
#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Board

Meeting started by rbergeron at 18:00:16 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Who's here? (rbergeron, 18:00:37)
  2. Agenda (rbergeron, 18:03:51)
    1. regrets from pbrobinson (rbergeron, 18:04:10)
    2. Housekeeping items for today - (in addition to announcements) - Elections stuff, some issues with the onlinevendor wikipage, User Survey, other things tbd as time allows (rbergeron, 18:05:13)

  3. Announcements (rbergeron, 18:06:01)
    1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2013-May/011996.html (misc, 18:06:04)
    2. FYI - a mail sent out on a FAS security issue went out earlier today (rbergeron, 18:07:13)
    3. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2013-May/003154.html (rbergeron, 18:07:19)
    4. Features 100% Complete and Beta Change Deadline on Tuesday May 14th (jreznik, 18:09:10)

  4. Elections (rbergeron, 18:10:44)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections (rbergeron, 18:12:08)
    2. schedule for commitee election are good (misc, 18:17:51)
    3. ACTION: rbergeron contact legal to make sure that naming election schedule is ok (misc, 18:18:10)

  5. Fedocal and Board mtg (rbergeron, 18:20:51)
    1. ACTION: misc continue the discussion about planning on ml (misc, 18:27:09)
    2. robyn suggests that we plug the current time into fedocal instead of waiting (rbergeron, 18:28:27)

  6. Online Vendors Wiki Page (rbergeron, 18:29:11)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/OnlineVendors (rbergeron, 18:30:21)
    2. The page is managed by people on the "distribution" list, currently open to edits from everyone (gholms, 18:36:29)
    3. ACTION: rbergeron to ping nan re: ticket to contact vendor (rbergeron, 18:38:24)
    4. ACTION: rbergeron to ping distribution list re: onlinevendors wiki page (rbergeron, 18:39:18)

  7. User Survey (rbergeron, 18:39:43)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_User_Survey_Questions (rbergeron, 18:40:51)

  8. Open Floor (rbergeron, 19:11:43)
    1. ACTION: Sparks to put together a survey prototype for next week (gholms, 19:13:38)
    2. IDEA: fedmsg plugin for meetbot that sends meeting minutes (gholms, 19:15:30)

Meeting ended at 19:23:52 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. rbergeron contact legal to make sure that naming election schedule is ok
  2. misc continue the discussion about planning on ml
  3. rbergeron to ping nan re: ticket to contact vendor
  4. rbergeron to ping distribution list re: onlinevendors wiki page
  5. Sparks to put together a survey prototype for next week

Action items, by person

  1. misc
    1. misc continue the discussion about planning on ml
  2. rbergeron
    1. rbergeron contact legal to make sure that naming election schedule is ok
    2. rbergeron to ping nan re: ticket to contact vendor
    3. rbergeron to ping distribution list re: onlinevendors wiki page
  3. Sparks
    1. Sparks to put together a survey prototype for next week

People present (lines said)

  1. rbergeron (128)
  2. Sparks (52)
  3. misc (42)
  4. rdieter (23)
  5. gholms (20)
  6. jreznik (16)
  7. Viking-Ice (11)
  8. zodbot (8)
  9. inode0 (7)
  10. nirik (2)
  11. mhayden (2)
  12. dan408 (1)
  13. sparks (0)

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