18:00:16 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Fedora Board
18:00:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May  9 18:00:16 2013 UTC.  The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:29 <rbergeron> #meetingname Fedora Board
18:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_board'
18:00:37 <rbergeron> #topic Who's here?
18:00:41 <gholms> o/
18:00:54 <rbergeron> #chair gholms jreznik inode0
18:00:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: gholms inode0 jreznik rbergeron
18:01:18 <jreznik> hey :)
18:01:30 * Sparks 
18:01:31 <misc> o/
18:01:49 <rbergeron> #chair sparks misc
18:01:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: gholms inode0 jreznik misc rbergeron sparks
18:01:59 * dan408 waves
18:02:02 <rbergeron> my typing lags
18:02:36 <Sparks> lags or lacks?
18:02:40 <rbergeron> yes.
18:03:13 <Sparks> Oh good.
18:03:13 * mhayden winks
18:03:16 <rbergeron> rdieter, nb - meetin' time
18:03:23 <rbergeron> #chair mhayden
18:03:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: gholms inode0 jreznik mhayden misc rbergeron sparks
18:03:47 <rbergeron> Okay, I'll move onwards - i don't see pbrobinson in channel but if someone wants to hail him that would be dandy
18:03:51 <rbergeron> #topic Agenda
18:03:56 * inode0 notes Peter sends regrets
18:04:03 <rbergeron> ah. I missed that
18:04:10 <rbergeron> #info regrets from pbrobinson
18:05:13 <rbergeron> #info Housekeeping items for today - (in addition to announcements) - Elections stuff, some issues with the onlinevendor wikipage, User Survey, other things tbd as time allows
18:05:43 <rbergeron> I think that covers it offhand
18:05:49 <rdieter> yo
18:05:51 <rbergeron> if not we'll adjust as we go along :)
18:05:54 <rbergeron> #chair rdieter
18:05:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: gholms inode0 jreznik mhayden misc rbergeron rdieter sparks
18:05:55 <rbergeron> yo.
18:06:01 <rbergeron> #topic Announcements
18:06:04 <misc> #info http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2013-May/011996.html
18:06:07 <misc> argh
18:06:26 <rbergeron> misc: you beat me to it :)
18:06:45 <rbergeron> oh, wait
18:06:48 <rbergeron> that's not what i was going to paste
18:07:13 <rbergeron> #info FYI - a mail sent out on a FAS security issue went out earlier today
18:07:19 <rbergeron> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2013-May/003154.html
18:08:03 <Sparks> rbergeron: Would it be a good idea to have the Red Hat Product Security Team take a look at the FAS code?
18:08:08 <rbergeron> jreznik: do you have anything you want to holler out wrt schedule / beta freeze?
18:08:17 <rbergeron> sparks: You would probably want to ask infra folks that :)
18:08:21 <nirik> Sparks: they would be most welcome to.
18:08:43 <Sparks> nirik: Okay, I'll get with you later on that.
18:08:54 <rdieter> eep
18:09:10 <jreznik> #info Features 100% Complete and Beta Change Deadline on Tuesday May 14th
18:09:57 <jreznik> for now, we seems to be on track, blocker bugs list looks pretty good now
18:10:14 * rbergeron crosses her fingers that she's not typing with
18:10:38 <rbergeron> okay, onwards we go!
18:10:44 <rbergeron> #topic Elections
18:10:58 <rbergeron> Hooray, it's everyone's favorite time of the half-year
18:10:59 <jreznik> rbergeron: yep, it's pretty smooth, I smell problems in the air - or maybe we just remember f18...
18:11:53 <rbergeron> Ankur put together a draft schedule for the upcoming election period - and since it is practically upon us, I'd like to make sure everyone is kosher withthe schedule.
18:12:02 <inode0> were there F18 election problems I've forgotten already?
