16:07:32 <Qalthos> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group
16:07:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 10 16:07:32 2022 UTC.
16:07:32 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:07:32 <zodbot> The chair is Qalthos. Information about MeetBot at
16:07:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:07:32 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group'
16:07:40 <Qalthos> (whoops got a little distracted)
16:08:03 <Qalthos> #topic Agenda
16:08:07 <Qalthos> #link is where you can always find the latest agenda
16:08:12 <Qalthos> #topic Core Updates
16:09:45 <Qalthos> We have a few deprecated modules scheduled to be removed after June of this year, and hey look it's well after June
16:10:29 <Qalthos> #info Expect a major release for most collections in the near future removing deprecated modules
16:13:13 <Qalthos> #info This includes: almost all platform-agnostic `net_*` modules from ansible.netcommon, and the very first modules to be replaced by resource modules (like `*_interface`)
16:13:54 <Qalthos> It
16:14:47 <Qalthos> 's been so long since we replaced them I kind of forgot that we would finally get to get rid of them soon.
16:16:23 <Qalthos> #info This will also be a chance for us to increase the minimum supported device version for a few platforms
16:16:48 <jahknem[m]> Qalthos: Where can I find background information on that? On why the change?
16:20:13 <Qalthos> Well the change was them being replaced by the more flexible and extensible resource modules in late 2019. They have been deprecated and marked for deletion since around then.
16:20:55 <Qalthos> For example
16:21:04 <wayt> qalthos i just the docs for `net_put` and it does not show as deprecated
16:21:50 <Qalthos> Correct. `net_put` and `net_get` are not the old-style agnostic modules and are not going anywhere
16:22:44 <Qalthos> I think `net_ping` is the only other one to avoid deletion, though I can't remember why that one
16:22:50 <wayt> what is an example of one? looking at `main` of `ansible.netcommon` as an example I don't see any `_<module-name>` which is what would trigger docs to show deprecated right?
16:23:09 <wayt> i worry about pulling them w/o something as visible as the docs showing deprecated
16:23:41 <wayt> ahh i see it in `net_lldp` so that's good
16:24:30 <Qalthos> As well, it is in the short description of all the modules, so for example will get a lot shorter soon
16:25:18 <wayt> yup as long as there was a depreciation warning for me to point to i won't get any bark from the users i interact with
16:25:32 <wayt> can't help if it wasn't read :)
16:29:06 <Qalthos> Anyone else want to register any surprise at this? I admittedly haven't said mentioned it recently, but the big warning signs were installed quite a while ago
16:31:22 <Qalthos> This is the first time we're getting a chance to permanently remove content from the collection, so I'm expecting some feedback about how to make it more obvious as we go on
16:33:53 <Qalthos> Otherwise I think we can move on to other things
16:33:59 <Qalthos> #topic Open Floor
16:35:10 <Qalthos> I should probably have tried to capture some of that info as a separate topic, but that is now future Qalthos' problem
16:35:34 <Qalthos> Let me know if there is anything you want to discuss this week
16:35:37 <wayt> only thing i have is my open pr for speeding up large subnet calculations - still need to finish breaking it up into more functions #havenotforgot
16:36:03 <wayt> i rebased it recently just need to do the extra work that was asked for
16:36:56 <Qalthos> Cool! I look forward to seeing it get merged. And of course reach out if you ever get stuck
16:37:09 <wayt> thx will do
16:47:17 <Qalthos> Alright, thanks for stopping by so I can briefly scare some of you :p
16:47:25 <Qalthos> #endmeeting