19:01:35 <jreznik> #startmeeting F22 Beta Readiness Meeting
19:01:35 <jreznik> #meetingname f22-beta-readiness-meeting
19:01:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr  9 19:01:35 2015 UTC.  The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:01:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:01:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f22-beta-readiness-meeting'
19:01:41 <adamw> .hello adamwill
19:01:42 <zodbot> adamw: adamwill 'Adam Williamson' <adamw+fedora@happyassassin.net>
19:01:45 <jreznik> #topic Roll Call
19:01:46 <stickster> .hello pfrields
19:01:47 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com>
19:02:04 <jreznik> and hi everyone joining us today!
19:02:21 <roshi> .hello roshi
19:02:22 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com>
19:02:25 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb
19:02:26 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com>
19:02:43 <stickster> fancy meeting you cowpokes here ;-D
19:03:20 <nirik> .hello kevin
19:03:21 <zodbot> nirik: kevin 'Kevin Fenzi' <kevin@scrye.com>
19:03:45 <randomuser> .hello immanetize
19:03:47 <zodbot> randomuser: immanetize 'Pete Travis' <me@petetravis.com>
19:03:54 <juliuxpigface> .hello juliuxpigface
19:03:57 <zodbot> juliuxpigface: juliuxpigface 'None' <juliux.pigface@gmail.com>
19:04:29 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh
19:04:30 <jreznik> ok, let's begin!
19:04:33 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com>
19:04:56 <jreznik> #topic Purpose of this meeting
19:04:58 <jreznik> #info "Before each public release all of the groups participating the development of Fedora's next release meet to make sure the release is well coordinated."
19:04:59 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings
19:05:16 <jreznik> #topic Current status
19:06:00 <jreznik> so I'll start with a sad news but we had to slip due to last minute blocker bug
19:06:20 <jreznik> I'm updating schedules right now and I'll send announcement after this meeting
19:06:34 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/22/Schedule
19:06:41 <stickster> Yeah, saw that. I know it's a bit of a heartbreak
19:07:17 <jreznik> we were doing it for robyduck, he asked for one more week for websites :)
19:07:29 <roshi> yeah, that
19:07:36 <stickster> haha
19:07:40 <oddshocks> .hello oddshocks
19:07:41 <zodbot> oddshocks: oddshocks 'David Gay' <dgay@redhat.com>
19:07:54 <Mohamed_Fawzy> .hello mohamedfawzy
19:07:55 <zodbot> Mohamed_Fawzy: mohamedfawzy 'Mohamed Fawzy' <medoelmasry142@gmail.com>
19:07:59 <jreznik> #topic Ambassadors
19:08:16 <jreznik> ok, do we have anyone for ambassadors section?
19:08:22 <FedoraUser> .hello fedorauser
19:08:24 <zodbot> FedoraUser: fedorauser 'Medic Momcilo' <medicmomcilo@gmail.com>
19:09:14 <jreznik> for Beta, we're usually good so I can check it out later offline
19:09:22 <Mohamed_Fawzy> jreznik: iam fedora ambassador in Egypt
19:09:42 <jreznik> Mohamed_Fawzy: hi, I know - is there anything ambassadors needs for Beta?
19:11:13 * jreznik thinks we can safely move on
19:11:25 <jreznik> #topic Documentation
19:11:33 <jreznik> randomuser: your turn
19:11:47 * randomuser clears throat
19:12:04 <randomuser> I think we're in good shape for Beta (given the slip :P) release notes
19:12:20 <randomuser> a few of us will be working hard at it this week
19:12:37 <randomuser> there are a few points I would like some collaboration on, though
19:12:50 <jreznik> #info documentation is in a good shape for Beta release notes
19:13:14 <jreznik> sure, we all try to help
19:13:19 <randomuser> sgallagh, I'm going to play with the database server role today and it would be nice to have a review of what I come up with, and what we're saying in general.  Will probably ping on.. Monday
19:13:28 <sgallagh> ack
19:13:48 <randomuser> I had some cloud questions that roshi was able to answer this morning
19:14:07 <roshi> and I can answer more should they come up
19:14:30 <randomuser> and Workstation... stickster, maybe you can help me figure out what's new there besides the obvious work on gnome 3.16
19:14:52 <stickster> randomuser: sure, hit me up directly after thsi
19:14:54 <stickster> *this, even.
