
#ansible-meeting: community-working-group

Meeting started by gregdek at 19:00:30 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Testing Working Group (gregdek, 19:05:37)
    1. (gregdek, 19:05:52)
    2. Ansible is hiring a new QE lead for ansible core soon (gregdek, 19:06:12)
    3. that person will be the first lead of the testing working group (gregdek, 19:06:38)
    4. this task will go into backlog until that hire is made (gregdek, 19:06:53)

  2. Proposals Documentation (gregdek, 19:07:09)
    1. (gregdek, 19:07:21)
    2. an artifact that is the proposal == the proposal file, submitted as a PR and immediately merged (rbergeron, 19:09:17)
    3. a way of tracking discussions of that artifact == a single issue, referenced in the proposal file (rbergeron, 19:09:27)
    4. a way of modifying the artifact == PRs to that file, merged or not at submitter's discretion and discussed in the issue (rbergeron, 19:09:36)
    5. a way of putting the artifact into buckets == maybe issue tags? (rbergeron, 19:09:48)
    6. a time/place to discuss == weekly proposal meeting. (rbergeron, 19:10:00)
    7. create the new ansible/proposals repo (rbergeron, 19:10:24)
    8. relocate current proposals into new repo (rbergeron, 19:10:33)
    9. new repo shoudl be at ansible/proposals (rbergeron, 19:13:10)

  3. Open Source Galaxy (gregdek, 19:15:11)
    1. (gregdek, 19:16:10)
    2. updated with technical requirements (gregdek, 19:16:22)
    3. more discussions next week (gregdek, 19:16:27)

  4. Job description for developer evangelist (gregdek, 19:16:48)
    1. (gregdek, 19:17:02)
    2. In progress, ETA Friday (gregdek, 19:17:48)

  5. New Module Process (gregdek, 19:17:59)
    1. (gregdek, 19:18:22)
    2. newtmckerr will have us a name of a facilitator from the core team this week (gregdek, 19:19:25)
    3. first new module triage meeting will be next week (gregdek, 19:19:38)
    4. or rotating facilitator (rbergeron, 19:19:47)

  6. open floor (gregdek, 19:24:59)

Meeting ended at 20:03:03 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. gregdek (29)
  2. rbergeron (22)
  3. chouse (4)
  4. zodbot (4)
  5. bcoca (2)
  6. vincent_vdk (1)

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