PyCon US 2016 is this week, and many members of
the Fedora contributor community can be found there this week. There
will be Fedora sprints coming up later on in the week, so stay tuned
for any news from the team there. If you're at PyCon, stop by the
Fedora table and say hello (and check out some of those awesome
Python brochures)!(jflory7,
Action items from last meetings(jflory7, 21:06:49)
=== [COMPLETE] jflory7 Open discussion on
Marketing mailing list about needs for password storage and
distribution to pass on to Infrastructure team based on feedback
from Infra team about what we need ===(jflory7,
=== [COMPLETE] decause Visit Docs Team Office
Hours about finding ways to improve the Marketing task pipeline
decause and jflory7 stopped by for a bit to
check in with the team and generate some ideas, more info to
=== [IN PROGRESS] decause open a ticket on
council track for Python Marketing Objective request ===(jflory7,
ACTION: decause Open
a ticket on Council Trac for Python Marketing Objective
=== [COMPLETE] jflory7 Add ideas to the
Marketing ticket about announcement from meeting ===(jflory7,
"Transition to FOSCo - Nomination of the
marketing coordinator"(jflory7,
AGREED: Ticket #225
cannot be discussed further until FOSCo is closer to forming or if
additional nominations come in. For now, we will remove this ticket
from future meeting agendas.(jflory7,
ACTION: jflory7
Remove Ticket #225 from meeting report on Trac(jflory7,
ACTION: linuxmodder
bkp Work on getting some screenshots added to the F24 Screenshot
library for upcoming release, check in on mailing list with status
later next week(jflory7,
decause Open a ticket on Council Trac for Python Marketing Objective request
jflory7 Post to Marketing list asking for opinions and thoughts on next steps to finalize Friends of Fedora proposal
jflory7 Remove Ticket #225 from meeting report on Trac
linuxmodder bkp Work on getting some screenshots added to the F24 Screenshot library for upcoming release, check in on mailing list with status later next week
bkp Reach out to decause and mattdm to see where things are for the F24 Release Announcement right now
Action items, by person
linuxmodder bkp Work on getting some screenshots added to the F24 Screenshot library for upcoming release, check in on mailing list with status later next week
bkp Reach out to decause and mattdm to see where things are for the F24 Release Announcement right now
decause Open a ticket on Council Trac for Python Marketing Objective request
bkp Reach out to decause and mattdm to see where things are for the F24 Release Announcement right now
jflory7 Post to Marketing list asking for opinions and thoughts on next steps to finalize Friends of Fedora proposal
jflory7 Remove Ticket #225 from meeting report on Trac
linuxmodder bkp Work on getting some screenshots added to the F24 Screenshot library for upcoming release, check in on mailing list with status later next week