AGREED: 1347273 -
RejectedBlocker - this is unfortunate but it's only coming to light
very late, we have little data but so far it seems specific to
firmware RAID, and there are other mechanisms for achieving boot on
UEFI, so the combined impact is too low to consider this a blocker
at this point(adamw,
(1347291) Booting from Windows 10 entry ends with 'relocation failed' error(adamw, 17:16:13)
AGREED: 1347291 -
RejectedBlocker - there definitely seems to be a bug here, but we
know it works in at least several cases (so far reports are ~50/50)
and the firmware boot interface can be used by anyone with a
sensible firmware(adamw,
AGREED: nirik affirms
there's no mechanism for update notification in Xfce, so we agree in
principle to except Xfce from the criterion "Release-blocking
desktops must notify the user of available updates, but must not do
so when running as a live image.", which makes the lack of an Xfce
result for that test case irrelevant(adamw,
AGREED: Coverage of
Test Matrices for RC 1.2 is sufficiently completed(jkurik,