AGREED: Our code of
conduct is under the CC BY 4.0 license (+8,0,-0)(bcotton,
AGREED: Marie Nordin
is a member of the Code of Conduct committee due to her role as a
Code of Conduct specialist and her experience with the Fedora
community (+8,0,-0)(bcotton,
supplemental Code of Conduct documentation is ready for the policy
change policy process.(bcotton,
ACTION: mattdm to
begin the policy change process for the Code of Conduct supplemental
ACTION: mattdm to
draft a Community Blog post explaining the change in title from
Objectives to Community Initiatives (e.g. why did the Council make
this decision and what does it mean for new Community
AGREED: We will add
an executive sponsor (existing Council member) role for Community
Initiatives. (+8,0,-0)(bcotton,
We have consensus to remove the full/auxiliary
member distinction.(bcotton,
ACTION: mattdm to
start the process for removing the auxiliary member
AGREED: We are
renaming the “Diversity & Inclusion Team Representative” role to
“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisor” (+8,0,-0)(bcotton,
ACTION: sumantrom to
draft a new opening paragraph for elected representatives to change
“he or she” to “they” and to clarify wording to indicate that the
Council is an active body(bcotton,
ACTION: dcantrell to
review the Engineering representative section for accuracy and
propose necessary changes(bcotton,
Matthew’s goal is to have 1–2 posts a week on
Discussion about the impacts in the strategy through April, at which
point the Council will vote on the strategy.(bcotton,
In May–June, we want to find two people per
outcome: 1 person to lead, 1 Council member as executive
Finalize plan for presentation at Flock in
early August(bcotton,
We spent a lot of time discussing the 18
objectives in the strategic plan logic model(bcotton,
mattdm to begin the policy change process for the Code of Conduct supplemental documentation
mattdm to add content about private meetings and time expectations to Council docs
mattdm to draft a Community Blog post explaining the change in title from Objectives to Community Initiatives (e.g. why did the Council make this decision and what does it mean for new Community Initiatives?)
mattdm to start the process for removing the auxiliary member distinction
sumantrom to draft a new opening paragraph for elected representatives to change “he or she” to “they” and to clarify wording to indicate that the Council is an active body
dcantrell to review the Engineering representative section for accuracy and propose necessary changes
mattdm to propose moving Change proposals to Discussion
sumantrom to generate a list of mailing lists, including usage categorization (e.g. announcements, discussion, etc)
mattdm to create a “Council scratchpad” workflow category in docs
bcotton to create a PR for the static page
t0xic0der to request deprecation notice for Easyfix
bcotton to send out a WhenIsGood
Action items, by person
bcotton to create a PR for the static page
bcotton to send out a WhenIsGood
mattdm to begin the policy change process for the Code of Conduct supplemental documentation
mattdm to add content about private meetings and time expectations to Council docs
mattdm to draft a Community Blog post explaining the change in title from Objectives to Community Initiatives (e.g. why did the Council make this decision and what does it mean for new Community Initiatives?)
mattdm to start the process for removing the auxiliary member distinction
sumantrom to draft a new opening paragraph for elected representatives to change “he or she” to “they” and to clarify wording to indicate that the Council is an active body
dcantrell to review the Engineering representative section for accuracy and propose necessary changes
mattdm to propose moving Change proposals to Discussion
sumantrom to generate a list of mailing lists, including usage categorization (e.g. announcements, discussion, etc)
mattdm to create a “Council scratchpad” workflow category in docs
t0xic0der to request deprecation notice for Easyfix