
#fedora-join: Fedora Join 2018-11-13

Meeting started by FranciscoD at 17:02:21 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Join/Next_Meeting (FranciscoD, 17:02:52)

  1. Roll call (FranciscoD, 17:02:57)
    1. ankursinha: packager, join, classrooms, misc (GMT) (FranciscoD, 17:03:21)
    2. Alberto Rodriguez S;UTC-6; CommOps , Join and more (bt0, 17:04:12)

  2. New member introductions (FranciscoD, 17:06:20)
    1. If there are any folks who are new here, please use this time to introduce yourselves to the group :) (FranciscoD, 17:06:35)

  3. Community announcements (FranciscoD, 17:08:58)
    1. Please share any community announcements here (FranciscoD, 17:09:09)
    2. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/TF2INLB6IBZP5JWAQJ6L7FEE6TNPIUWT/ -> Bodhi updates are now automated (FranciscoD, 17:09:42)
    3. FPgM's report: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fpgm-report-2018-45/ (FranciscoD, 17:10:06)
    4. Nominations for the Fedora 29 election cycle open on Wednesday 14 November (bt0, 17:10:09)

  4. Pagure tickets marked for discussion this week (tag:next-meeting) (FranciscoD, 17:15:20)
    1. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issues?status=Open&tags=S%3A+Next-meeting (FranciscoD, 17:15:29)
    2. 96 Proposal: Join Office hours? https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/96 (FranciscoD, 17:16:13)
    3. Please add your office hours to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Join/OfficeHours (FranciscoD, 17:16:27)
    4. AGREED: close #96 (+4/-0) (FranciscoD, 17:23:31)
    5. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/99: Publicise the stats tool kit (FranciscoD, 17:24:02)
    6. skip discussing 99 (FranciscoD, 17:24:34)
    7. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/100: Fedora classroom templates (FranciscoD, 17:24:45)
    8. 100 WIP: skip (FranciscoD, 17:25:06)

  5. Tasks from past week (FranciscoD, 17:25:50)
    1. FranciscoD ask the design/badges team if someone could please take the badges session: DONE (we have an instructor!) (FranciscoD, 17:26:43)
    2. FranciscoD ask the L10N folks if someone can please take a L10N session: DONE (we have an instructor!) (FranciscoD, 17:26:56)
    3. FranciscoD ask the design team if someone could please take the badges session: NA (got instructor from badges team) (FranciscoD, 17:27:11)
    4. bt0 check if dwalsh is the same one as in https://stopdisablingselinux.com/ and if they are, request them to take the selinux session: DONE, yes it is the same person and they've suggested someone for selinux (FranciscoD, 17:27:28)
    5. hellbanger Request sanja to take the silverblue session: DONE: miabbot will probably instruct the session (FranciscoD, 17:28:00)
    6. hellbanger bt0 x3mboy_ alciregi dhanesh95 RNM jhoanir find instructors for Silverblue, L10N, Fedora badges, Selinux: DONE (FranciscoD, 17:28:10)
    7. FranciscoD make a wiki table to let join team members mark what hours they can monitor the channel: DONE: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Join/OfficeHours (FranciscoD, 17:28:21)
    8. bt0 FranciscoD go through stats tools kit and show them the needed love: WIP (FranciscoD, 17:28:37)
    9. FranciscoD Get #100 done: WIP: will be done this week! (FranciscoD, 17:28:53)
    10. FranciscoD send out logs: DONE (FranciscoD, 17:29:02)
    11. ACTION: FranciscoD send out logs (FranciscoD, 17:29:06)
    12. FranciscoD update next_meeting page: DONE (FranciscoD, 17:29:15)
    13. ACTION: FranciscoD update next_meeting page (FranciscoD, 17:29:17)