19:15:03 <randomuser> great, thanks
19:15:40 <jreznik> this is the way I really like it, anything else randomuser?
19:15:40 <randomuser> in general, those following the DNF replacement saga could provide feedback on what I've written about it
19:15:47 <randomuser> almost done
19:16:22 <randomuser> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Server_Configuration_Tools_Beat#yum_replaced_by_dnf ( plus a paragraph in git about yum-deprecated)
19:16:23 <jreznik> #info dnf release notes review/feedback requested by documentation team
19:16:34 <jreznik> sorry for interrupting you :)
19:16:42 <randomuser> a lot of concerns about dnf, we want to answer all questions we can
19:16:54 <randomuser> core guides should be updated between beta and final
19:17:11 <randomuser> with maybe some bonus guides to help new users, we'll see
19:17:55 <randomuser> that's all from me; please communicate if you want something documented
19:18:13 <jreznik> #info core guides should be updated between beta and final
19:18:53 <jreznik> #info communicate to documentation if anybody wants something documented
19:19:44 <jreznik> randomuser: is it all from docs?
19:19:50 <adamw> are we writing anything about the changes to the way products/flavors are implemented?
19:20:04 * stickster wields a bit of editing pen...
19:20:14 <randomuser> adamw, I'm not sure what that means
19:20:19 <jreznik> it would be nice to document it (if it is not)
19:20:21 <randomuser> stickster, in git!
19:20:49 <adamw> mattdm/sgallagh rejigged the fedora-release-foo and config subpackges and stuff somehow
19:20:50 <stickster> randomuser: I'm on the wiki now, is that not the right place?
19:21:33 <sgallagh> Hopefully that information is only interesting to packagers
19:21:44 <randomuser> stickster, it depends on the page, probably; we're right in the middle of migrating.  I linked to the wiki so everyone doesn't have to read raw docbook today, but the dnf stuff for example is committed
19:21:45 <sgallagh> There should be little impact to end-users
19:22:00 <stickster> randomuser: I'm on https://fedoraproject.org/wikiDocumentation_Server_Configuration_Tools_Beat
19:22:16 <randomuser> i'll add a short paragraph; impact or no, it is an integral part of the machine
19:22:16 <sgallagh> (or rather, the impact that F21 had should no longer be there)
19:22:39 <randomuser> stickster, ok, I can check that for changes if you prefer to edit there
19:22:49 <stickster> randomuser: Whichever is easiest for you I can do
19:22:57 <randomuser> git is better, please
19:23:05 <stickster> randomuser: OK, point me to the repo and I'll do that
19:23:16 * stickster lets folks get on with it here ;-)
19:23:22 <randomuser> ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/release-notes.git
19:24:19 <randomuser> #action randomuser to document fedora-release package situation
19:24:23 <randomuser> eof
19:24:33 <jreznik> thanks a lot randomuser!
19:24:42 <jreznik> #topic Fedora Engineering Manager
19:24:50 <jreznik> stickster: anything from you?
19:25:01 <stickster> nope :-)
19:25:12 <jreznik> ok, moving on
19:25:16 <jreznik> #topic FESCo
19:25:29 <nirik> nothing in particular from fesco
19:25:29 <jreznik> nirik, sgallagh: anything from fesco for Beta?
