15:02:03 <amoralej> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2016-11-30 15:02:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 30 15:02:03 2016 UTC. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2016-11-30' 15:02:04 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 30 15:02:02 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2016_11_30' 15:02:12 <rbowen> Geez. Already? 15:02:17 <amoralej> could someone disable openstack bot? 15:02:19 <number80> DST 15:02:20 <rbowen> :D 15:02:24 <amoralej> thanks rbowen 15:02:30 <rbowen> o/ 15:02:34 <chandankumar> \o/ 15:02:38 * number80 is already saving light by living in the darkness 15:02:40 <amoralej> #topic roll call 15:02:43 <jpena> o/ 15:02:46 <rbowen> o/ again 15:02:46 <dmsimard> ~o~ 15:02:49 <dmellado> \o/ 15:03:13 <amoralej> #chair rbowen number80 dmellado dmsimard jpena 15:03:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej dmellado dmsimard jpena number80 rbowen 15:03:54 <chandankumar> o/ 15:03:57 <mengxd> o/ 15:04:17 <mengxd> o/ 15:04:22 <amoralej> #chair chandankumar mengxd 15:04:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej chandankumar dmellado dmsimard jpena mengxd number80 rbowen 15:04:33 * apevec half present 15:04:50 <amoralej> #chair apevec 15:04:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej apevec chandankumar dmellado dmsimard jpena mengxd number80 rbowen 15:05:15 <amoralej> ok, let's start with fist topic 15:05:28 <amoralej> #topic Ocata1 testday tomorrow reality check 15:05:37 <amoralej> #info puppet4 was added since the CI promotion, tripleo and packstack got fixes but now we need new promotion today! 15:05:48 <amoralej> packstack fix is merged and built in dlrn 15:05:58 <jruzicka> o/ 15:06:11 <amoralej> test for updated passlib is almost finished in mitaka 15:06:17 <amoralej> #chair jruzicka 15:06:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej apevec chandankumar dmellado dmsimard jpena jruzicka mengxd number80 rbowen 15:06:54 <amoralej> so we should be able to tag passlib in -testing and running promotion pipeline 15:07:14 <jpena> that should fix p-o-i as well, unless there's anything else 15:07:33 <amoralej> yes, that should all jobs 15:07:51 <amoralej> but we'll need some luck to not face any infra error 15:08:02 <rbowen> So, do we expect another promotion today, then? 15:08:10 <amoralej> or other new problems 15:08:17 <amoralej> hopefully rbowen 15:08:30 <amoralej> we need it to have a sane repo for tomorrow 15:08:57 <amoralej> current current-passed-ci does not work with the deps repo after puppet4 so... 15:09:35 <amoralej> one of the mitaka p-o-i jobs have failed one tempest test but it's unrelated to passlib 15:09:50 <amoralej> let's see the last one 15:10:08 <amoralej> but we need to tag new dep asap 15:10:16 <number80> which is? 15:10:20 <rdogerrit> Ricardo Noriega created openstack/networking-bgpvpn-distgit: Fixing ownership of config files https://review.rdoproject.org/r/3940 15:10:49 <amoralej> http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=14924 15:11:14 <amoralej> tagged already 15:11:20 <amoralej> in -testing 15:11:34 <amoralej> oops, i thought we were waiting for mitaka results 15:11:46 <rdobot> [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-master-head-current @ http://tinyurl.com/hcnq3ll |#| Build failure on centos7-master-head/current: oslo.db, oslo.log, murano-dashboard: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master-head/report.html 15:12:19 <amoralej> ok, so next run of promotion will pick it up 15:13:12 <amoralej> so, about testing day, i think the only thing we can do is to keep an eye on master promotion jobs and react fast if we get some new obstacle 15:13:15 <number80> ack 15:13:19 <rbowen> +1 15:13:29 <amoralej> anything else from this side 15:13:44 <amoralej> i added instructions for users that want to test using CentOS 7.3 from CR 15:13:50 <rbowen> Thanks for that. :-) 15:13:52 <amoralej> in case anyone is interested 15:14:43 <amoralej> so, moving to next topic 15:15:01 <amoralej> #topic RDO at FOSDEM 15:15:12 <amoralej> #info Will be part of CentOS dojo, at IBM facility out by the UN. Details still to be determined, on centos-promo mailing list 15:15:15 <rbowen> We are planning to participate in the CentOS dojo on february 3rd, the day before FOSDEMin in Brussels. 15:15:18 <rbowen> Same location as last year. 15:15:20 <amoralej> #info Call for RDO content is https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fosdem-dojo-2017 15:15:35 <rbowen> Planning is, as with all things FOSDEM, a little last-minute 15:15:43 <rbowen> However, if you expect to be there, consider submitting a talk. 15:16:05 <rbowen> Unlike last year, this won't be RDO-focused, but will be more about how we play in the CentOS ecosystem, and how people can participate in CentOS. 