21:07:28 <jzb> #startmeeting Fedora Marketing
21:07:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 23 21:07:28 2016 UTC.  The chair is jzb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:07:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:07:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing'
21:07:49 <jzb> OK
21:07:50 <jzb> howdy all
21:07:51 * bkp here
21:07:59 <jzb> jflory7 is busy today and asked me to run the meeting
21:08:00 <jzb> so
21:08:03 <jzb> #topic roll call
21:08:19 * bkp still here
21:08:22 <decause> .hello decause
21:08:23 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com>
21:08:35 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Marketing_meeting_2016-03-16
21:08:40 <decause> here is last weeks agenda
21:09:58 <jzb> decause: that was last week's?
21:10:03 <decause> so, it's just us three then?
21:10:05 <jzb> decause: says 9 March which was two weeks ago
21:10:20 <jzb> anybody else here for marketing funzies?
21:10:26 <decause> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Marketing_meeting_2016-03-16
21:10:33 <the_jza> I am.
21:10:47 <jzb> #chair bkp decause the_jza
21:10:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: bkp decause jzb the_jza
21:11:17 <decause> #info decause; UTC-4; Commops, Council, *
21:12:08 <jzb> #topic action items from last week (16 March 2016)
21:12:18 <bkp> #info bkp; UTC-4; Social Media; Marketing
21:12:47 <jzb> 1) jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new guidelines proposed on the mailing list
21:12:50 <jzb> this is done
21:13:05 <jzb> 2) jzb Finish drafting F24 Cloud Alpha talking points
21:13:10 <jzb> this is in progress, but mostly done.
21:13:22 <jzb> 3) decause file a ticket on fedora-infra for FMN example messages time-out on email-list messages filter
21:13:40 <jzb> decause: update on that one? Done, in-progress, not started, no longer relevant?
21:13:50 <decause> #link https://github.com/fedora-infra/fmn.rules/issues/74
21:14:07 <decause> complete, awaiting fix (but just updated ticket after first response)
21:14:18 <decause> jzb: ^
21:14:19 <jzb> decause: excellent, thanks
21:14:29 <jzb> OK, we have a slew of actions all set for jflory7
21:14:33 <decause> :P
21:14:37 <jzb> I'm going to skip those unless anybody objects
21:14:49 <jzb> though I can attest he's done #7
21:14:58 <jzb> also
21:15:06 <decause> I think he reached out to the python sig also
21:15:09 <jzb> #action jzb working on Fedora Marketing Python objective
21:15:13 <decause> so #4 complete
21:15:17 <jzb> excellent
21:15:32 <jzb> do we have linuxmodder- ?
21:15:42 <decause> me and linuxmodder- are going to be working on talking points at hack session tonight, iirc
21:15:49 <jzb> decause: +1
21:15:50 <jzb> ok
21:15:56 <jzb> then we're done with that
21:16:01 <decause> last night was GSoC reveiew hack session
21:16:22 <decause> (personal decause hack session :P)
21:16:50 <decause> the others I'm not entirely sure about though
21:17:04 <decause> #action decause follow-up with jflory7 after he's done travelling
21:17:42 <jzb> I don't see any other meeting-tagged tickets on fire or relevant with the group we have right now.
21:17:49 <jzb> #topic open floor
21:17:56 <jzb> any items for open floor this week?
21:18:07 <jzb> bkp: anything to raise this week?
21:18:11 * decause has one
21:18:24 <jzb> decause: go for it.
21:18:34 <bkp> jzb: Yes. Halfway done with Python brochure and had a question
21:18:39 <decause> #topic F24 GA Release Announcement
21:18:42 <bkp> Oh, go ahead decause
21:19:38 <jzb> decause: that's a little premature? :-)
21:19:41 <decause> I've gotten pings from the folks on leadership that this is an *important* action item that commops helped with last time around, and mktg will be taking more of a lead on with mattdm being consumed in Engineering-land.
21:20:03 <decause> I don't mind being a bit pre-emptive getting it on the radar
21:20:17 <jzb> decause: well, but we have the alpha and beta ones first is my point
21:20:18 <decause> I think once we have all the talking points, we can start drafting something?
21:20:25 <decause> erp, yes
21:20:25 <jzb> the GA should flow from those
21:20:27 <decause> lol
21:20:33 <decause> so, the alpha announce then?