19:25:41 <nirik> There was a blocker for anaconda passwords, but it's landed and in rc1
19:26:06 <jreznik> #info nothing particular from FESCo, FESCo blocker for Anaconda passwords resolved in RC1
19:26:32 <sgallagh> There was some ambiguity about release-blocking media
19:26:48 <sgallagh> We probably need to clarify a process for controlling that
19:27:07 <jreznik> indeed
19:27:29 <nirik> sgallagh: good idea yeah.
19:27:40 <jreznik> can anyone file FESCo ticket for it? I can but tomorrow
19:28:08 <nirik> well, I think basically we need a wiki page with a policy and then note it to everyone.
19:28:18 <jreznik> #info there was some ambiguity about release-blocking media, we should clarify
19:28:18 <roshi> it was on my list of things to do after the cloud discussion
19:28:33 <randomuser> I'm not sure removing a 'release-blocking' sticker from a given deliverable and shipping it with flaws is a great approach... but, this isnt' the place to dive into that
19:28:56 <nirik> randomuser: it's not about that really.
19:29:11 <sgallagh> randomuser: It's about describing exactly when in the process we decide what is release-blocking.
19:29:16 <nirik> it's about: "here are the exact things that are release blocking:" "here is how you add to or remove from this list"
19:29:17 <jreznik> randomuser:the plan was to review here what to do in case it's not blocking but broken but as we're slipping
19:29:19 <sgallagh> I think that has to happen prior to Alpha Freeze, personally
19:29:27 <nirik> sgallagh: +1
19:29:29 <roshi> +1 to that
19:29:30 <sgallagh> And what nirik said as well
19:29:33 <jreznik> sgallagh: or better long time ago
19:29:44 <nirik> it's all kind of just assumed from the past.
19:29:46 <randomuser> ack
19:30:09 <jreznik> nirik: well, we know old stuff, atomic is new...
19:30:21 <sgallagh> jreznik: Strictly speaking, all of the Edition stuff is new too
19:30:22 <nirik> right, but also "atomic" isn't detailed enough. ;)
19:30:30 <sgallagh> It just kind of happened last cycle
19:30:58 <adamw> nirik: we have made explicit decisions before and written them into the criteria, but it's always been a as-it-comes-up sort of thing.
19:31:06 <jreznik> sgallagh: but we somehow sorted it last cycle but makes sense to go through it and maybe it can be part of the process to review for each upcoming release
19:31:16 <nirik> sure, it would be nice to have a exact list.
19:31:27 <randomuser> is there a documented process for something to become a product/flavor/edition yet?
19:31:28 <adamw> the current wording is "The term release-blocking images means all the images in which bugs are currently considered capable of blocking a Fedora release. The current set of release-blocking images includes the images defined by the three primary Products - Server, Workstation and Cloud - in their product requirement documents and/or technical specifications, and the KDE live image. "
19:31:44 <randomuser> it would be easy to say "all approved editions are release blocking"
19:32:09 <nirik> but in that case cloud is a bit wishy washy.
19:32:10 <sgallagh> Unfortunately, the Cloud PRD has aged out and may no longer be accurate
19:32:16 <sgallagh> That will have to be revised for F23
19:33:08 <nirik> I'm fine with them defining that, but I think there should be a central list and only action adds to it.
19:33:15 <jreznik> it's out of scope here but let's make sure it's going to happen
19:33:22 <nirik> yeah, off trac
19:33:27 <sgallagh> agreed (both nirik and jreznik)
19:33:28 <jreznik> nirik: I agree
19:33:58 <jreznik> so in the end it makes sense to track it as FESCo ticket? to make sure it happens
19:34:04 <sgallagh> yes
19:34:38 <nirik> sure
19:34:39 <jreznik> if nobody does it by tomorrow, I'll do it...
19:34:54 <sgallagh> thanks
19:35:07 <jreznik> not sure I still have mental capacity for all stuff tonight (with schedule updates ;-)
19:35:11 <jreznik> moving on
19:35:24 <jreznik> #topic Marketing
19:35:30 <jreznik> jzb: still around?
