
#fedora-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by StabbyMc at 02:00:45 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. North America Meeting - Announcements (StabbyMc, 02:02:24)
  2. North American Meeting - Events (StabbyMc, 02:03:24)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents (StabbyMc, 02:03:34)

  3. North American Meeting - Budget Review (StabbyMc, 02:04:50)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Budget (StabbyMc, 02:04:59)

  4. North American Meeting - Budget Review.FAmSCo Budget for FY11 Q1 (StabbyMc, 02:05:15)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_budget (StabbyMc, 02:05:22)
    2. http://redhat.brandfuelstores.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=139 (herlo, 02:11:43)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_budget (spevack, 02:21:02)
    4. ACTION: build prioritized list of items/event sponsorship (StabbyMc, 02:21:35)
    5. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sponsoring_event_attendees (spevack, 02:24:50)

  5. North American Meeting - Budget Review.Media Spins, Quantity (StabbyMc, 02:33:42)
  6. North American Meeting - Budget Review.Canada Event Box (StabbyMc, 03:05:56)
    1. http://www.boss-safety.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=1689{1}7 (Arsenick, 03:17:38)

  7. North American Meeting - Unfinished Business (StabbyMc, 03:22:27)

Meeting ended at 03:29:20 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. build prioritized list of items/event sponsorship

People present (lines said)

  1. spevack (97)
  2. StabbyMc (64)
  3. inode0 (64)
  4. herlo (40)
  5. lcafiero (33)
  6. Arsenick (33)
  7. VileGent (31)
  8. makfinsky (18)
  9. zodbot (11)
  10. jetrigger (6)
  11. dnhodgson (4)
  12. threethirty (3)
  13. Southern_Gentlem (2)
  14. laubersm (1)
  15. ianweller (1)

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