18:12:08 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections
18:12:19 <rbergeron> inode0: i think jreznik was more referrring to get the F18 out the door issues :)
18:12:23 * mhayden is new to the elections process
18:12:29 <rbergeron> the distro, not the election
18:12:38 <inode0> ok
18:12:45 <jreznik> rbergeron, inode0: yep, it was sent after the topic chnage
18:13:25 <rbergeron> the schedule looks decent to me - seems to avoid all the problem areas of big holidays and such during voting periods
18:13:32 <misc> the chedule look good, but I have no idea of what we should watch for :)
18:13:46 <jreznik> this is what we came with Ankur, planned before release and with time advance of Flock
18:14:11 <jreznik> so newly elected members could join us there
18:15:28 <rbergeron> jreznik: i didn't think about this - are we approving the naming schedule right this second as well
18:15:49 * inode0 has great confidence in FranciscoD running the elections again
18:16:02 <rbergeron> inode0: indeed :)
18:16:30 <jreznik> inode0: yep, he did a great job last time
18:16:49 <jreznik> rbergeron: not sure what do you mean
18:16:50 <rbergeron> So let me revise my statement: The committee elections (board/famsco/fesco) look good - I'd like to contact Legal to make sure that a week is going to be a reasonable time frame for them for approving names
18:17:17 <rbergeron> (And make sure they have a resource for us, and that they aren't swamped with last-minute Summit things)
18:17:33 <jreznik> rbergeron: in schedule it's one week but I've added a few more days buffer
18:17:50 <jreznik> but yeah, not a bad idea to ask them in advance
18:17:51 <misc> #info schedule for commitee election are good
18:18:10 <misc> #action rbergeron contact legal to make sure that naming election schedule is ok
18:18:10 <gholms> rbergeron: Up for taking that action?
18:18:14 <rbergeron> (good assuming everyone eelse is kosher with it? i see no complaints)
18:18:16 <gholms> Oh, I guess you are.  :)
18:18:33 <rbergeron> gholms: yeah, the mail is half-written :)
18:18:43 <jreznik> rbergeron: thanks!
18:18:47 <rbergeron> and should be done shortly
18:18:48 <gholms> rbergeron: Thanks!
18:19:51 <rbergeron> I guess everyone is kosher with the schedule for committees, and I'll follow up on the naming thing asap
18:20:06 * nirik has a ticket to make a elections calendar as well... so it's easy to see when it what
18:20:22 <rdieter> yay
18:20:30 <rbergeron> ah - that's a good thing to cover super quicklike
18:20:51 <rbergeron> #topic Fedocal and Board mtg
18:21:18 <rbergeron> Just to cover this super quickly - my intent (I don't know if/where this should be set in stone?) is basically to have elected folks and both appointees start their terms at the same time
18:21:25 <rbergeron> (rather than staggering)
18:21:36 <rbergeron> Assuming that's kosher - I think that's what all the other bodies do.
18:21:52 <rbergeron> Because trying to juggle it amongst multiple folks is just a losing proposition in terms of meeting time agreement.
18:22:31 <rdieter> reasonable
18:22:41 * gholms nods
18:22:50 <rbergeron> And wrt fedocal - I think we can plug in the current meeting time without worry for the next few months.
18:23:28 <misc> so the term start after F19 release ?
18:24:43 <rbergeron> Well, at least after the election. And I think after F19 release (unless someone finds that unreasonable). I think this is how at least FESCo does it - and it makes a bit more sense IMO, but willing to hear otherwise
18:24:45 <jreznik> misc: it depends - for example FESCo started last time right after elections  announcement
18:25:13 <rbergeron> jreznik: oh really? i thought... oh, at least we're consistent in being inconsistent, yes?
18:25:16 <rbergeron> :)
18:25:28 <jreznik> :)
18:25:57 <misc> I would be in favor of using the same as fesco, but that's nit picking, we maybe have better to discuss for now
18:26:22 <rbergeron> yep. I just wanted to basically say "let's plug the current time into fedocal instead of waiting"
18:26:44 * rbergeron wonders if anyone is willing to pass that back ont he mailing list while i move onwards
18:26:51 <misc> I can do it
18:27:09 <misc> #action misc continue the discussion about planning on ml
18:28:14 <rbergeron> okay
18:28:27 <rbergeron> #info robyn suggests that we plug the current time into fedocal instead of waiting
18:29:11 <rbergeron> #topic Online Vendors Wiki Page
18:29:59 <rbergeron> minor context: It was brought up in #fedora-advisory-board yesterday that a user had purchased media from one of the vendors listed here, and was never shipped theproduct, and the vendor hadn't responded to multiple mails asking about status.
