ACTION: as of today
we have a tree with the proposed fixes in it. jlaska to retest the
bugs he has filed/can reproduce, and ping other reporters to test
the other bugs in the clump(adamw,
AGREED: 567325
remains a blocker, requires esc and coolkey updates before ifd-egate
can be removed: esc update is submitted to bodhi but not yet
ACTION: adamw to nag
coolkey maintainers to submit the update(adamw,
AGREED: 560087
doesn't cause any actual problems and should go away when debugging
is disabled in the kernel: dropping from the blocker list(adamw,
AGREED: 577142 is
borderline but keeping on the blocker list for now, it looks like
ajax and drago01 are on top of putting a fix in place(adamw,
ACTION: drago01 to
commit the mooted xorg fix (and push an update?), adamw and drago01
to test(adamw,
AGREED: 583299
blocker status cannot be judged without more info on exactly what
situations it affects. looks like hans has the fix in hand
ACTION: adamw to ping
hansg for more info on 583299(adamw,
AGREED: fixes for
579756 are in xorg-x11-server since rev 7, but that has other
problems. bug can be closed when a newer xorg-x11-server is accepted
in stable(adamw,
AGREED: 584832 (a
regression introduced by the fix for 579756) should also be added as
a blocker(adamw,
live installer NetworkManager bug(adamw, 20:29:38)
AGREED: this issue
was bug #581794 but it's correctly marked as blocker and then fixed,
all in order(adamw,
jlaska will test 569469 again to determine if the reproducer is consistent
adamw to poke thomas in 583986
dcantrell to check in with dlehman on status of fix for 568219
as of today we have a tree with the proposed fixes in it. jlaska to retest the bugs he has filed/can reproduce, and ping other reporters to test the other bugs in the clump
adamw to remove 576060 from f13blocker list and ask esandeen to confirm he will not 'fix' e2fsprogs in f13
drago01 to investigate 571900
adamw to nag coolkey maintainers to submit the update
adamw to check in with mamoru that 560628 is still fixed, and close when kernel update is pushed
drago01 to commit the mooted xorg fix (and push an update?), adamw and drago01 to test
adamw to ping in the bug
adamw to ping hansg for more info on 583299
adamw to test install with the updated python-pyblock and +1 the update if it works
adamw to update 523914 to MODIFIED and ask andrew jones to re-test it
adamw to add proxy karma to those updates as multiple testers have reported them as ok
Action items, by person
adamw to poke thomas in 583986
adamw to remove 576060 from f13blocker list and ask esandeen to confirm he will not 'fix' e2fsprogs in f13
adamw to nag coolkey maintainers to submit the update
adamw to check in with mamoru that 560628 is still fixed, and close when kernel update is pushed
drago01 to commit the mooted xorg fix (and push an update?), adamw and drago01 to test
adamw to ping in the bug
adamw to ping hansg for more info on 583299
adamw to test install with the updated python-pyblock and +1 the update if it works
adamw to update 523914 to MODIFIED and ask andrew jones to re-test it
adamw to add proxy karma to those updates as multiple testers have reported them as ok
dcantrell to check in with dlehman on status of fix for 568219
drago01 to investigate 571900
drago01 to commit the mooted xorg fix (and push an update?), adamw and drago01 to test
jlaska will test 569469 again to determine if the reproducer is consistent
as of today we have a tree with the proposed fixes in it. jlaska to retest the bugs he has filed/can reproduce, and ping other reporters to test the other bugs in the clump