15:16:17 <rbowen> Which is not much different from what we did last year, but a slightly different focus. 15:16:43 <rbowen> Further discussion of the event will happen on the centos-promo mailing list. 15:16:53 <rbowen> /EOL 15:17:19 <rbowen> Anyone other than number80 planning to be there? 15:17:43 <misc> at fosdem, maybe me 15:17:51 <misc> well, at fosdem, me, but at the dojo, not sure 15:18:25 <rdogerrit> Ricardo Noriega proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn-distgit: Fixing ownership of config files https://review.rdoproject.org/r/3940 15:18:27 <misc> (the location was inconvenient enough to make me stay at home, especially after devconf) 15:18:30 <rbowen> My impression has been that due to the new OpenStack Summit schedule, fewer people will be able to travel to FOSDEM. Hoping I'm mistaken on that. 15:19:15 <number80> well, I'm just going to FOSDEM like every year, no big surprise 15:19:19 <dmsimard> Doesn't affect me, I wouldn't have gone either way :( 15:19:36 <jschlueter> o/ 15:19:36 <amoralej> i'm not sure yet 15:19:37 <number80> BeerGium is an awesome country 15:19:43 <amoralej> #chair jschlueter 15:19:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej apevec chandankumar dmellado dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter mengxd number80 rbowen 15:19:54 <rbowen> ok, on to the next thing. Nothing more to say here. :-) 15:20:36 <mengxd> so will rdo meetup be organized in boston summit? 15:20:46 <rbowen> That's my plan, yes. 15:20:53 <mengxd> ok, good to know. 15:20:59 <rbowen> Have to get past FOSDEM first. :-) But, yes. 15:21:09 <rbowen> I hope to do something with Ceph again - that worked out really well. 15:21:13 <rbowen> But perhaps in a quieter location. 15:21:26 <rbowen> Or somewhere where the speaking area is more separated from the party area. :-) 15:21:29 <mengxd> ack 15:21:46 <mengxd> too noisy to concentrate 15:21:50 <rbowen> Boston is WAY more expensive than Barcelona, though, so we'll see what we can find. 15:23:12 <rbowen> Did we lose amoralej? 15:23:17 <amoralej> #topic Looking for people to identify themselves as willing to speak on RDO topics - https://www.rdoproject.org/community/speakers/ 15:23:21 <rbowen> oh. :-) 15:23:27 <bkero> FOSDEM++ 15:23:30 <amoralej> :) 15:23:38 <rbowen> So, I'm looking for some help identifying speakers willing to do meetups. 15:23:51 <rbowen> I get contacted by meetup organizers and try to connect them with local speakers. 15:24:00 <rbowen> I can usually help with (local) travel, and can send swag. 15:24:09 <rbowen> But I can no longer keep in my mind who is where. 15:24:15 <bkero> rbowen: I can do west coast things 15:24:20 <mengxd> so are you asking for volunteers or you asking for help to recommend speakers? 15:24:24 <dmsimard> rbowen: oh yeah btw for some reasons the RDO stickers were not popular at all (or swag at all) at OpenStack Canada 15:24:27 <rbowen> So, if you want to be on that list, please add your name for https://www.rdoproject.org/community/speakers/ 15:24:38 <rdogerrit> Attila Darazs created config: Fix tripleo-quickstart-deploy job https://review.rdoproject.org/r/3941 15:24:39 <rbowen> mengxd: Both, I guess. 15:24:40 <dmsimard> rbowen: like, they had pens and stickers and beer holders and stuff and almost nothing got picked up 15:24:45 <rbowen> Bummer. 15:24:47 <dmsimard> It was weird 15:24:51 <rbowen> Well, bring them to the next thing, I guess. 15:24:55 <dmsimard> yeah. 15:25:05 <dmsimard> I'll bring some to the Montreal office :P 15:25:17 <dmellado> rbowen: will do ;) 15:25:24 <trown> whoops... slipped the time 15:25:26 <rbowen> Thanks. That's all. 15:25:26 <trown> o/ 15:25:36 <amoralej> i added myself to OpenStack foundation speakers bureau, you prefer having the list in rdoproject.org rbowen? 15:25:43 <amoralej> #chair trown 15:25:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej apevec chandankumar dmellado dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter mengxd number80 rbowen trown 15:26:05 <dmsimard> rbowen: yeah I'm not warm to the idea of duplicating the list on rdoproject.org if I can be found with the "rdo" query on upstream speaker bureau 15:26:24 <rbowen> Well, ok, that's fair. I guess maybe people weren't aware of the upstream one. 15:26:36 <dmellado> dmsimard: maybe we can just add 'rdo' as a label there 15:26:47 <amoralej> that's what i did 15:26:51 <rbowen> ok. 15:26:57 * dmellado will add it later too 15:26:59 <dmsimard> dmellado: that's what I did 15:27:08 <dmsimard> dmellado: it needs to be in your areas of expertise 15:27:13 <dmsimard> one of five :P 15:27:21 <dmellado> heh xD 15:27:51 <rbowen> ok, thanks for the input. I'll do that, then. 15:27:52 <amoralej> ok 15:27:56 <jschlueter> rbowen: is there a good place to find local meetups? (Michigan, USA) 15:28:24 <rbowen> jschlueter: There's meetup.com and every week I post a list of OpenStack meetups to rdo-list 15:28:35 <dmsimard> Some events also tend to be on eventbrite 15:28:39 <rbowen> Usually on Monday morning. 