badge :)
23:31:55 <fredlima> yn1v file a ticket about it. that's a great ideia
23:32:06 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard
23:32:07 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <a.soliard@gmail.com>
23:32:12 * chinosoliard from Arg
23:32:22 <echevemaster> ok athos no problem, please write an email and send to the ambassador list
23:32:30 <yulytas> what about my badge for promoting FEDORA at SETEIS? :)
23:32:33 <athos> I will
23:32:39 <echevemaster> How many days for the deadline athos
23:32:40 <echevemaster> ?
23:32:50 <athos> yulytas: you should request it yourself at the fedora-badges trac
23:32:57 <athos> 7, echevemaster
23:32:58 <yulytas> oh ok
23:33:18 <porfiriopaiz> .fas porfiriopaiz
23:33:19 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: porfiriopaiz 'Porfirio Andrés Páiz Carrasco' <porfiriopaiz@gmail.com>
23:33:22 <echevemaster> yulytas, can you stop to talk of unrelated topics?
23:33:36 * porfiriopaiz from Managua in Nicaragua.
23:33:47 <alexove> athos: fedora-badges trac still exist?
23:33:55 <yulytas> you are taking about badges, and you have seen my ticket about the event where I did financial support to fEDORA this year
23:33:56 <echevemaster> alexove, good question
23:34:32 <athos> yes alexove
23:34:36 <echevemaster> We are not talking about badges but anyways
23:34:39 <athos> they are still working on porting it
23:35:02 <echevemaster> yes athos, badges trac is  the most extense trac\
23:35:04 <alexove> yulytas: I suggest you look for and read the badges documentation before you ask
23:35:46 <JuanCarlosLin> what about 30 days to shutdown country pages
23:35:48 <echevemaster> #action, athos will send an email to the list, asking if we can delete the groups
23:36:00 <echevemaster> deadline?
23:36:03 <athos> yulytas: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ Just ask them for an event badge! ask wmoreno if he can help with the art ;)
23:36:09 <athos> next saturday, echevemaster
23:36:11 <JuanCarlosLin> yes 30 days
23:36:20 <alexove> athos++
23:36:27 <yulytas> great athos! thx!
23:36:36 <echevemaster> who are with athos or JuanCarlosLin
23:36:36 <echevemaster> ?
23:36:56 <athos> 7 days here, if I am the one sending the email
23:37:01 <echevemaster> ok
23:37:40 <echevemaster> #action the deadline for decide deleting the groups, will be of 7 days
23:38:07 <echevemaster> Well these are the tickets that have the flag meeting for today
23:38:20 <echevemaster> so, there are anything to discuss for today
23:38:29 <echevemaster> #topic OpenFloor
23:38:31 <athos> !
23:38:35 <yulytas> !
23:38:44 <echevemaster> yulytas, now, you can talk about any unrelated topic
23:38:51 <echevemaster> athos, is openfloor :)
23:39:02 <alexove> echevemaster++
23:39:02 <zodbot> alexove: Karma for echevemaster changed to 4 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
23:39:03 <yulytas> hahahaha thanks echevemaster, you are always nice
23:39:19 <athos> I have 2 topics:
23:39:20 <yulytas> I have been invited for many other IT events
23:39:27 <athos> oh, go ahead, yulytas
23:39:44 <yulytas> and I do not have stickers or more merchansiding that left over from my past events
23:40:00 <yulytas> I already created a ticket https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/378
23:40:32 <yulytas> how is the procces? if you send me the merchadising? by plain or how is it?
23:40:52 <athos> yulytas: we can vote your ticket
23:40:57 <echevemaster> no, the process is create the merchadising locally
23:40:58 <yn1v> can I answer?
23:41:00 <yulytas> ok
23:41:04 <echevemaster> yn1v,
23:41:06 <athos> but this is not the 1st time you open a ticket during the meeting.... :(
23:41:09 <yulytas> yes please neville
23:41:13 <echevemaster> go ahead
23:41:52 <yn1v> for the moment each country/city should create their own swag. Not ideal but is what we can work at the moment.
23:42:05 <echevemaster> indeed
23:42:25 <yn1v> so, same as events. You open a ticket requesting funds for producing swag, you put a quote and the tickets is voted.