18:30:21 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/OnlineVendors
18:30:33 <rbergeron> I think the "this page needs some love" may be an understatement :)
18:31:09 <rdieter> from someone listed on the wiki, then I take it?
18:31:17 <rbergeron> yes.
18:32:13 <rdieter> ok, do we have details about the not-shipped-item?  If so, I'd propose contacting said vendor (semi)officially.
18:32:19 <jreznik> seems like it was updated sometimes
18:32:32 <rdieter> without an acceptable reply in a reasonable time period, remove them from the wiki
18:32:43 <jreznik> maybe you can share it to board private ml
18:33:20 <rbergeron> I requested that the person open a ticket and attach the mail(s) but I think they have not done so yet.
18:33:32 <rbergeron> The vendor ...
18:33:39 <rbergeron> (hang on, switching windows to look at it)
18:33:47 <rdieter> k, without that, there's not much to act on.  unless we want to consider dropping vendor on hearsay
18:34:05 <rdieter> (which is probably not a good precedent)
18:34:22 <rbergeron> well, there were multiple vendors/other things listed here that weren't ... well, kosher.
18:34:32 <rbergeron> pokercheck.com for example. :)
18:34:43 <rbergeron> (much as i love the pokers)
18:34:44 <misc> is someone responsible for keeping the page updated ?
18:34:52 <gholms> Yeah, there's an alias for it.
18:35:15 <gholms> .members distribution
18:35:17 <misc> oh yes, was brought in the discussion
18:35:17 <zodbot> gholms: Members of distribution: amarnathj @frankly3d geroldka jmorris @nman64 @susmit @tchung
18:35:46 <gholms> But the page is open to edits from everyone.
18:35:50 <misc> yep
18:36:04 <rbergeron> and there are some details about the vendors needing to comply with trademark guidelines, etc
18:36:10 <misc> so maybe we could just ask them their opinion on the topic ?
18:36:29 <gholms> #info The page is managed by people on the "distribution" list, currently open to edits from everyone
18:36:45 <rbergeron> I think that seems like a reasonable idea :)
18:36:55 <gholms> misc: worksforme
18:37:12 <misc> so who is volunteer to reach them :) ?
18:37:23 <misc> ( for next week )
18:37:26 * rbergeron spins the wheel of fate
18:37:37 <rbergeron> (if nobody else, then it's me)
18:38:08 <rbergeron> I'll see if i can get in touch with NaN about the ticket or at least getting the emails to vendor
18:38:24 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to ping nan re: ticket to contact vendor
18:39:01 <rbergeron> annnnd
18:39:18 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to ping distribution list re: onlinevendors wiki page
18:39:43 <rbergeron> #topic User Survey
18:40:09 <rbergeron> sparks: So you posted to the list (i have failed to reply, but did post some questions in the wiki page)
18:40:29 <rbergeron> (and I feel like I had already scoped these questions out somewhere at some point but can't locate)
18:40:51 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_User_Survey_Questions
18:40:55 <Sparks> rbergeron: Yes!  All good questions
18:41:10 <Sparks> I've started playing around with the logic so I know how to make it do things now.
18:41:17 <Sparks> it == Lime Survey
18:41:31 <rbergeron> sparks: so I guess maybe I only have a few thoughts - #1 is that we don't want to be overwhelming because the # of users who finish the survey will drop dramatically
18:41:52 <rbergeron> #2 we might think about talking to the folks in QA about if there are any details that might be useful to them in particular
18:42:16 <Sparks> +1
18:42:35 <rbergeron> #3 misc brought up a good point re: privacy and etc - so we may need to look into that
18:42:51 * gholms nods
18:43:07 <Sparks> Well, we shouldn't collect any PII along the way.
18:43:28 <rbergeron> I think the important thing is to make sure the questions are repeatable on a year to year basis - makes some items more measurable, etc.
18:43:49 <Sparks> yes
18:43:55 <misc> Sparks: depending on the country, ip can count as PII ( or at least, that's what I heard )
18:44:05 <rbergeron> The other thing to think about is the user vs. former user thing - if we want that info (I think it would be useful), and what we'd ask.
18:44:21 <Sparks> misc: I'll try to get with spot and ask him about that.
18:44:35 <rbergeron> I do want to keep this obviously not-opinionish
18:44:40 <Sparks> Well, I do have a question, though.