21:20:35 <decause> yeah
21:20:37 <jzb> decause: yeah
21:20:45 <decause> #undo
21:20:45 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x418ce310>
21:20:54 <decause> #topic F24 Alpha Release Announcement
21:20:57 <jzb> decause: though, I do like to shift focus a bit from alpha -> beta - GA announce, different audiences.
21:21:10 <jzb> decause: what was the outcome of the go/no-go today for alpha?
21:21:19 <jzb> I wasn't able to attend.
21:21:22 <decause> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-marketing-tasks.html
21:21:29 <decause> last time it was 'no-go' but I was not there today either
21:21:44 <decause> company meeting
21:21:46 * decause can dig
21:22:48 <decause> I only see logs for 3/17
21:22:53 <decause> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/sresults/?group_id=f24-alpha-go_no_go-meeting&type=team
21:23:06 <decause> so, as of that meeting it was still no-go
21:23:14 <decause> doh
21:23:16 <decause> there they are
21:23:21 <jzb> sorry, context switch
21:23:22 <jzb> back
21:23:33 <jzb> ok
21:23:36 <decause> #info
21:23:37 <decause> AGREED: Fedora 24 Alpha release is considered as GOLD and we are ready to ship it (jkurik, 17:17:19)
21:23:43 <decause> #info AGREED: Fedora 24 Alpha release is considered as GOLD and we are ready to ship it (jkurik, 17:17:19)
21:23:56 <jzb> decause: ah, good. Next Tuesday?
21:23:57 <decause> so, It looks like a "go"
21:24:14 <decause> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/f24-alpha-go_no_go-meeting/f24-alpha-go_no_go-meeting.2016-03-23-17.00.html
21:24:23 <decause> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/f24-alpha-go_no_go-meeting/f24-alpha-go_no_go-meeting.2016-03-23-17.00.log.html
21:24:26 <decause> full logs ^
21:24:55 <jzb> OK, so we need to jam out the alpha
21:25:01 <jzb> alpha announcement.
21:25:05 * jzb looks at calendar
21:25:22 <jzb> oh, hey. My Thursday is solid green
21:25:32 <jzb> green being the "you have a meeting now" color
21:25:33 <jzb> :-
21:25:35 <jzb> :-/
21:25:43 <jzb> who wants to take lead on a draft of the alpha announcement?
21:25:47 <decause> jzb: if you wanna repurpose our 1x1?
21:25:52 <decause> we can bang it out maybe?
21:26:16 <jzb> decause: well, we have other topics :-)
21:26:17 <bkp> For next Tuesday?
21:26:25 <jzb> decause: but we can also put some time in.
21:26:27 <jzb> bkp: yes
21:26:53 <bkp> I can, if I get pointed to new features.
21:26:59 <jzb> so
21:27:01 <jzb> I think we can do this too
21:27:03 <decause> bkp: hopefully talking points are up to date
21:27:08 <decause> that should help
21:27:09 <jzb> the alpha release is about what's coming
21:27:16 <jzb> and many features are not complete and so forth
21:27:20 <bkp> decause: link
21:27:21 <jzb> so we really need a theme too
21:27:22 <decause> last I checked there was content for  items
21:27:30 <jzb> bkp: see the talking points
21:27:45 <jzb> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_talking_points
21:27:47 <jzb> bkp: ^^
21:27:51 <decause> #link  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_talking_points
21:27:58 <bkp> jzb: Right, it's a balance.
21:28:10 <jzb> bkp: we still need input from server workgroup
21:28:17 <bkp> Want me to take a crack at it?
21:28:24 <decause> new GNOME (Delhi) was announced today. not sure if we'll have it or not there though :P
21:28:52 <decause> jzb: that is what tonight's hacksession should help with (in theory, if people responded)
21:30:27 * decause digs into meeting logs from yesterday, it was slated to be on the agenda, AFAIK
21:30:58 <jzb> decause: I think we should have the precursor to GNOME latest but I don't know if the stable officially released stuff is in alpha
21:31:01 <jzb> worth asking.
21:31:09 <decause> nod nod nod, it's usually a big one
21:31:11 <jzb> decause: wanna check the release or ask mattdm ?
21:31:18 <jzb> ok, so who's on point?
21:31:31 <decause> #action decause ask mattdm about GNOME release
21:32:00 <jzb> who gets the glory for heading up the alpha release announce, or the big raspberry if I have to write it Monday morning? :-)
21:32:31 <decause> if we don't have anyone else who's done this before, then I'll take it but could def use all the help I can get.
21:32:46 <bkp> Call it, jzb.
