
#fedora-meeting: i18n

Meeting started by tagoh_ at 06:01:57 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. agenda and roll call (tagoh_, 06:01:58)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2013-10-30 (tagoh_, 06:01:59)

  2. Upcoming schedule (tagoh_, 06:05:21)
    1. 2013-11-05 Beta Release (tagoh_, 06:05:21)
    2. 2013-11-26 Final Change Deadline (tagoh_, 06:05:22)
    3. 2013-12-10 Fedora 20 Final Release (tagoh_, 06:05:22)

  3. Outstanding task (tagoh_, 06:06:05)
    1. #23: Fedora 20 i18n test day (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) (tagoh_, 06:06:05)
    2. https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/23 (tagoh_, 06:06:05)

  4. Outstanding topics (tagoh_, 06:21:18)
    1. #26: proposal: move to using IMEs for ASCII/Latin input (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) (tagoh_, 06:21:19)
    2. https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/26 (tagoh_, 06:21:19)
    3. #25: Bugs Corner (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) (tagoh_, 06:34:44)
    4. https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/25 (tagoh_, 06:34:44)
    5. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=704458 (pravins, 06:36:07)
    6. https://bug704458.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=258407 (pravins, 06:38:53)

  5. Open Floor (tagoh_, 07:06:02)

Meeting ended at 07:08:18 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. tagoh_ (74)
  2. pravins (15)
  3. mfabian (12)
  4. juhp (10)
  5. epico (9)
  6. zodbot (4)
  7. lijli (2)
  8. paragan (2)
  9. anish_ (2)
  10. dueno (1)
  11. skore (1)
  12. smaitra (1)
  13. fujiwarat (1)

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