18:45:00 <Sparks> We talked about splashing this survey out far and wide...
18:45:03 <rbergeron> ask away
18:45:07 <Sparks> but there is an inherent problem with that...
18:45:22 <Sparks> 1) You can possibly get multiple replies from the same person/bot
18:45:25 <misc> rbergeron: I think that would be useful, but then someone must read each answer, unless we want to have a predefined set of answer
18:45:30 <Sparks> 2) You can posisbly get spam results
18:45:49 <rbergeron> misc: radio buttons/checkboxes are the best way to go
18:46:09 <rbergeron> misc: maybe i'm not understanding what you mean
18:46:10 <Sparks> The alternative is to mail each individual that has a FAS account which would make those two problems go away
18:46:19 <rbergeron> do you mean "users would have to see the non-users questions"?
18:46:31 <misc> rbergeron: well,, that mean we already have a idea of the reason why people whould no longer use fedora
18:46:54 <misc> ( ie, we would need a pre-survey to know what to put in check box )
18:47:05 <Sparks> Ooo  a survey for the survey
18:47:12 <rbergeron> misc: I think we could come up with reasonable guesses and have an area for "fill in the blank if needed")
18:47:30 <rbergeron> "other"
18:47:31 <rbergeron> etc
18:47:49 <misc> Sparks: well, that's how it work, you first ask a few questions to a smaller group to test and have a idea of the field :)
18:48:05 <gholms> Heh
18:48:21 <misc> rbergeron: so then we need to read the "other" section, and depending on the size, this may be time consuming
18:48:33 <misc> but yeah, maybe there will not be much people using "other"
18:48:37 <Sparks> My recommendation would be to do a directed survey to FAS account holders.  At least with those results you can almost be scientific when speaking about them.
18:48:41 <rbergeron> misc: there are many ways to do it
18:49:00 <rbergeron> sparks: yeah, but I wonder if that becomes a conributor survey rather than a user survey
18:49:32 <Sparks> rbergeron: Perhaps two surveys, then.  The "user" survey can lead people to getting a FAS account?
18:50:03 <Sparks> rbergeron: I mean, you put a survey out there for the public to respond to and the data you receive will not amount to anything.
18:50:18 <rbergeron> and I think there are probably interesting details that would be fully biased (where do you get your fedora help from, etc)
18:50:38 * misc still propose to use github login for a "future contributor survey" thing
18:51:07 <Sparks> You couldn't even call it a Fedora User survey... it's just a survey about Fedora and x number of people decided to respond.  It's more of a comment card and nothing more.
18:51:09 <rbergeron> sparks: you mean the data will be meaningless or we won't have many respondents
18:51:20 <Sparks> I mean the data will be meaningless
18:51:47 <rbergeron> how does people having a fedora account give it meaning?
18:51:48 <Sparks> "We surveyed the world and of the people that responded..."
18:52:02 <rbergeron> "we surveyed the people of fedora and those that responded..." :)
18:52:21 <rbergeron> at elast if we break it down by installation type, etc then we can get info that is a bit more useful by use type
18:52:34 <rdieter> Sparks: i doubt anyone who doesn't give a darn about fedora will bother to do the survey
18:52:39 <rbergeron> maybe it doesn't place us in any accuracy about where the high/low usage is that we are comfy about
18:52:40 <Sparks> What you said.. "people of Fedora" are only those that have a FAS account
18:52:54 <Sparks> rdieter: There are some very bored people out there.
18:53:05 <misc> even asking to "people of fedora" for a start could help us to lay out the way we do survey
18:53:37 <Sparks> We need to be targetted and not general.
18:54:02 <Sparks> Your assumptions about who is responding have to be controlled and not a hope and a wish.
18:54:30 <rbergeron> i'm still not sure why you think that "just fedora account holders" is more sanitized than any other data set
18:54:42 <rbergeron> but we can argue that afterwards :)
18:54:51 <Sparks> because it's a fixed group
18:55:23 * inode0 considers new target audience of ace statisticians
18:55:53 <rdieter> wasn't one of the questions going to be: have you used fedora?  (or are we expecting incorrect/misleading answers there)
18:55:54 <Sparks> Trust me, I'm having flashbacks to my statistics class in college
18:55:54 <rbergeron> sparks: and lwn users are ... less of a fixed group?