21:33:01 * decause has been involved in aspects of the GA
21:33:21 <decause> #action decause deliver the F24 Alpha Release announcement
21:33:25 <decause> #undo
21:33:25 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by decause at 21:33:21 : decause deliver the F24 Alpha Release announcement
21:33:33 <decause> #action decause deliver the F24 Alpha Release announcement by Monday
21:33:38 <decause> #undo
21:33:38 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by decause at 21:33:33 : decause deliver the F24 Alpha Release announcement by Monday
21:33:46 <decause> #action decause deliver the F24 Alpha Release announcement by Monday 3/28
21:33:48 <jzb> I sense uncertainty :-)
21:33:51 <decause> lol
21:33:59 <decause> soooo
21:34:06 <decause> where do I deliver it, exactly?
21:34:09 <jzb> bkp: you're going to be available as well?
21:34:25 <jzb> decause: once it's written on the wiki we convert it to text and send to release folks
21:34:38 <jzb> decause: I can walk through that and put info on wiki for future
21:34:46 <bkp> Gee, I guess. I'll have to remember how to do an announcement release.
21:35:04 <bkp> So, yes
21:35:04 <jzb> #action jzb work w/decause to deliver text version and document process on Marketing wiki
21:35:22 <decause> jzb: plz and thank you
21:35:34 <decause> doesn't look like we even have F24 listed in releases yet:
21:35:37 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases?rd=Releases/
21:35:59 <jzb> bkp: and thank you for availability
21:36:09 <jzb> I'm sure this will be our best release announcement ever
21:36:15 <decause> :)
21:36:15 <bkp> jzb: Ack
21:36:35 <decause> between the two of you folks, I feel like the braintrust is strong :)
21:36:48 <jzb> OK
21:36:54 <jzb> with that one down
21:36:58 <jzb> bkp: you had a topic too?
21:37:04 <bkp> Yeah.
21:37:15 <bkp> #topic Python Brochure
21:37:29 <jzb> right!
21:37:31 <jzb> we should have one!
21:37:42 <bkp> It's halfway done (literally), and I wanted to know the best review process.
21:38:03 <bkp> Put it back on the wiki?
21:38:22 <bkp> Send to mailing list?
21:38:37 <decause> bkp: post to fedora-design ticket?
21:38:47 <bkp> decause: Can do.
21:38:47 <linuxmodder> decause,   re: last  comment  was that  RN or  talking points  for  24
21:39:14 <decause> linuxmodder: last comment was for the brochure
21:39:24 <jzb> bkp: so we need review by marketing list and probably somebody with actual for reals Python experience too
21:39:30 <linuxmodder> decause,  regarding the  last #action rather
21:39:35 <linuxmodder> came back to kb  later
21:39:58 <jzb> bkp: might specifically poke Ryan Lerch (I think he's a pythonista?), Kushal, and Nick Coghlan
21:40:01 <bkp> jzb: Definitely the latter, because I have yet to hear from any of the contacts I reached out to.
21:40:17 <bkp> Can poke Ryan
21:41:03 <jzb> bkp: ok
21:41:20 <jzb> #action bkp poke folks with Python experience to review brochure.
21:41:35 <jzb> bkp: any other questions, concerns, or whatnot on the brochure?
21:41:47 <bkp> jzb: Nope.
21:42:15 <jzb> bkp: thanks!
21:42:15 <decause> bkp: the content is more important than the layout. design can usually help with the consult on that once we hvae the stuff we want to put into it
21:42:24 <jzb> any other topics this week?
21:42:42 <bkp> I'm done.
21:42:54 <decause> #help we're putting together the Fedora 24 Alpha Release Announcement and need help! https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F24_Alpha_release_announcement
21:43:12 <decause> #halp we're putting together the Fedora 24 Alpha Release Announcement and need help! https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F24_Alpha_release_announcement
21:43:33 <the_jza> I have some Python experience, so I can help with the brochure.
21:43:53 <jzb> the_jza: excellent
21:43:59 <bkp> the_jza: Cool!
21:44:06 <jzb> unless there are any other topics, I'm going to light the fuse
21:44:20 * decause is good with fuse lighting
21:44:22 <linuxmodder> same here + editorial  bits
21:44:31 <the_jza> I also have some (meager) design skills, if needed.
21:44:53 <jzb> going once...
21:44:56 <jzb> twice...
21:45:13 <jzb> (dramatic pause)
21:45:19 * jzb looks around expectantly
21:45:27 <jzb> Excellent. Have a good night all
21:45:31 <jzb> #endmeeting