
#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Marketing

Meeting started by jzb at 21:07:28 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. roll call (jzb, 21:08:03)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Marketing_meeting_2016-03-16 (decause, 21:08:35)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Marketing_meeting_2016-03-16 (decause, 21:10:26)
    3. decause; UTC-4; Commops, Council, * (decause, 21:11:17)

  2. action items from last week (16 March 2016) (jzb, 21:12:08)
    1. bkp; UTC-4; Social Media; Marketing (bkp, 21:12:18)
    2. https://github.com/fedora-infra/fmn.rules/issues/74 (decause, 21:13:50)
    3. ACTION: jzb working on Fedora Marketing Python objective (jzb, 21:15:09)
    4. ACTION: decause follow-up with jflory7 after he's done travelling (decause, 21:17:04)

  3. open floor (jzb, 21:17:49)
  4. F24 Alpha Release Announcement (decause, 21:20:54)
    1. https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-marketing-tasks.html (decause, 21:21:22)
    2. https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/sresults/?group_id=f24-alpha-go_no_go-meeting&type=team (decause, 21:22:53)
    3. (decause, 21:23:36)
    4. AGREED: Fedora 24 Alpha release is considered as GOLD and we are ready to ship it (jkurik, 17:17:19) (decause, 21:23:43)
    5. https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/f24-alpha-go_no_go-meeting/f24-alpha-go_no_go-meeting.2016-03-23-17.00.html (decause, 21:24:14)
    6. https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/f24-alpha-go_no_go-meeting/f24-alpha-go_no_go-meeting.2016-03-23-17.00.log.html (decause, 21:24:23)
    7. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_talking_points (jzb, 21:27:45)
    8. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_talking_points (decause, 21:27:51)
    9. ACTION: decause ask mattdm about GNOME release (decause, 21:31:31)
    10. ACTION: decause deliver the F24 Alpha Release announcement by Monday 3/28 (decause, 21:33:46)
    11. ACTION: jzb work w/decause to deliver text version and document process on Marketing wiki (jzb, 21:35:04)
    12. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases?rd=Releases/ (decause, 21:35:37)

  5. Python Brochure (bkp, 21:37:15)
    1. ACTION: bkp poke folks with Python experience to review brochure. (jzb, 21:41:20)
    2. HELP: we're putting together the Fedora 24 Alpha Release Announcement and need help! https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F24_Alpha_release_announcement (decause, 21:42:54)
    3. HELP: we're putting together the Fedora 24 Alpha Release Announcement and need help! https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F24_Alpha_release_announcement (decause, 21:43:12)

Meeting ended at 21:45:31 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jzb working on Fedora Marketing Python objective
  2. decause follow-up with jflory7 after he's done travelling
  3. decause ask mattdm about GNOME release
  4. decause deliver the F24 Alpha Release announcement by Monday 3/28
  5. jzb work w/decause to deliver text version and document process on Marketing wiki
  6. bkp poke folks with Python experience to review brochure.

Action items, by person

  1. bkp
    1. bkp poke folks with Python experience to review brochure.
  2. decause
    1. decause follow-up with jflory7 after he's done travelling
    2. decause ask mattdm about GNOME release
    3. decause deliver the F24 Alpha Release announcement by Monday 3/28
    4. jzb work w/decause to deliver text version and document process on Marketing wiki
  3. jzb
    1. jzb working on Fedora Marketing Python objective
    2. jzb work w/decause to deliver text version and document process on Marketing wiki

People present (lines said)

  1. jzb (96)
  2. decause (76)
  3. bkp (25)
  4. zodbot (8)
  5. linuxmodder (4)
  6. the_jza (3)

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