19:35:56 <jzb> yep
19:36:22 <jzb> we have the beta announcement in a mostly complete state
19:36:32 <jzb> it'll be ready for the beta
19:36:42 <jreznik> #info the beta announcement in a mostly complete state, it will be ready for the beta
19:36:56 <jzb> IIRC we also have something around bookmarks, and I'm not entirely sure that's complete
19:37:11 <sgallagh> bookmarks?
19:37:38 <jzb> sgallagh: I think marketing is supposed to review the default FF bookmarks each release
19:37:48 <sgallagh> ah
19:37:49 <jzb> and if I'm not mistaken, beta is the target date for that.
19:37:55 <stickster> argh
19:37:59 <jzb> I'm unlear that has happened.
19:38:04 <jreznik> yep, to make sure it's not out of date but I think it's for final
19:38:14 <jreznik> not sure right now, I'll check it up
19:38:15 <randomuser> any other marketing stratagems, jzb ? social media campaigns, targeted ads of some sort, swag, coordination with ambassadors or regional activists?
19:38:55 <jzb> randomuser: for beta? No. And we don't have a targeted ad budget that I'm aware of ;-)
19:39:07 <stickster> jzb: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/fedora-bookmarks.git/tree/default-bookmarks.html
19:39:23 <randomuser> heh.  That's how it is, until people start asking awkward questions :)
19:39:42 <jreznik> jzb: no super bowl ad ever?
19:39:48 <jzb> also, as always, I'll mention... help wanted.
19:40:01 * jreznik is trying to help
19:40:04 <mailga> I checked ff bookmarks for the F21
19:40:11 <jzb> we have a fair number of folks doing work around the Magazine, but other than that, marketing is a bit thin these days.
19:40:19 <stickster> mailga: What did you find?
19:40:20 <mailga> I take care of also for F22.
19:40:21 <jreznik> #info mailga checked ff bookmarks for F21
19:40:25 <jzb> mailga: do you wish to do f22
19:40:30 <jzb> jreznik: you do, and it's appreciated.
19:40:31 <jreznik> #undo
19:40:31 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by jreznik at 19:40:21 : mailga checked ff bookmarks for F21
19:40:37 <stickster> oh, sorry, mailga  -- I made a mistake f21/f22 :-)
19:40:46 * randomuser is at capacity for volunteer cycles, unfortunately
19:40:47 <jreznik> stickster: me too :)
19:41:00 <jzb> randomuser: aren't we all? :-)
19:41:23 <jreznik> #action mailga to check F22 FF bookmarks
19:41:46 <jzb> EOF for me
19:41:51 <jreznik> thanks jzb
19:42:06 <stickster> mailga: I see one bit wrong already, Join Fedora link should be -> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join (as sad as that is)
19:42:13 <nirik> #help marking folks are always looking for help.
19:42:13 <jreznik> #topic Infrastructure
19:42:20 <jreznik> nirik: you again :)
19:42:35 <nirik> we should be all set once we have stuff to distribute. ;)
19:42:44 <mailga> stickster: thanks
19:42:54 <randomuser> stickster, we have been rumbling about such things in the join sig context, all welcome :)
19:42:58 <jreznik> #info infrastructure should be all set once they have stuff to distribute
19:43:10 <jreznik> #topic QA
19:43:11 <stickster> randomuser: ack
19:43:16 <jreznik> adamw, roshi: ?
19:43:28 <roshi> aside from the standing blocker, I have nothing
19:44:17 <jreznik> ok
19:44:36 <adamw> yeah, nothing much
19:44:39 <adamw> test coverage looks decent i think
19:44:49 * roshi thought so too
19:45:08 <jreznik> #info outstanding blocker, test coverage looks decent
19:45:19 <jreznik> thanks adamw/roshi
19:45:20 <jreznik> #topic Release Engineering
19:45:36 <jreznik> dgilmore: are you around? anything from you for Beta?