18:56:04 <Sparks> lwn?
18:56:24 <rbergeron> it's a fixed group - i'd also argue that it will be far more imbalanced than a regular sample of users are
18:56:28 <rbergeron> linux weekly news
18:56:29 <rbergeron> slashdot
18:56:37 <rbergeron> all kinds of places to find people who would fill out a survey
18:56:42 <inode0> I feel pretty incompetent to design or execute a survey with any hope of obtaining useful data and leave it to people who know what they are doing.
18:56:48 <rbergeron> (much like the contributor survey that was done a while back)
18:57:01 <rbergeron> (or we find a place that does it professionally and let them find the sample group.)
18:57:03 <rdieter> actually, I wouldn't mind an initial targetted survey of fedora contributors (thyose with FAS accounts), that's fine as far as I'm concerned
18:57:21 <rbergeron> rdieter: yeah, i just worry of survey-tiredness mostly with that option
18:57:37 <Sparks> Well, if you get 10 people responding to the survey and they all say they use XFCE for their desktop environment what is the first question that comes to you?
18:57:39 <rbergeron> I'm open to that idea (assuming we aren't pissing people off spamming them on their fas email)
18:57:50 <rdieter> heh, I have doubts about he ultimate usefulness of this exercize anyway. :-/
18:57:59 <misc> rbergeron: we can do a survey about spamming them :) ?
18:58:27 <misc> ( in fact, if we ask something to people with FAS, i would like to know why they do not vote in comite elections )
18:58:34 <gholms> Maybe I'm just being silly, but what if we just start with a smaller audience like FAS account holders, see how things go, and tweak once we actually have info?
18:58:46 <rbergeron> sparks: did the xfce sig tell you to respond? :)
18:58:49 <Sparks> misc: Hit the wiki page.
18:58:53 <gholms> That would actually do *something* rather than leave us guessing.
18:59:17 <rbergeron> gholms: fair 'nuff
18:59:26 <rbergeron> anyway: additional questions/thoughts welcomed on question page
19:00:02 <Sparks> rbergeron: How about, how big was your sample size?  If you sampled 11 people then you probably have a good result.  If you sampled an infinite group then you still don't have any information.
19:00:07 * rdieter tries to remember the survey purpose... was to help us answer the user-base question?
19:00:54 <Sparks> In other survey news, I'd like to get the translators on board totranslate the questions and answers before we kick it off.
19:01:03 <Viking-Ice> what exactly are trying to gain from that survey from the people on the planet vs people contributing to fedora?
19:01:43 <misc> Sparks: doesn't that mean that people will answer to freeform text field in their language ?
19:02:01 <misc> ( but the idea is good, yes )
19:02:02 <Sparks> misc: Not if we use multiple choice
19:02:14 <rdieter> Viking-Ice: to get a better grasp/definition for fedora's userbase/target-audience (I think)
19:03:23 <misc> yep, IIRC last week
19:03:25 <Viking-Ice> I see and you actually think that you get answer to those question from either ?
19:04:13 <rdieter> Viking-Ice: that information could help make a more-informed decisions... some hope
19:04:39 <rbergeron> do yow people use fedora.
19:04:44 <rbergeron> ah, keyboard fail
19:04:52 <rbergeron> I think it helps to not do things blindly and to have some idea about what/where/how do people use fedora.
19:05:13 <rbergeron> yes, it doesn't affect why people are here to actually contribute.
19:05:51 <rbergeron> But there is usefulness in ensuring that we're not out in left field either.
19:06:48 <rbergeron> ....and silence?
19:07:14 <Sparks> What's next?
19:07:20 <Viking-Ice> well as I see it the only meaningful result we can in such survey are from people that already are contributing
19:07:49 * rdieter is happy to gather more data to aid future decision making, as long as we don't drag this out too long. (ie, i'd be sad if we're still talking about this 3-4 weeks from now)
19:08:04 <Sparks> rdieter: +1
19:08:27 <rbergeron> sparks: for me, unfortunately, a meeting 10 minutes ago
19:08:37 <Sparks> rdieter: I've already started building the thing.  Perhaps we can get a cutoff date set and get this thing rolling.
19:08:59 <rdieter> Sparks: k, pick something, and let's try to stick to it
19:09:07 <misc> Sparks: well, can you present a prototype for next week ?
