
#fedora-meeting: Fedora QA meeting

Meeting started by jlaska at 16:02:05 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Start your engines ... (jlaska, 16:02:20)
  2. Previous meeting follow-up (jlaska, 16:07:25)
    1. jlaska to request zodbot tracking for updated F-13 QA RSS feeds (blocker bugs, common_bugs? etc... (jlaska, 16:07:42)
    2. ACTION: jlaska will follow-up w/ nirik after the meeting to setup zodbot feed watchers (jlaska, 16:10:16)
    3. jlaska to organize a gobby meeting with wwoods+kparal to begin requirements/goal definition for a results db (jlaska, 16:10:26)
    4. gobby document will be used to help organize thoughts to formulate requirements (jlaska, 16:14:37)
    5. jlaska to discuss updating QA schedule with poelstra to reflect new 'release validation' focus (jlaska, 16:14:56)
    6. no updates ... will review next week (jlaska, 16:15:35)
    7. jlaska and adamw to work on drafting a 'last known good' wiki page (jlaska, 16:15:46)
    8. keep on the list for next week, move discussion into trac ticket and start identifying changes needed to [[Releases/Rawhide]] wiki (jlaska, 16:23:51)

  3. Rawhide Acceptance Testing #3 (jlaska, 16:24:11)
    1. Last week, 2010-02-04 was the third pre-Alpha rawhide acceptance test milestone (jlaska, 16:24:26)
    2. there are a few others AutoQA changes that I need to run by wwoods for his thoughts as well (jlaska, 16:26:37)

  4. AutoQA project update - depcheck (jlaska, 16:28:29)
    1. http://qa-rockstar.livejournal.com/9234.html (jlaska, 16:28:57)

  5. AutoQA project update - rpmguard/resultsdb (jlaska, 16:29:35)
  6. AutoQA project update - install automation (jlaska, 16:34:44)
    1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/virt/2010-February/001809.html (jlaska, 16:35:42)

  7. AutoQA project update - packaging (jlaska, 16:36:10)
    1. http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit-contributors/browse_thread/thread/fc5713c023919618/f423351722bc7afe (jlaska, 16:36:32)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Meetings/20100208#Upcoming_QA_events (jlaska, 16:38:28)

  8. upcoming events (adamw, 16:39:03)
    1. 2010-02-11 - Test Alpha 'Test Compose' (boot media testing) (jlaska, 16:41:42)
    2. 2010-02-12 - Alpha Blocker Meeting (F13Alpha) #2 (jlaska, 16:41:48)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Adamwill/Draft_desktop_test_matrix (adamw, 16:43:31)

  9. open floor (adamw, 16:47:02)

Meeting ended at 16:55:27 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jlaska will follow-up w/ nirik after the meeting to setup zodbot feed watchers

Action items, by person

  1. jlaska
    1. jlaska will follow-up w/ nirik after the meeting to setup zodbot feed watchers
  2. nirik
    1. jlaska will follow-up w/ nirik after the meeting to setup zodbot feed watchers
  3. zodbot
    1. jlaska will follow-up w/ nirik after the meeting to setup zodbot feed watchers

People present (lines said)

  1. jlaska (100)
  2. adamw (42)
  3. kparal (13)
  4. Oxf13 (10)
  5. nirik (9)
  6. zodbot (5)
  7. ajax (3)
  8. jskladan (2)
  9. tk009 (2)
  10. stickster (1)
  11. akurtakov (1)

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