15:28:47 <rbowen> Yeah, I haven't started looking at eventbrite yet. I should do that. 15:29:00 <rbowen> Also there's the OpenStack Days events that are posted on openstack.org 15:29:24 <dmellado> rbowen: how about the PTG, will there be any rdo presence there in the end? 15:29:51 <dmsimard> probably in spirit but not with a dedicated room or anything 15:29:59 <dmsimard> I mean even tripleo could hardly get a room (if it did get one) 15:30:05 <rbowen> I don't know for sure yet. I haven't looked very much at the details of that event. 15:30:13 <rbowen> But getting an actual room, no, probably not. 15:30:39 <rbowen> We might could do a small evening drinks/snacks event, if there's enough interest. 15:31:16 <amoralej> i think we can move on to open floor 15:31:24 <amoralej> #topic open floor 15:31:52 <amoralej> any topic someone wants to arise? 15:31:53 * dmellado was thinking about rdo folks having a meeting on an open floor on Atlanta, needs to get some rest 15:31:55 <dmellado> xD 15:32:50 <mengxd> for altarch bootstrap, do we have any updates? 15:34:14 <amoralej> number80 ^ 15:35:24 <amoralej> seems number80 is not around now 15:35:51 <amoralej> looking at items in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-survey-answers 15:36:18 <amoralej> i think there is a chance to improve communication about what's new in RDO 15:36:39 <number80> ? 15:36:45 <amoralej> i.e., magnum is mentioned several times, and now that we even have support in packstack 15:36:57 <number80> well, it's blocked for now (about altarch) 15:36:58 <amoralej> people seems not the be aware that there is magnum already in RDO 15:37:03 <dmsimard> amoralej: have to be careful about the message 15:37:04 <apevec> mengxd, I think we are waiting for 7.3 push 15:37:10 <dmsimard> amoralej: RDO != packstack != tripleo 15:37:21 <dmsimard> There's a lot of things in RDO that are in either or neither 15:37:30 <apevec> dmsimard, yeah, that's recurring on rdo-list, recently 15:37:38 <amoralej> yes, that's why users should be able to know 15:37:45 <dmsimard> I could find that ML post I did a while back about branding issues :) 15:37:47 <amoralej> what's the status of each service 15:38:00 <apevec> I tried to steer discussion but it just reverts back to rdo == packstack == tripleo ... 15:38:00 <rbowen> How can we do a better job of communicating what is in which? We have a "what's in RDO" page but it hasn't been udpated in a while. 15:38:19 <mengxd> ok, but still be cautious because in fact quite a percentage of users are deploying RDO using Packstack. 15:38:23 <dmsimard> Maybe a community maintained matrix of what is supported where ? 15:38:46 <dmsimard> i.e, magnum: [X] RDO [X] Packstack [ ] TripleO 15:38:53 <dmsimard> In a table format or something, I don't know 15:38:57 <rbowen> I can get something started on the website, based on the latest version of what we have up there now. 15:38:57 <apevec> mengxd, yep, and that's fine for proof of concept / demo 15:39:36 <mengxd> i think a table to show what is supported in each deployment tooling will help. 15:39:58 <dmsimard> Could add Kolla in there. OpenStack-Ansible are cheating so not included :p 15:40:40 <amoralej> sometimes status dependes on the release 15:40:45 <mengxd> in coata summit, it sounds like openstack-ansible will work towards support on centos/rhel, is that still valid? 15:40:51 <mengxd> ocata 15:40:57 <amoralej> magnum is available in RDO since newton iirc, but in packstack only in ocata, i.e. 15:41:18 <rbowen> So the table can contain versions, rather than just yes/no ? 15:41:19 <dmsimard> mengxd: they are working on CentOS/RDO support but they are only using RDO for dependencies. They still install OpenStack from source in lxc containers. 15:41:34 <amoralej> i'd say so rbowen 15:41:36 <apevec> why lxc ? 15:41:44 <apevec> but nm, off topic... 15:41:45 <dmsimard> apevec: I don't know, they've always used lxc since inception 15:42:03 <mengxd> that is how it worked in ubuntu too 15:42:06 <rdogerrit> Sven Anderson created rdoinfo: Add puppet-ec2api https://review.rdoproject.org/r/3942 15:44:23 <jpena> amoralej, don't forget the chair for the next meeting ;) 15:44:30 <dmsimard> anything else for open floor ? 15:45:01 <amoralej> #topic chair for next meeting 15:45:13 <amoralej> volunteers? 15:45:27 <trown> I can chair next week 15:45:46 <amoralej> #info trown will chair next week 15:46:05 <chandankumar> amoralej: I will chair next to next week 15:46:05 <amoralej> ok, thanks for joining 15:46:29 <amoralej> i'm giving you 15 minutes back :) 15:46:37 <apevec> 14 15:46:39 <apevec> :) 15:46:42 <apevec> thanks amoralej ! 15:46:42 <number80> lol 15:46:47 <amoralej> #endmeeting