
#fedora-i3: Fedora i3 (2020-07-21)

Meeting started by nasirhm at 16:06:59 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (nasirhm, 16:07:53)
    1. (1) Roll call (nasirhm, 16:08:05)
    2. (2) Announcements (nasirhm, 16:08:14)
    3. (3) i3 SIG's presence at Nest with Fedora (nasirhm, 16:08:31)
    4. (4) Creating a simple template on Fedora-i3's pagure ticket tracker for ease of packages requests (nasirhm, 16:08:46)
    5. (5) Proposal on the Goal of the spin (nasirhm, 16:09:05)
    6. (6) Open Floor and Package discussions (nasirhm, 16:09:21)

  2. Roll Call (nasirhm, 16:09:41)
  3. Announcements (nasirhm, 16:17:59)
    1. We've got a ready to test respin with i3 and some packages. Kindly test and share your feedback (nasirhm, 16:18:44)
    2. Nest With Fedora CfP open, acceptance dates: Monday 20 July - Monday 27 July (nasirhm, 16:19:51)

  4. i3 SIG's presence at Nest with Fedora (nasirhm, 16:23:09)
    1. https://pagure.io/i3-sig/Fedora-i3-Spin/issue/8 (nasirhm, 16:23:33)
    2. AGREED: nasirhm and x3mboy would be working on the i3's presence at Nest with Fedora's proposal. (nasirhm, 16:35:19)

  5. Creating a simple template on Fedora-i3's pagure ticket tracker for ease of packages requests (nasirhm, 16:37:59)
    1. AGREED: Add a topic for the agenda for the next meeting on Finalizing the packages on Brainstorm page with a quick voting session. (nasirhm) (nasirhm, 16:46:20)

  6. Proposal on the Goal of the spin (nasirhm, 16:47:44)
    1. https://pagure.io/i3-sig/Fedora-i3-Spin/issue/10 (nasirhm, 16:48:31)
    2. ACTION: jwf Propose basic set of principles for Fedora i3 Spin as a framework to make future decisions and answering future questions (e.g. what text editor do we ship? what packages do we include by default? etc.) (jwf, 17:02:49)

  7. Open Floor (nasirhm, 17:04:31)
    1. ACTION: x3mboy will create a ticket about the test matrix for the i3 spin, hopefully pinging bcotton (x3mboy[m], 17:14:56)
    2. ACTION: x3mboy will create a ticket about the test matrix for the i3 spin, hopefully pinging bcotton (x3mboy, 17:16:29)

Meeting ended at 17:16:40 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jwf Propose basic set of principles for Fedora i3 Spin as a framework to make future decisions and answering future questions (e.g. what text editor do we ship? what packages do we include by default? etc.)
  2. x3mboy will create a ticket about the test matrix for the i3 spin, hopefully pinging bcotton
  3. x3mboy will create a ticket about the test matrix for the i3 spin, hopefully pinging bcotton

Action items, by person

  1. jwf
    1. jwf Propose basic set of principles for Fedora i3 Spin as a framework to make future decisions and answering future questions (e.g. what text editor do we ship? what packages do we include by default? etc.)
  2. x3mboy
    1. x3mboy will create a ticket about the test matrix for the i3 spin, hopefully pinging bcotton
    2. x3mboy will create a ticket about the test matrix for the i3 spin, hopefully pinging bcotton

People present (lines said)

  1. nasirhm (75)
  2. x3mboy[m] (45)
  3. jwf (20)
  4. zodbot (14)
  5. defolos (9)
  6. Southern_Gentlem (6)
  7. x3mboy (2)
  8. fedi3bridgerbot (1)

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