19:09:09 <Sparks> rdieter: tomorrow?  :)
19:09:09 <rbergeron> rdieter: I think this will be the extnt of inmeeting discussion - i tihnk if there are folks who want to participate we could probably just have a separate meeitng for those wantting to put it together
19:09:25 <rdieter> sure
19:09:31 <Sparks> misc: Yeah, I can do that.  If anyone has any more questions they should put them on the wiki fast
19:09:47 <rbergeron> sparks: do you need me to fill in answers and whatnot
19:09:54 <rbergeron> or just questions for now
19:10:21 <Viking-Ice> I know a lot of people that just "use" fedora just regular people ( which can be narrowed down to the DE they are comfortable with + thunderbird,firefox,libreoffice, somephoto app and few simple games )  what possible question could those people answer and even change in that matter since these people will never contribute to the project
19:10:21 <rdieter> Sparks: if you really want translations (and another dedicated planning meeting as rbergeron suggests), we need more time
19:10:21 <Sparks> rbergeron: Umm... only if you think I won't know them (and I might not)
19:10:28 <misc> Sparks: it would just be a prototype, and while I think you will do a good job, I am sure once the first survey is done, we will find stuff to improve :)
19:10:47 <Sparks> misc: Absolutely.  There is always tweaking to be done
19:11:05 <misc> Viking-Ice: why wouldn't they contribute ?
19:11:08 <Sparks> rdieter: Agreed.  A prototype should be easy to do though.
19:11:22 <rdieter> k, go forth and do
19:11:29 <Sparks> :)
19:11:43 <rbergeron> #topic Open Floor
19:12:04 <Sparks> rbergeron: Why haven't the meeting minutes been going to the meeting list?
19:12:30 <misc> Sparks: cause it still has to be done manually ?
19:12:34 <Viking-Ice> misc, because they are not technical people just regular family folks that could not careless how and what os they are running as long as it just works
19:13:09 <gholms> Oops
19:13:11 <misc> ( iirc, meetbot do not have a feature to send mail automatically, it bothered me before and still bother me now, but the code would be a little bit more complex )
19:13:22 <misc> Sparks: but this could be plugged with fedmsg
19:13:38 <gholms> #action Sparks to put together a survey prototype for next week
19:14:03 <Sparks> misc: Seems to be like that would be a good thing to have
19:15:14 * rdieter hugs fedmsg
19:15:21 <Sparks> :)
19:15:30 <gholms> #idea fedmsg plugin for meetbot that sends meeting minutes
19:15:51 * rdieter had hard-stop ~5 minutes ago, doh
19:15:57 <Viking-Ice> misc, basically people recovering from Microsoft Windows Vista/7 and now 8 and are familiar with the above mentioned ( or similar ) applications
19:16:35 <misc> Viking-Ice: well, and they know you participate to Fedora ?
19:17:32 <Viking-Ice> misc, yes someone was mentioning fedora and handing out cd/dvd when they gave up on Microsoft ;)
19:17:55 <Viking-Ice> selling them idea that it would solve their worlds IT problem...
19:18:17 * gholms needs to take off soon  :(
19:18:23 <Viking-Ice> so far no one has switch back afaik
19:19:48 <misc> Viking-Ice: but you didn't explained more about the way Fedora is created, the non technical aspect, etc ?
19:20:03 <rbergeron> sparks: i may ned to look at it - most folks are allowed through the queue and i thought i turned the full hose on
19:20:31 <Sparks> rb?
19:20:33 <Sparks> rbergeron: ?
19:20:45 <Viking-Ice> misc, I did but they did not seem to care and actually they would have taken any other linux distribution and tried it if an representative from them had been there
19:21:25 <rbergeron> guys: i need to go - sorry - unless anyone objects i'm going to endmeeting in just a minute
19:21:36 <inode0> +1
19:21:39 <gholms> worksforme
19:21:40 <Sparks> +1
19:21:42 <gholms> Thanks, all!
19:21:42 <misc> +1
19:23:45 <misc> ok so 1 minute has passed
19:23:48 <misc> thanks for coming
19:23:52 <Viking-Ice> misc, which leads to we should be focusing and making existing contributors happy before chasing non existing ones
19:23:52 <misc> #endmeeting