
#fedora-meeting-2: F22 Beta Readiness Meeting

Meeting started by jreznik at 19:01:35 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (jreznik, 19:01:45)
  2. Purpose of this meeting (jreznik, 19:04:56)
    1. "Before each public release all of the groups participating the development of Fedora's next release meet to make sure the release is well coordinated." (jreznik, 19:04:58)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings (jreznik, 19:04:59)

  3. Current status (jreznik, 19:05:16)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/22/Schedule (jreznik, 19:06:34)

  4. Ambassadors (jreznik, 19:07:59)
  5. Documentation (jreznik, 19:11:25)
    1. documentation is in a good shape for Beta release notes (jreznik, 19:12:50)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Server_Configuration_Tools_Beat#yum_replaced_by_dnf ( plus a paragraph in git about yum-deprecated) (randomuser, 19:16:22)
    3. dnf release notes review/feedback requested by documentation team (jreznik, 19:16:23)
    4. core guides should be updated between beta and final (jreznik, 19:18:13)
    5. communicate to documentation if anybody wants something documented (jreznik, 19:18:53)
    6. ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/release-notes.git (randomuser, 19:23:22)
    7. ACTION: randomuser to document fedora-release package situation (randomuser, 19:24:19)

  6. Fedora Engineering Manager (jreznik, 19:24:42)
  7. FESCo (jreznik, 19:25:16)
    1. nothing particular from FESCo, FESCo blocker for Anaconda passwords resolved in RC1 (jreznik, 19:26:06)
    2. there was some ambiguity about release-blocking media, we should clarify (jreznik, 19:28:18)

  8. Marketing (jreznik, 19:35:24)
    1. the beta announcement in a mostly complete state, it will be ready for the beta (jreznik, 19:36:42)
    2. ACTION: mailga to check F22 FF bookmarks (jreznik, 19:41:23)
    3. HELP: marking folks are always looking for help. (nirik, 19:42:13)

  9. Infrastructure (jreznik, 19:42:13)
    1. infrastructure should be all set once they have stuff to distribute (jreznik, 19:42:58)

  10. QA (jreznik, 19:43:10)
    1. outstanding blocker, test coverage looks decent (jreznik, 19:45:08)

  11. Release Engineering (jreznik, 19:45:20)
    1. releng will be ready when there is a release ready to go (jreznik, 19:46:08)
    2. releng do need to add the atomic installer for RC2 (jreznik, 19:46:20)

  12. Translations (jreznik, 19:47:07)
  13. Design (jreznik, 19:49:17)
  14. Websites (jreznik, 19:51:39)
    1. Beta websites are all set and ready to go (jreznik, 19:52:20)

  15. Open floor (jreznik, 19:54:28)

Meeting ended at 19:58:03 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. randomuser to document fedora-release package situation
  2. mailga to check F22 FF bookmarks

Action items, by person

  1. mailga
    1. mailga to check F22 FF bookmarks
  2. randomuser
    1. randomuser to document fedora-release package situation

People present (lines said)

  1. jreznik (105)
  2. randomuser (37)
  3. stickster (20)
  4. sgallagh (20)
  5. nirik (19)
  6. zodbot (18)
  7. jzb (17)
  8. robyduck (14)
  9. roshi (8)
  10. adamw (7)
  11. mailga (3)
  12. Mohamed_Fawzy (2)
  13. FedoraUser (2)
  14. oddshocks (2)
  15. dgilmore (2)
  16. juliuxpigface (2)

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