  6. Status check on F29 classroom sessions (FranciscoD, 17:29:55)
    1. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/94: Tracker ticket (FranciscoD, 17:30:00)
    2. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/81: Fedora Badges (FranciscoD, 17:30:45)
    3. riecatnor has volunteered to instruct this session (FranciscoD, 17:31:14)
    4. We need a summary for the magazine post + a date/time for the session: https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/113 https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/114 (FranciscoD, 17:31:46)
    5. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/64: containers 101 with podman (FranciscoD, 17:36:59)
    6. alezzandro is instructing, bt0 is managing #64: need magazine post and time/date: https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/102 https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/103 (FranciscoD, 17:37:47)
    7. FranciscoD is managing Badges classroom session (FranciscoD, 17:38:21)
    8. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/97: selinux 101 (FranciscoD, 17:39:06)
    9. selinux classroom session needs an instructor, FranciscoD emaild lvrabec, still waiting for reply (FranciscoD, 17:39:53)
    10. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/69: LaTeX 101 (FranciscoD, 17:40:28)
    11. FranciscoD is managing and instructing LaTeX 101: will have magazine post done this week but will wait to pick a slot until other instructors have picked theirs (FranciscoD, 17:40:56)
    12. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/77: VIM 102 (FranciscoD, 17:41:15)
    13. VIM 102 may be instructed by x3mboy, pinged him on ticket. Otherwise it needs an instructor (FranciscoD, 17:41:38)
    14. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/78: silverblue 101 (FranciscoD, 17:41:56)
    15. miabbot may instruct silveblue 101, hellbanger[m] is managing it, needs confirmation and then magazine post + date/time (FranciscoD, 17:42:19)
    16. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/67: IRC 101 (FranciscoD, 17:42:30)
    17. FranciscoD is hoping dhanesh95 would instruct this one ;) (FranciscoD, 17:42:44)
    18. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/80: L10N 101 (FranciscoD, 17:43:28)
    19. silvia (fas: lailah) is instructing L10N, FranciscoD is managing it. Needs magazine post + time/date (FranciscoD, 17:44:10)
    20. Sessions with confirmed instructors: L10N, Badges, Containers 101 and podman, LaTeX 101 (4/8): these need dates + magazine summaries + bluejeans rooms (FranciscoD, 17:45:22)
    21. Sessions needing instructors or waiting confirmation: selinux, silverblue, vim102, irc 101 (4/8) (FranciscoD, 17:46:01)
    22. possible extra session: Buildah (Dan said he may be able to take this) (FranciscoD, 17:46:21)
    23. AGREED: Add buildah session to F29 semester (FranciscoD, 17:48:12)
    24. ACTION: FranciscoD file tickets for buildah session (FranciscoD, 17:48:24)
    25. https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/help-wanted-fedora-classroom-instructors/344/15 (FranciscoD, 17:49:02)
    26. alciregi manage Buildah 101 session (FranciscoD, 17:50:33)
    27. asamalik++ received the sensei badge for the docs Classroom (bt0, 17:50:53)
    28. https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/sensei (bt0, 17:51:23)
    29. Go over Ask Fedora migration tickets in next meeting (FranciscoD, 17:54:55)
    30. ACTION: FranciscoD add Ask Fedora migration tickets to next_meeting page (FranciscoD, 17:55:14)
    31. https://bodhi.stg.fedoraproject.org/docs/user/release_notes.html#v3-11-0 bodhi 3.11.0 beta was just deployed to staging (FranciscoD, 17:56:09)

  7. open floor (FranciscoD, 17:56:21)

Meeting ended at 18:00:50 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. FranciscoD send out logs
  2. FranciscoD update next_meeting page
  3. FranciscoD file tickets for buildah session
  4. FranciscoD add Ask Fedora migration tickets to next_meeting page

Action items, by person

  1. FranciscoD
    1. FranciscoD send out logs
    2. FranciscoD update next_meeting page
    3. FranciscoD file tickets for buildah session
    4. FranciscoD add Ask Fedora migration tickets to next_meeting page

People present (lines said)

  1. FranciscoD (142)
  2. bt0 (28)
  3. fedjoin-tg (17)
  4. zodbot (15)
  5. hellbanger[m] (14)
  6. hhlp (11)
  7. fm-join (8)
  8. x3mboy (0)
  9. dhanesh95 (0)

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