23:42:50 <yulytas> I have never asked for this, I usually give my events merchadising when they are over
23:42:54 <echevemaster> correct. so yulytas you can not create swag without votes
23:43:08 <yulytas> ok guys, got it, thanks
23:43:15 <yn1v> Brian is looking how we can produce a large amount of swag in US or Europe. Then send to some people in latam and those will redistribute.
23:43:32 <echevemaster> yulytas, at least in latam, always has been a problem receive swag from USA or emea
23:43:39 <athos> that would be great IMO
23:43:44 <echevemaster> so, the best way it's create them
23:43:48 <yn1v> Maybe, if they ship everything to RH office in Raleigh they can ship to each ambasador upon request.
23:44:06 <echevemaster> yn1v, or ship to Redhat based countries
23:44:12 <yn1v> That is what he is working at the moment. We have been talking about this to speed things up.
23:44:12 <echevemaster> brazil colombia, peru etc
23:44:21 <athos> if they can ship to RH offices in brazil, it would probably work as well (for us here)
23:44:30 <athos> yes
23:44:36 <echevemaster> the same here in Colombia
23:44:51 <yn1v> not really, because RH in latam are only comercial offices and do not provide any community support
23:45:00 <yulytas> can I ask another unrelated question echeve?
23:45:15 <echevemaster> yulytas, you are in Open Floor
23:45:22 <echevemaster> you can ask what you want
23:45:44 <echevemaster> because of that, I;m saying you, not interrupt the topics :)\
23:45:51 <yulytas> ok, I am trying to create a report for the badge with the athos links, it seems like a bug, is that OK that I will continue?
23:46:08 <echevemaster> where?
23:46:24 <echevemaster> trac
23:46:25 <echevemaster> ?
23:46:28 <yulytas> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/newticket?type=New_badge_idea
23:46:35 <echevemaster> no problem at all
23:47:01 <yulytas> okis, thanks!!!! then I will ask the questity of $150 for a year of merchadising
23:47:12 <echevemaster> what?????
23:47:13 <yulytas> is that right?
23:47:16 <athos> ok, my 2 topics: 1 - I found a GREAT library nearby my hose. they have computers, free internet, lots of space. It is just GREAT. I decided I will spend my saturdays there, when possible. I would like to organize Fedora activities there. Having a Meetup account would probably speed things up in the first few weeks/months
23:47:36 <echevemaster> yulytas, do you know what is a badge?
23:47:44 <echevemaster> in Fedora?
23:48:01 <yulytas> I think is a symbolic price to do something for FEDORA
23:48:04 <athos> question is: yn1v: would it be possible to have you assigning me a meetup account? I could share it with brazilians ambassadors. This would probably not be permanent.
23:48:11 <yulytas> please correct me if I am wrong
23:48:23 <yn1v> athos, meetup will help you get attention from people with other interests... good idea
23:48:53 <yn1v> why me? ther is something to pay for it?
23:48:53 <athos> it would be for the 1st few weeks, so I can gather ppl together. Then we could cancel it
23:49:00 <echevemaster> yn1v, https://badges.fedoraproject.org/
23:49:09 <athos> yes :( you need to pay to be able to create events there
23:49:09 <echevemaster> this is a badge in Fedora
23:49:12 <echevemaster> yulytas,
23:49:26 <yulytas> ok
23:49:29 <athos> sth between 7~15 dollars a month
23:49:36 <echevemaster> yulytas, it's not a real badge
23:49:38 <athos> I need to check the price
23:49:41 <alexove> great info echevemaster
23:49:45 <echevemaster> is a online badge
23:50:09 <yn1v> I see no problem to have a meetup account for latam, we can use to promote all events in the region.
23:50:25 <athos> sounds good for me
23:50:27 <athos> :)
23:50:32 <athos> should we vote it?
23:50:39 <fredlima> talkig about badges. there's something I want to share with you: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/report/2016
23:50:51 <echevemaster> only if the meetup is for all latam athos not only for brazil
23:51:14 <yn1v> but to have proper order, I suggets to open a ticket for that. You shoul d propose that you will be admin and that you share the password with somebody that help you. Just to avoid the hit-by-a-bus scenario.
23:51:26 <athos> sure
23:51:31 <athos> I will do that
23:51:39 <yn1v> or in fedora world ... "what will hapen if you get caught by a velociraptor?"
