15:00:59 <chandankumar> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2016-11-16
15:00:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 16 15:00:59 2016 UTC.  The chair is chandankumar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2016-11-16'
15:01:07 <chandankumar> #topic roll call
15:01:10 <chandankumar> \o/
15:01:11 <dmsimard> o/
15:01:15 <amoralej> o/
15:01:16 <chandankumar> #chair dmsimard
15:01:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: chandankumar dmsimard
15:01:24 <jpena|lunch> o/
15:01:25 <chandankumar> #chair amoralej
15:01:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej chandankumar dmsimard
15:01:33 <coolsvap> o/
15:01:34 <jpena> sorry :)
15:01:37 <chandankumar> #chair jpena coolsvap
15:01:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej chandankumar coolsvap dmsimard jpena
15:01:48 <dmellado> o/
15:01:49 <dmellado> hi guys
15:01:56 <hrybacki> O/
15:01:56 <chandankumar> #chair dmellado
15:01:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej chandankumar coolsvap dmellado dmsimard jpena
15:02:03 <chandankumar> #chair hrybacki
15:02:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej chandankumar coolsvap dmellado dmsimard hrybacki jpena
15:02:05 <adarazs> o/
15:02:08 <trown> o/
15:02:09 <jschluet> o/
15:02:10 <chandankumar> apevec, number80 meeting time
15:02:19 <chandankumar> #chair trown adarazs jschluet
15:02:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: adarazs amoralej chandankumar coolsvap dmellado dmsimard hrybacki jpena jschluet trown
15:02:27 <apevec> o/
15:02:31 <chandankumar> imcsk8, jruzicka meeting
15:02:35 <chandankumar> #chair apevec
15:02:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: adarazs amoralej apevec chandankumar coolsvap dmellado dmsimard hrybacki jpena jschluet trown
15:02:54 <number80> o/
15:02:59 <chandankumar> #chair number80
15:03:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: adarazs amoralej apevec chandankumar coolsvap dmellado dmsimard hrybacki jpena jschluet number80 trown
15:03:31 <weshay> 0/
15:03:34 <mengxd> o/
15:03:38 <chandankumar> #chair weshay mengxd
15:03:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: adarazs amoralej apevec chandankumar coolsvap dmellado dmsimard hrybacki jpena jschluet mengxd number80 trown weshay
15:03:51 <chandankumar> So let me start with the first topic
15:04:10 <chandankumar> #topic Liberty EOL : 2016-11-17
15:04:26 <chandankumar> As per https://releases.openstack.org/ Liberty EOL is on 2016-11-17
15:04:33 <chandankumar> i.e. tomorrow
15:04:46 <chandankumar> What do we need to do?
15:04:58 <number80> apevec: ^
15:05:01 <chandankumar> Below is the list of things suggested on etherpad
15:05:13 <chandankumar> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting
15:05:15 <apevec> yeah, I've put some answers in etherpad
15:05:34 <chandankumar> * last minor releases upstream this week, push RDO builds EOW and do final release push week after that
15:05:56 <chandankumar> * +2 weeks from upstream EOL move mirror.c.o repo to vault.centos.org
15:06:03 <jpena> also, note we have a Trello card template for EOL
15:06:03 <apevec> right, upstream plan is to push eol-liberty next week
15:06:16 <dmsimard> oh, jpena++
15:06:20 <apevec> right! I forgot about that one
15:06:22 <chandankumar> yes, trello card template for EOL
15:06:23 <dmsimard> can you link that card in the etherpad
15:06:25 <chandankumar> #link https://trello.com/c/fV69VODx/165-rdo-release-eol
15:06:27 <apevec> number80++ created it
15:06:27 <zodbot> apevec: Karma for hguemar changed to 16 (for the f24 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
15:06:34 <trown> how does upstream handle upgrade testing when a release goes EOL?
15:06:41 <number80> ah forgot that :)
15:06:57 <dmsimard> trown: hm, technically grenade only gates against actual reviews ?
15:07:16 <apevec> trown, it doesn't
15:07:19 <rdogerrit> Matthias Runge proposed config: Add tox and run-tests.sh test descriptions  http://review.rdoproject.org/r/3774
15:07:19 <dmsimard> trown: I'm not sure if grenade tests n+1 or n-1 to n
15:07:24 <apevec> jobs using liberty are removed
15:07:43 <apevec> so is grenade in mitaka
15:07:59 <dmsimard> yeah.. I think grenade tests reviews against mitaka can upgrade to newton
15:08:02 <dmsimard> and so on ?
15:08:08 <trown> so liberty to mitaka is no longer tested after liberty EOL?
