
#fedora-meeting: Fedora Board Meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 18:30:47 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call and Gathering of Steam (rbergeron, 18:31:43)
    1. probinson is unable to attend (gholms, 18:32:28)
    2. rdieter sends regrets, as does abadger1999; cwickert is travelling to fudcon kuala lumpur (rbergeron, 18:33:09)

  2. Announcements (rbergeron, 18:35:35)
    1. F17 - RC1 for final/GA is available now. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test-announce/2012-May/000449.html (rbergeron, 18:36:21)
    2. Please help out in testing, validating, if you can. (rbergeron, 18:36:34)
    3. FUDCon Kuala Lumpur is this weekend - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012 (rbergeron, 18:37:06)
    4. Loving wishes going their way are welcomed. We look forward to seeing all the attendees' blog posts! (rbergeron, 18:37:27)

  3. Agenda for Today (rbergeron, 18:38:36)
    1. Agenda for today is short but sweet (just like me, ha ha ha): Open Q&A, A quick checkin on the release naming topic, Perhaps a discussion on the Board continuing to report on personal goals, a check for any other missed business. (rbergeron, 18:39:52)

  4. Open Q & A! (rbergeron, 18:43:54)
    1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User_base (rbergeron, 18:46:58)

  5. Naming Process... process (rbergeron, 19:08:58)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Future_Release_Naming (rbergeron, 19:10:42)
    2. Wiki page with people interested in participating in the possible rework of the release naming process going forward. (rbergeron, 19:11:03)
    3. At this point, the thing this effort is lacking is someone to take charge -- organize meetings, etc. (rbergeron, 19:11:18)
    4. ACTION: jreznik to ping folks tomorrow on moving onwards in the naming release process (rbergeron, 19:29:39)

  6. Board Member Goals ... thoughts? (rbergeron, 19:30:56)
  7. Open Floor / Any Other Business / Late additions to agenda (rbergeron, 19:50:37)
    1. ACTION: gholms to check on the 18:00 UTC meeting time slot at today's EMEA meeting (gholms, 19:58:01)
    2. Elections - nominations for Board, FESCo, and FAmSCo are now CLOSED. (rbergeron, 19:58:49)
    3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections (rbergeron, 19:59:04)
    4. Please refer to the schedule for upcoming dates of interest. (rbergeron, 19:59:19)
    5. Candidates should be sending their completed questionnaires by May 22 (rbergeron, 20:00:26)
    6. Next Board public IRC meeting on 2012-05-30, same bat time, same bat channel (rbergeron, 20:01:53)

Meeting ended at 20:03:38 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jreznik to ping folks tomorrow on moving onwards in the naming release process
  2. gholms to check on the 18:00 UTC meeting time slot at today's EMEA meeting

Action items, by person

  1. gholms
    1. gholms to check on the 18:00 UTC meeting time slot at today's EMEA meeting
  2. jreznik
    1. jreznik to ping folks tomorrow on moving onwards in the naming release process

People present (lines said)

  1. rbergeron (148)
  2. jreznik (36)
  3. gholms (31)
  4. jds2001 (14)
  5. inode0 (14)
  6. gomix (10)
  7. th3sp00n (8)
  8. zodbot (8)
  9. brunowolff (6)
  10. ke4qqq (5)
  11. jsmith (2)
  12. c0lored (2)
  13. bconoboy (2)
  14. pbrobinson (1)
  15. gnokii (1)
  16. fossjon (1)

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