14:01:10 <spotz> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2020-07-22
14:01:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 22 14:01:10 2020 UTC.
14:01:10 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
14:01:10 <zodbot> The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:01:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:01:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2020-07-22'
14:01:11 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 22 14:01:10 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:01:12 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:01:14 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2020_07_22'
14:01:22 <spotz> @topic Roll Call
14:02:20 <amoralej> o/
14:02:27 <jpena> o/
14:02:33 <jcapitao> o/
14:03:03 <spotz> #chair amoralej jpena jcapitao
14:03:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao jpena spotz
14:03:03 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao jpena spotz
14:03:30 <ykarel> o/
14:03:50 <spotz> #chair ykarel
14:03:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao jpena spotz ykarel
14:03:51 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao jpena spotz ykarel
14:04:11 <spotz> The agenda so far is all me so I guess it's good I'm running today:)
14:04:25 <spotz> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/RDO-Meeting
14:05:15 <spotz> If no one objects I'm going to skip to the second topic first which is the OpenDev events in case someone wants to listen in over there
14:05:17 <amoralej> yep, the stage is yours today :)
14:05:23 <spotz> #topic OpenDev
14:05:48 <spotz> So originally OpenDev was going to run with the PTG but do to virtual they were separated out
14:06:15 <spotz> The first event was Large Scale and videos are up
14:06:19 <spotz> #link  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNh2eKpe7CU
14:06:32 <spotz> from there you can find the videos for the other 2 days
14:07:13 <spotz> Going on this week is Hardware Automation and today they are doing networking. You can register here
14:07:31 <spotz> +link  https://opendev_hardwareautomation.eventbrite.com/?_ga=2.247588996.266113931.1593534561-1940861233.1584556918
14:07:36 <spotz> #link  https://opendev_hardwareautomation.eventbrite.com/?_ga=2.247588996.266113931.1593534561-1940861233.1584556918
14:08:03 <spotz> And the last event which may or may not be of interest to this group will be Containers in Production 10-12 Aug
14:08:18 <spotz> Link for registration
14:08:28 <spotz> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/opendev-containers-in-production-registration-105020424918?_ga=2.42723366.266113931.1593534561-1940861233.1584556918
14:08:47 <spotz> #link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/opendev-containers-in-production-registration-105020424918?_ga=2.42723366.266113931.1593534561-1940861233.1584556918
14:09:11 <spotz> So that's all the information there as folks said they didn't know about the event. Any questions?
14:09:33 <amoralej> thanks for the info spotz
14:09:40 <amoralej> i was one of those
14:10:16 <ykarel> me too
14:10:45 <jcapitao> me too
14:10:49 <spotz> I did mention to the OSF folks didn't know about the events even though they were emailed to the lists so hopefully they can do something to make them standout a little more in the future
14:11:07 <spotz> ohh bad grammar there!
14:11:21 <spotz> But I'll try to keep the group informed just in case:)
14:11:56 <spotz> #topic RDO Events
14:12:03 <spotz> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/rdo-events
14:12:51 <spotz> So I think we can start thinking of scheduling workshops ultimately leading up to the hackfest and Doc Days.
14:12:53 <rdogerrit> Rafael Folco proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: [WIP] Move provision/staging to py3  https://review.rdoproject.org/r/28623
14:13:10 <amoralej> yep, it's good to start planning
14:13:36 <spotz> I installed Ussuri Packstack the other day and I think it was the fastest install I've ever had!
14:14:09 <ykarel> nice
14:14:32 <ykarel> i guess u did following docs from rdoproject.org?
14:14:36 <amoralej> yep, it still works :)
14:14:59 <jcapitao> nice to hear that :)
14:15:01 <spotz> So what I was thinking was trying to grab one of the OpenShift Commons AMA slots or another one and run through a simple all-in-one with the default answers file or show them how to generate one and make a few modifications and then build
14:15:25 <spotz> And while it's building in after have someone be able to talk about the different configuration options, etc?
14:16:05 <spotz> Yeah used the rdoprojet.org docs and they're good. I am tempted to add the generate-file command on the page though as I had to go look for it:)
14:16:51 <spotz> So demo and talk even with questions I think we can do in an hour for Packstack
14:17:19 <amoralej> spotz, wrt packstack, the three main maintainers are here so i guess one of us can also participate :)
14:17:34 <spotz> amoralej: That's what I was hoping for:)
14:17:38 <amoralej> jpena, ykarel or myself
14:17:47 <jpena> or a combination of us :D
14:17:49 <amoralej> when do you think it will be?
14:17:53 <amoralej> september?
14:18:10 <spotz> Diane wants me to run some Commons streams while she's on vacation in August so we can definitely do this first one then
14:18:11 <ykarel> i think answer file is documented in doc, le me check
14:19:03 <spotz> ykarel: I know it talks about using the one created but I like to generate one turn off ceilometer and a few things and set a lazy password or 2 as I use it mainly for labs
14:20:14 <amoralej> I'll be out most of august
14:20:26 <spotz> Now the Manual and tripleO installs there's no way we can do in 1 hour, so I'm thinking those might be a combination of EventBrite and Google Meet/Blue Jeans or depending on feed back hopin.to
14:20:36 <jpena> I'll be around in August, except the last week
14:21:05 <spotz> I'm just worried about putting everything in September plus attempting the hackfest for RC1
14:21:11 <ykarel> i will be availabe both august/sepetember
14:22:31 <ykarel> spotz, it's in http://rdoproject.org/documentation/packstack-cookbook/
14:22:37 <spotz> If we could do it first week of August would that work? And the more folks available I can just host and one person can install and then we have a conversation on most typical configs people use, etc?
