
#fedora-meeting: Fedora 13 Alpha Release Readiness meeting

Meeting started by poelcat at 21:00:49 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. intro (poelcat, 21:06:02)
  2. QA status (poelcat, 21:06:42)
  3. Release Engineering (poelcat, 21:09:21)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_Alpha_release_announcement (threethirty, 21:11:14)

  4. Infrastructure (poelcat, 21:11:33)
  5. Marketing (poelcat, 21:12:56)
    1. Marketing is looking good; our deliverables are coming in on time (well, the polishing of Talking Points is an ongoing process I'd hoped would be wrapped up by now, but... I'll get my rear in gear more on that). (mchua, 21:13:15)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing#Release_deliverables (mchua, 21:13:20)
    3. deliverables will continue to be filled in between alpha and beta, we hope to have them all done by beta so we can use the remaining time in this release cycle to help other teams work on their join processes (marketing "participation in the Fedora community," so to speak). (mchua, 21:13:22)
    4. Marketing: not blocking on anyone, nor do I think we are blocking anyone else. All set, as far as I'm concerned. (mchua, 21:13:27)

  6. Docs & Translation (poelcat, 21:14:37)
    1. ricky notes that transifex 0.7.4 will hopefully be ready to go in after the infra freeze (poelcat, 21:16:07)
    2. ACTION: need to confirm completeness of releases notes (poelcat, 21:18:09)
    3. ACTION: need to determine who will send release announcement out: Oxf13 or docs team (poelcat, 21:18:26)

  7. websites (poelcat, 21:19:01)
    1. ACTION: websites needs banner from design team (poelcat, 21:20:04)
    2. ACTION: sijis to email design team about banner (poelcat, 21:21:01)
    3. ACTION: Oxf13 to let ricky and sijis know when the ISOs go up (poelcat, 21:21:25)

  8. Design (poelcat, 21:25:28)
  9. Ambassadors (poelcat, 21:27:07)
  10. Open Discussion (poelcat, 21:29:02)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/3420 (noriko, 21:30:18)
    2. ACTION: Oxf13 to update https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/3420 with status and go forward plan (poelcat, 21:34:29)

Meeting ended at 21:36:10 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. need to confirm completeness of releases notes
  2. need to determine who will send release announcement out: Oxf13 or docs team
  3. websites needs banner from design team
  4. sijis to email design team about banner
  5. Oxf13 to let ricky and sijis know when the ISOs go up
  6. Oxf13 to update https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/3420 with status and go forward plan

Action items, by person

  1. Oxf13
    1. need to determine who will send release announcement out: Oxf13 or docs team
    2. Oxf13 to let ricky and sijis know when the ISOs go up
    3. Oxf13 to update https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/3420 with status and go forward plan
  2. ricky
    1. Oxf13 to let ricky and sijis know when the ISOs go up
  3. sijis
    1. sijis to email design team about banner
    2. Oxf13 to let ricky and sijis know when the ISOs go up
    1. need to confirm completeness of releases notes
    2. websites needs banner from design team

People present (lines said)

  1. poelcat (87)
  2. Oxf13 (14)
  3. noriko (13)
  4. adamw (10)
  5. sijis (10)
  6. threethirty (9)
  7. ricky (9)
  8. mchua (7)
  9. stickster (6)
  10. nirik (3)
  11. mmcgrath (3)
  12. zodbot (2)
  13. Froolap (1)
  14. smooge (1)
  15. gholms (1)

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