
#fedora-meeting: EMEA ambassadors meeting 2012-12-05

Meeting started by cwickert at 21:01:03 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (cwickert, 21:02:02)
  2. announcements (cwickert, 21:03:34)
    1. Elections for the Fedora Board, FAmSCo and FESCo are open! Vote now at https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting - deadline is 23:59:59 UTC on the December 9! VOTE VOTE VOTE! (cwickert, 21:05:01)
    2. HELP: (frankice, 21:05:36)
    3. FAD EMEA this weekend. Join us in Rheinfelden or on #fedora-fad. We have a lot of things to discuss, agenda is at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EMEA_2012 (cwickert, 21:06:09)

  3. Ambassadors schedule (cwickert, 21:09:09)
    1. http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-ambassadors-tasks.html (cwickert, 21:09:15)
    2. We need way more release events, we only have a single event in EMEA so far. you can still submit your event and funding request till December 14th. For more info, see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_events (cwickert, 21:14:26)
    3. F18 release is scheduled for January 8th, but when you plan an event, please keep in mind it might be delayed for another week or two. (cwickert, 21:15:15)
    4. media production takes a 7-10 days, then add a few days for shipping. media should be available at your place ~ 2 weeks after GA, that is January 22 (cwickert, 21:18:00)
    5. ACTION: cwickert to get back to Jiri about the shirts, we want them ASAP (cwickert, 21:21:25)
    6. budget requests should now be filed in the EMEA swag tracker and no longer in FAmSCo's track. (cwickert, 21:23:53)
    7. ACTION: cwickert to work on the EMEA trac insatance (cwickert, 21:27:49)

  4. Events (cwickert, 21:29:37)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events#FY13_Q4_.28December_2012_-_February_2013.29_2 (cwickert, 21:29:57)
    2. Fedora will be at http://konf.fsf.hu/cgis/ossc this weekend, you can still support Zoltan and Gergily by showing up and bringing some swag with you (cwickert, 21:32:39)
    3. cwickert registered Fedora at FOSDEM, booth is not yet confirmed (cwickert, 21:38:13)
    4. if you want to attend FOSDEM, please register at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FOSDEM_2013 (cwickert, 21:40:52)
    5. most deadlines for FOSDEM are due, but you can still submit a lightning talk till December 21st, see https://fosdem.org/2013/call_for_lightningtalks/ (cwickert, 21:44:22)
    6. Chemnitzer Linux-Tage take place March 16th + 17th, 2013 (cwickert, 21:49:10)

  5. Action items from previous meetings (cwickert, 21:51:18)
  6. Open Floor (cwickert, 21:53:07)
    1. the delay of F18 caused a lot of bad PR and FUD. Set it straight where ever you find it (cwickert, 22:08:31)
    2. lets deliver an awesome F18 release. File bugs, fix bugs, hold release events, make noise, spread the word! (cwickert, 22:09:13)

Meeting ended at 22:10:26 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. cwickert to get back to Jiri about the shirts, we want them ASAP
  2. cwickert to work on the EMEA trac insatance

Action items, by person

  1. cwickert
    1. cwickert to get back to Jiri about the shirts, we want them ASAP
    2. cwickert to work on the EMEA trac insatance

People present (lines said)

  1. cwickert (159)
  2. giallu (25)
  3. rbergeron (21)
  4. gnokii (20)
  5. zodbot (14)
  6. robyduck (14)
  7. affix (7)
  8. jreznik (7)
  9. zoltanh7211 (6)
  10. nirik (4)
  11. twohot (3)
  12. dramsey (3)
  13. frankice (2)
  14. Viking-Ice (2)
  15. cmpahar (2)
  16. sesivany (1)
  17. netSys (1)
  18. anishjp (1)
  19. mailga (1)

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