15:08:18 <apevec> trown, correct
15:08:26 <rdogerrit> dtantsur proposed openstack/ironic-distgit: Clean up requirements and run unit tests in %check  http://review.rdoproject.org/r/3782
15:08:41 <hrybacki> weshay ^^
15:08:48 <rdogerrit> David Moreau Simard proposed config: Add tox and run-tests.sh test descriptions  http://review.rdoproject.org/r/3774
15:08:49 <apevec> there were some ideas in the past to checkout 'eol-liberty' tag
15:08:55 <apevec> but that would not work w/ devstack
15:09:07 <chandankumar> Just a silly question, can we use grenade for upgrades in RDO also?
15:09:28 <dmsimard> grenade uses devstack :)
15:09:42 <dmsimard> and projects from sources, not packages
15:09:50 <dmellado> it'd be great if we could use it, but sadly dmsimard is right xD
15:09:55 <chandankumar> do we have something in RDO like grenade for upgrade testing?
15:09:59 <weshay> hrybacki, apevec dmsimard ok.. so maybe we just look at rhos builds at this point
15:10:07 <weshay> matbu, ^
15:10:13 <weshay> re: liberty -> mitaka
15:10:13 <apevec> weshay, yep
15:10:17 <hrybacki> ack
15:10:51 <Duck> quack
15:10:58 <chandankumar> #chair Duck
15:10:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck adarazs amoralej apevec chandankumar coolsvap dmellado dmsimard hrybacki jpena jschluet mengxd number80 trown weshay
15:11:20 <chandankumar> There are some more suggestions on etherpad
15:11:29 <rdogerrit> Merged config: Add tox and run-tests.sh test descriptions  http://review.rdoproject.org/r/3774
15:11:38 <chandankumar> * Repositories: RDO Trunk, buildlogs (-tested), mirror.c.o, rdo-release, centos-openstack-release-liberty
15:11:49 <chandankumar> *- readme pointing to vault.c.o under https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/openstack/EOL/
15:12:02 <chandankumar> *- drop RDO Trunk
15:12:40 <apevec> right, so trunk/dlrn will be gone
15:12:53 <apevec> and we'll have latest released packages in vault.centos.org
15:13:16 <chandankumar> CI jobs will be also disabled or deleted?
15:13:18 <trown> k, so we can also drop liberty promote pipeline and liberty images
15:13:19 <apevec> deleted
15:13:32 <apevec> trown, yes
15:13:47 <chandankumar> With respect to disg-git branches : same as upstream: push eol-liberty tag and delete branches and jobs
15:14:23 <chandankumar> Here is the details about dlrn worker removal
15:14:33 <chandankumar> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DLRN-new-RDO-release
15:14:55 <chandankumar> What about hosting a RDO bug triage day for closing liberty eol bugs/
15:15:00 <chandankumar> ?
15:16:59 <apevec> yes, also in general, we neglected BZs lately
15:17:13 <apevec> can you restart sending BZ report on rdo-list?
15:17:25 <chandankumar> apevec, sure, will do that.
15:17:25 <apevec> chandankumar, ^
15:17:28 <apevec> thanks!
15:17:42 <chandankumar> so action items from here?
15:18:04 <chandankumar> #action chandankumar to start sending BZ reports to rdo-list
15:18:47 <apevec> #action apevec practice EOL valut.centos.org move on Kilo (not EOLed properly yet!)
15:18:59 <apevec> #undo
15:18:59 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by apevec at 15:18:47 : apevec practice EOL valut.centos.org move on Kilo (not EOLed properly yet!)
15:19:06 <jpena> #action jpena to remote Liberty worker from DLRN servers
15:19:06 <apevec> #action apevec practice EOL vault.centos.org move on Kilo (not EOLed properly yet!)
15:19:45 <chandankumar> once everything related to EOL is done , we need to communicate to respective mailing list
15:19:56 <apevec> jpena, next week, let it run until EOW
15:20:24 <jpena> apevec: ack. I'll start with the puppet-dlrn preparations, then remove it on Nov 25
15:20:24 <apevec> #action apevec write announcement and work with rbowen to publicize it
15:20:34 <apevec> jpena, ack
15:20:42 <jpena> actually stop it, we can leave the bits around longer if needed
15:21:04 <chandankumar> Any queries related with Liberty EOL if not then i can move to next topic
15:21:58 <chandankumar> moving to next topic then
15:22:06 <chandankumar> #topic rdopkg reviews
15:22:23 <chandankumar> jruzicka, has added some nice features in rdopkg
15:22:54 <chandankumar> jruzicka, please go ahead
15:22:55 <jruzicka> just few pokes towards reviews
15:23:20 <jruzicka> rdopkg-0.42 with more bugfixes is to be expected soon
15:23:55 <jruzicka> In short, see if you want something from https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/project:rdopkg+status:open
15:23:59 <jruzicka> and review it if so
15:24:00 <jruzicka> that's all
15:24:13 <chandankumar> jruzicka, Thanks!
