19:00:30 <gregdek> #startmeeting community-working-group
19:00:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar  9 19:00:30 2016 UTC.  The chair is gregdek. Information about MeetBot at
19:00:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'community-working-group'
19:00:35 <gregdek> #chair rbergeron
19:00:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: gregdek rbergeron
19:05:18 <gregdek> Agenda as always:
19:05:37 <gregdek> #topic Testing Working Group
19:05:52 <gregdek>
19:06:12 <gregdek> #info Ansible is hiring a new QE lead for ansible core soon
19:06:38 <gregdek> #info that person will be the first lead of the testing working group
19:06:53 <gregdek> #info this task will go into backlog until that hire is made
19:07:09 <gregdek> #topic Proposals Documentation
19:07:21 <gregdek>
19:08:49 <rbergeron> okay, so i sorted out the pieces form the logs from last week
19:08:53 <rbergeron> with the things to update specifically
19:09:09 <rbergeron> since we poorly documented actions with action for robyn to update with the things above
19:09:15 <rbergeron> and ... yay meetings and day off. so
19:09:17 <rbergeron> #info an artifact that is the proposal == the proposal file, submitted as a PR and immediately merged
19:09:27 <rbergeron> #info a way of tracking discussions of that artifact == a single issue, referenced in the proposal file
19:09:36 <rbergeron> #info a way of modifying the artifact == PRs to that file, merged or not at submitter's discretion and discussed in the issue
19:09:48 <rbergeron> #info a way of putting the artifact into buckets == maybe issue tags?
19:10:00 <rbergeron> #info a time/place to discuss == weekly proposal meeting.
19:10:03 <rbergeron> And that's it.
19:10:15 <chouse> so is there a new proposal repo, yet?
19:10:21 <rbergeron> Along with the previous items of
19:10:24 <rbergeron> #info create the new ansible/proposals repo
19:10:33 <rbergeron> #info relocate current proposals into new repo
19:11:08 <rbergeron> note: for future reference, when we give actions in an irc meeting, we should prepend the actual action with the nick of the person assigned to that
19:11:25 <rbergeron> because nobody's name is ttached to create the repo / reloate the repo
19:11:31 <rbergeron> relocate the repo
19:11:35 <rbergeron> is that me? or someone else?
19:11:53 <gregdek> It's you :)
19:13:10 <rbergeron> #info new repo shoudl be at ansible/proposals
19:15:11 <gregdek> #topic Open Source Galaxy
19:16:10 <gregdek>
19:16:22 <gregdek> #info updated with technical requirements
19:16:27 <gregdek> #info more discussions next week
19:16:48 <gregdek> #topic Job description for developer evangelist
19:17:02 <gregdek>
19:17:48 <gregdek> #info In progress, ETA Friday
19:17:59 <gregdek> #Topic New Module Process
19:18:04 <bcoca> ansible cult recruiter?
19:18:22 <gregdek> bcoca: kinda :)
19:18:22 <rbergeron> bcoca: something like that
19:18:22 <gregdek>
19:19:06 <rbergeron> newtmckerr is not here atm.
19:19:25 <gregdek> #info newtmckerr will have us a name of a facilitator from the core team this week
19:19:25 <rbergeron> he is enjoying the luxuries of westford massachusetts atm
19:19:38 <gregdek> #info first new module triage meeting will be next week
19:19:47 <rbergeron> #info or rotating facilitator
19:24:59 <gregdek> #topic open floor
19:25:11 <gregdek> Anybody with any Big Community Questions? :)
19:27:35 <bcoca> what defines a community?
19:49:11 <chouse> any plans for containercon? i see the open issue, but nothing specific.
19:54:32 <vincent_vdk> no big community questions gregdek :)
19:54:59 <gregdek> chouse: just the CFP date.
19:55:21 <gregdek> We should probably figure out how to announce these kinds of CFPs to the community as a whole. Maybe that's a new ticket.
20:01:48 <chouse> can you add me as a collaborator on the community repoo so that i'm automagically subscribed to new issues, please.
20:02:04 <chouse> gregdek ^
20:02:14 <gregdek> Yes sir!
20:03:03 <gregdek> #endmeeting