14:22:38 <ykarel> http://rdoproject.org/install/
14:22:58 <spotz> Ahh must have missed it on the install page then ykarel
14:22:59 <ykarel> More information on Packstack
14:26:00 <ykarel> hmm okk we can see and move to better place for more visibility
14:27:09 <spotz> amoralej: what are the dates you're out?
14:27:21 <amoralej> 1-24 august
14:27:37 <spotz> Ha so it's either you or jpena in August:(
14:28:19 <amoralej> so for first week would be jpena or ykarel
14:29:34 <spotz> So let me ask this, do we want to lead with Packstack or do one of the longer events first?
14:29:35 <ykarel> or we can go for September
14:29:54 <amoralej> i'd say packstack is the easiest one
14:30:01 <amoralej> so it's probably good to start
14:30:31 <spotz> ykarel: We are hoping to do the hackfest end of September with RC1. I was hoping the different workshops would result in us having participants with envirnments or at least can spin one up:)
14:30:59 <rdogerrit> Chandan Kumar proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Promoter: use {container,overcloud}_containers.yaml for container source  https://review.rdoproject.org/r/28624
14:31:11 <spotz> i'm syill having problems believing next Week is August:(
14:31:17 <amoralej> yes
14:31:27 <amoralej> in fact, i see it difficult for first week
14:31:51 <spotz> so shoot for second week?
14:32:22 <amoralej> ykarel, jpena would you be able to participate from 10-13 august?
14:32:30 <jpena> yes, that's ok for me
14:32:36 <ykarel> i am ok with it
14:33:57 <spotz> It would most likely be Monday at this time but I can confirm.
14:35:04 <spotz> And that's just for the packstack install. We can have other topics like getting started in the RDO Community, making your first patch, etc
14:36:22 <amoralej> yes, i think doing a session about onboarding on RDO for maintainers would be nice
14:36:36 <spotz> If possible it'd be nice to have https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/28218/ merged and backported before we do the manual install workshop:)
14:36:59 <ykarel> +1 For onboarding session
14:37:09 <amoralej> mmm, lee voted -1
14:37:32 <amoralej> we may need to think in an alternative way
14:37:42 <spotz> We can plan the onboarding one for later in August/early September so after pakstack but before hackfest and doc days
14:37:58 <spotz> amoralej: Yeah tried to address his concerns but haven't seen a reply
14:38:30 <spotz> And that's why I always have my nic in my gerrit name so I can be pinged as a reviewer or as the contributer
14:38:31 <amoralej> yes, i think doing onboarding in august doesn't make much sense, better to wait for people to be back from summer ptos
14:38:55 <spotz> Just before those events so they have logins and are configured:)
14:39:06 <amoralej> that makes sense
14:39:15 <rdogerrit> Rafael Folco proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: [WIP] Move provision/staging to py3  https://review.rdoproject.org/r/28623
14:39:33 <amoralej> wrt that review, what puppet modules do is to copy the wsgi executable to a different place
14:39:49 <amoralej> instead of running it from /usr/bin
14:40:13 <spotz> Ok so we'll shoot for second week of August with ykarel and jpena. And then onboarding with everyone:) second week of September
14:41:14 <spotz> amoralej: I remember that from I think it was the glance bug, but yet for some reason we deviate?
14:43:38 <spotz> If the answer is it needs documentation vs a patch that's fine, I'd just like either to be done before the workshop:)
14:43:56 <amoralej> yes, it may be easier to just document it
14:44:10 <amoralej> i'm trying to find out how is it done in other keystone
14:45:58 <spotz> My main resistance to the documentation is the other distros don't need the patch. So there's the why question from the technical side and the fact we'll stand out for needing it
14:46:09 <amoralej> keystone uses /usr/bin
14:46:20 <amoralej> from upstream wsgi config
14:46:38 <spotz> So keystone basically has the same config we need to placement?
14:47:24 <rdogerrit> Rafael Folco created rdo-jobs master: Remove tox-py27-ci-config job  https://review.rdoproject.org/r/28653
14:47:47 <amoralej> yep https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/httpd/uwsgi-keystone.conf
14:48:00 <amoralej> + https://github.com/rdo-packages/keystone-distgit/blob/rpm-master/openstack-keystone.spec#L176-L178
14:48:05 <rdogerrit> Rafael Folco proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: [WIP] Move provision/staging to py3  https://review.rdoproject.org/r/28623
14:48:20 <amoralej> spotz, note those config files are not used in tripleo nor packstack
14:48:28 <amoralej> we override them
14:48:48 <amoralej> but for manual install (no security concerns) it's the easiest
14:50:01 <spotz> amoralej: Lets talk offline (out of meeting on this) as we've got 10 minutes left and I want to fully understand:)
14:50:02 <ykarel> i guess u mean https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/httpd/wsgi-keystone.conf
14:50:10 <amoralej> ok
14:50:27 <amoralej> yes, sorry, that one
14:51:01 <amoralej> sure spotz, let's move on
14:51:12 <spotz> Ok I'll see about moving that patch to the placement repo:)
14:51:21 <spotz> #topic Next Week's Chair
14:51:25 <spotz> Volunteers?
14:51:49 <jcapitao> i can take it
14:52:03 <spotz> Thanks jcapitao
14:52:16 <spotz> %topic Open Floor
14:52:44 <spotz> grr
14:52:51 <spotz> #topic Open Floor
14:53:34 <spotz> Anyone?:)
14:54:00 <amoralej> not from my side
14:54:08 <ykarel> nothing from me too
14:54:18 <spotz> Ok we'll close the log and I'll ask amoralej more about the patch:)
14:54:25 <spotz> #endmeeting