15:24:47 <chandankumar> moving to next topic
15:24:52 <chandankumar> #topic altarch status
15:24:59 <chandankumar> number80, please go ahead
15:26:44 <number80> basically, it's just report
15:27:07 <number80> #info ppc64le architecture will be enabled soon
15:27:29 <number80> it's blocked by few build deps, I'd like to fix before like GDAL
15:27:48 <number80> #info help testing https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1391444
15:28:03 <number80> this one is critical for altarch and puppet4
15:28:17 <number80> since it's a huge piece, help testing it!
15:28:36 <number80> that's all from me
15:28:51 <chandankumar> number80, Thanks for the update!
15:29:04 <chandankumar> moving to last topic
15:29:10 <chandankumar> #topic chair for next meeting
15:29:19 <chandankumar> Who wants to chair for next meeting?
15:29:24 <chandankumar> Anyone up?
15:29:24 * number80 can't
15:29:28 <jpena> I can take it
15:29:36 <number80> thanks:)
15:29:39 <chandankumar> #action jpena to chair for next meeting.
15:29:46 <chandankumar> #topic open floor
15:30:16 <chandankumar> Now it's the time anyone wants to bring additional topic for discussion.
15:31:04 <number80> if anyone has a feature, please ping us or shout on the mailing list!
15:31:05 <Duck> quack
15:31:20 <Duck> I'll come to FOSEM and other meetings
15:31:26 <number80> M1 is coming soon and M2 will happen before end of year celebrations
15:31:28 <Duck> would be happy to meet you live
15:31:40 <Duck> and see more what we could do together
15:31:46 <Duck> for sysadm
15:31:54 <number80> Duck: well, I'll be at FOSDEM as every year
15:32:04 <Duck> number80: :-)))
15:32:10 <chandankumar> i wanted to bring one topic, how to involve or encourage or attract new contributors to RDO community?
15:32:32 <Duck> that's also one mission of OSAS
15:32:47 <number80> chocolate, it worked with me:)
15:33:08 <number80> more seriously, we don't advertise enough that we can mentor newcomers
15:33:23 <amoralej> mmmm, good one number80
15:33:58 <amoralej> some mentorship program
15:34:03 <Duck> there's conferences were people like bkp talk about communities
15:34:03 <amoralej> would be nice
15:34:24 <Duck> so if there's a nice mentor program, you should get in touch with them
15:34:32 <Duck> and they'll advertise
15:34:41 <number80> ack
15:34:58 <chandankumar> getting some easy tasks in place somewhere people can pick up without involvement of too much tools
15:35:27 <Duck> opening more the infra also would be nice
15:35:39 <chandankumar> like running running rpmlint on all our spec files and try to fix warning would be one
15:36:03 <Duck> you propose summer of codes?
15:37:10 <number80> I'll avoid GSoC this year
15:37:21 <chandankumar> OpenStack already participates in summer of code, what about proposing some ideas there ?
15:37:28 * number80 has done GSoC admin for 4 years,now
15:37:43 <jruzicka> chandankumar, rdopkg lint action was requested... currently some rdopkg sanity checks and possibly rpmlint - we could run that against distgits?
15:37:57 <chandankumar> jruzicka, yes!
15:38:35 <number80> jruzicka: we can draft checks (trello or github issue?)
15:38:52 <chandankumar> github issues will be better
15:39:44 <jruzicka> there's request to integrate rpmlint
15:39:45 <jruzicka> https://github.com/openstack-packages/rdopkg/issues/66
15:39:48 <chandankumar> jruzicka, number80 what about something like this for rdo https://fedoraproject.org/easyfix/ ?
15:40:20 <number80> problem is that we don't use properly bugzilla for that
15:42:15 <number80> ?
15:43:01 <chandankumar> distgits issues generally lies on bugzilla and other infra tools issues on github issues
15:43:34 <number80> let's just start an etherpad and see how it goes
15:43:41 <number80> it worked well for CI
15:43:56 <chandankumar> number80, sure,
15:44:23 <chandankumar> I will create the etherpad and put some ideas on that. we can take from there.
15:44:36 <chandankumar> number80, Duck jruzicka amoralej Thanks!
15:44:45 <Duck> ₥e :-)
15:44:51 <amoralej> thanks chandan!
15:45:03 <chandankumar> Any more topic to discuss if not can i end the meeting?
15:45:28 <Duck> ok for me
15:46:06 <chandankumar> #endmeeting