
#ansible-network: Ansible Network Working Group

Meeting started by Qalthos at 16:07:32 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (Qalthos, 16:08:03)
    1. is where you can always find the latest agenda (Qalthos, 16:08:07)

  2. Core Updates (Qalthos, 16:08:12)
    1. Expect a major release for most collections in the near future removing deprecated modules (Qalthos, 16:10:29)
    2. This includes: almost all platform-agnostic `net_*` modules from ansible.netcommon, and the very first modules to be replaced by resource modules (like `*_interface`) (Qalthos, 16:13:13)
    3. This will also be a chance for us to increase the minimum supported device version for a few platforms (Qalthos, 16:16:23)

  3. Open Floor (Qalthos, 16:33:59)

Meeting ended at 16:47:25 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. Qalthos (25)
  2. wayt (9)
  3. zodbot (5)
  4. jahknem[m] (1)

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