23:51:39 <athos> yes, we can share it with latam, echevemaster ;)
23:52:05 <echevemaster> the space athos,not the admin
23:52:08 <athos> I know :) The best case would be to have you as the admin of the account, since you would process payments
23:52:39 <echevemaster> please open the ticket
23:52:40 <athos> anyway, I will open the ticket and then we can keep discussing it there
23:52:43 <echevemaster> and we can vote it
23:52:43 <athos> :)
23:52:54 <athos> I have a last topic, a bit more serious:
23:53:30 <echevemaster> athos, please don't ask 100 for badges
23:53:32 <athos> I'd like to propose a change on the latam voting system. It would be better if we had sth like FAmSCo, where we open a ticket and ppl can vote for the next X days
23:53:33 <echevemaster> USD
23:53:43 <yn1v> okey, I can be the admin to make the apyments, and you (athos) do all the scheduling in meetup
23:53:45 <athos> lol
23:54:12 <echevemaster> athos,  agree
23:54:14 <athos> yes yn1v! I would have no problem handling all the other things and assinging more admins :)
23:54:25 <echevemaster> through what system Fedora election?
23:54:32 <athos> just pagure tickets
23:54:45 <athos> like they do in the packagers, fesco, famsco, etc
23:55:09 <athos> then ppl will have REAL time to read tickets and think before they vote
23:55:12 <echevemaster> ok, we can discuss it the next meeting
23:55:25 <echevemaster> please open the ticket and send to the list, so we can vote there
23:55:28 <echevemaster> or discuss,
23:55:30 <athos> ok. I will open a ticket! (lotsa tickets!)
23:55:37 <yn1v> I think election infra will be overflooded by trivial issues. I will not like that
23:55:39 <echevemaster> from me is a huge +1
23:55:59 <echevemaster> why, we have to looking for to make the things happens
23:56:11 <athos> not elections system, yn1v. just pagure tickets instead of voting in meetings
23:56:23 <athos> (in our latam trac)
23:56:27 <yn1v> I rather open a survey account to cast votes if we can not have a proper votation in a pagure ticket
23:56:29 <chinosoliard> +1
23:56:32 <echevemaster> athos, some things could be voted here
23:56:36 <echevemaster> like events
23:56:51 <chinosoliard> should we notice everyone in latam that votations will be on pagure?
23:56:57 <echevemaster> decisions that needs more discussions could be voted in pagure
23:56:57 <athos> no chinosoliard
23:57:07 <athos> we will discuss it next week
23:57:10 <chinosoliard> echevemaster: I think that some things could be "discussed" here
23:57:13 <yn1v> athos, yes ... I will like to vote some issues on the tickets. +1
23:57:40 <echevemaster> chinosoliard?
23:57:43 <athos> ok
23:57:44 <chinosoliard> another point, please
23:57:45 <athos> EOM here
23:57:49 <chinosoliard> echevemaster: w?
23:57:57 <echevemaster> Synonyms teacher? what do you want?
23:58:04 <echevemaster> athos, so great idea
23:58:11 <echevemaster> will discuss them
23:58:18 <echevemaster> MAy I close the meeting?
23:58:20 <yn1v> probably we can send an email with a specific word on subject, so people can make a filter to be alerted if the want have special atention to votes
23:58:31 <echevemaster> yn1v, right.
23:58:35 <JuanCarlosLin> +1
23:58:37 <chinosoliard> I propose to discuss here, in meetings, things that are in "doubt"
23:58:50 <echevemaster> something like <<Special voting  >>
23:59:09 <yulytas> sth like  [voting - xxx]
23:59:12 <echevemaster> chinosoliard, please put it on the next discussion on the ticket
23:59:23 <chinosoliard> yn1v: I've asked potty about 2018 budget, to start completing the wiki page with events
23:59:39 <echevemaster> chinosoliard, we can start to do it
23:59:40 <chinosoliard> echevemaster: I'll do that. Thanks
00:00:01 <echevemaster> the budget plan, if you are willing to do it, go ahead
00:00:09 <echevemaster> it's just copy the last template
00:00:22 <echevemaster> I'll close the meeting
00:00:23 <chinosoliard> it's only create a new page using the old one?
00:00:27 <echevemaster> agreed?
00:00:31 <chinosoliard> ok
00:00:32 <echevemaster> yes chinosoliard
00:00:33 <athos> ok
00:00:36 <JuanCarlosLin> +1
00:00:42 <echevemaster> and wait fot the people fill it
00:00:44 <athos> grat meeting. Thank you guys :)
00:00:55 <echevemaster> bye guys
00:01:01 <echevemaster> #endmeeting