19:45:41 <dgilmore> we will be ready when there is a release ready to go
19:45:57 <dgilmore> we do need to add the atomic installer for RC2
19:46:08 <jreznik> #info releng will be ready when there is a release ready to go
19:46:20 <jreznik> #info releng do need to add the atomic installer for RC2
19:46:58 <jreznik> thanks dgilmore
19:47:07 <jreznik> #topic Translations
19:47:20 <jreznik> do we have anyone from i18n?
19:47:35 <randomuser> l10n ?
19:48:06 <jreznik> or i10n :)
19:48:24 * jreznik will check offline with noriko
19:48:27 <randomuser> sorry, not trying to be pedantic
19:48:49 <jreznik> randomuser: np, it's always the question what's more accurate in which context
19:49:17 <jreznik> #topic Design
19:49:41 * jreznik pinged mizmo but seems like she's not here, so he can check offline with design later
19:49:49 <jreznik> unless there's anyone else from design?
19:50:07 <jreznik> or anything anymone needs from Design for Beta I should ask for?
19:50:12 <oddshocks> mizmo's off with her child I believe (fever)
19:50:21 <jreznik> aha :(
19:50:59 <jreznik> #topic Open floor
19:51:12 <robyduck> jreznik: no websites?
19:51:27 <robyduck> but we are all set
19:51:28 <jreznik> robyduck: oh, sorry!
19:51:31 <robyduck> no worries
19:51:34 <jreznik> #undo
19:51:34 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x585c1d90>
19:51:39 <jreznik> #topic Websites
19:51:47 <robyduck> Beta websites are all set and ready to go ;)
19:51:48 <jreznik> I knew I missed something
19:51:51 <stickster> :-)
19:52:05 <robyduck> we are already working on final websites
19:52:07 <jreznik> robyduck: but we listened and added one week for you for GA :)
19:52:20 <jreznik> #info Beta websites are all set and ready to go
19:52:24 <robyduck> jreznik: yeah I saw that, one week more is welcome, yes
19:52:38 <jreznik> the new spins web is for Beta or final?
19:52:48 <robyduck> they are all for final
19:52:59 <jreznik> ok
19:53:01 <robyduck> we will have at least 2 websites to do
19:54:10 <robyduck> jreznik: I don't have anything else
19:54:22 <jreznik> thanks robyduck!
19:54:28 <jreznik> #topic Open floor
19:54:39 <jreznik> so now for open floor? anyone anything?
19:55:08 <jreznik> if not, I'm setting fuse
19:55:09 * roshi has nothing
19:55:10 <jreznik> 3...
19:55:19 <robyduck> as always, thanks to you jreznik for 3 hours of chairing
19:55:37 <jzb> +1
19:55:42 <randomuser> jreznik++
19:55:43 <zodbot> randomuser: You have already given 1 karma to jreznik
19:55:50 <FedoraUser> jreznik++
19:55:51 <nirik> thanks jreznik
19:55:51 <randomuser> jreznik+++
19:55:57 <jzb> jreznik++
19:56:03 <nirik> jreznik++ for all the things you do. ;)
19:56:05 <jreznik> robyduck: :D I still have to update schedule for you but I already dream about my bed :)))
19:56:12 <juliuxpigface> jreznik++
19:56:25 <robyduck> lol, you deserve it today
19:56:28 <jreznik> ooh, that much, thanks a lot!
19:56:43 <robyduck> jreznik++
19:56:43 <zodbot> robyduck: You have already given 1 karma to jreznik
19:56:46 <robyduck> uff
19:56:52 <sgallagh> jreznik++
19:56:55 <robyduck> zodbot--
19:56:58 <jreznik> 2...
19:57:23 <jreznik> don't mess with karma!
19:57:25 <jreznik> 1...
19:57:59 <jreznik> ok, thanks again for coming - let's hope we will be in a better state next week and ready to release!
19:58:03 <jreznik> #endmeeting