
#fedora-meeting: Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings

Meeting started by bcotton at 14:01:27 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (bcotton, 14:01:43)
  2. Follow up on last week's action items (bcotton, 14:06:14)
    1. ACTION: fnadge to start a Style Guide book (bcotton, 14:10:19)

  3. FUDcon Blacksburg (bcotton, 14:16:17)
    1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Blacksburg_2011 (bcotton, 14:16:27)
    2. Docs is sponsoring two classes at FUDCon Blacksburg: Introduction to Docs and DocBookXML/Publican (bcotton, 14:16:33)
    3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Blacksburg_2012 (jjmcd, 14:18:33)
    4. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Blacksburg_2012 (bcotton, 14:19:04)

  4. Docs QA (bcotton, 14:25:51)
    1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/docs/2011-September/013736.html (bcotton, 14:26:00)
    2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/docs/2011-November/013855.html (bcotton, 14:26:08)
    3. ACTION: sparks to draft a QA plan on the wiki for comments (bcotton, 14:42:40)
    4. AGREED: we'll finally solve the QA question after the bug squashing party (bcotton, 14:42:51)

  5. Bug Squashing Party (bcotton, 14:47:52)
    1. http://whenisgood.net/hh3b9de (bcotton, 14:48:34)
    2. ACTION: bcotton to pick a bug squashing party date from the WhenIsGood responses (bcotton, 14:49:22)

  6. Open floor discussion (bcotton, 14:53:04)
    1. Happy birthday to lcafiero (bcotton, 14:53:13)
    2. ACTION: pkovar to contact nb and toshio to connect BZ to docs-publishers FAS group (bcotton, 15:12:21)

Meeting ended at 15:12:52 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. fnadge to start a Style Guide book
  2. sparks to draft a QA plan on the wiki for comments
  3. bcotton to pick a bug squashing party date from the WhenIsGood responses
  4. pkovar to contact nb and toshio to connect BZ to docs-publishers FAS group

Action items, by person

  1. bcotton
    1. bcotton to pick a bug squashing party date from the WhenIsGood responses
  2. fnadge
    1. fnadge to start a Style Guide book
  3. pkovar
    1. pkovar to contact nb and toshio to connect BZ to docs-publishers FAS group

People present (lines said)

  1. bcotton (61)
  2. Sparks (56)
  3. pkovar (33)
  4. sgordon (22)
  5. jjmcd (19)
  6. fnadge (7)
  7. randomuser (6)
  8. nirik (5)
  9. zodbot (5)
  10. jsmith (4)

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