15:01:08 <chandankumar> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2016-07-13
15:01:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 13 15:01:08 2016 UTC.  The chair is chandankumar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:01:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:01:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2016-07-13'
15:01:09 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 13 15:01:07 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is chandankumar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:01:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:01:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2016_07_13'
15:01:33 <chandankumar> Here is the RDO meeting agenda https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting
15:01:39 <chandankumar> #topic Roll Call
15:01:42 <dmsimard> \o
15:01:44 <coolsvap> o/
15:01:45 <chandankumar> \o/
15:01:58 <rbowen> Alas, not here today, I have to head out to a meetup.
15:02:05 <chandankumar> #chair dmsimard coolsvap
15:02:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: chandankumar coolsvap dmsimard
15:02:15 <chandankumar> rbowen, np :-)
15:02:28 <chandankumar> number80, apevec jruzicka meeting time
15:02:55 <jruzicka> \o/
15:03:01 <chandankumar> #chair jruzicka
15:03:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: chandankumar coolsvap dmsimard jruzicka
15:03:19 <imcsk8> o/
15:03:27 <chandankumar> #chair imcsk8
15:03:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: chandankumar coolsvap dmsimard imcsk8 jruzicka
15:03:38 <number80> o/
15:03:45 <chandankumar> #chair number80
15:03:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: chandankumar coolsvap dmsimard imcsk8 jruzicka number80
15:03:46 <trown> o/
15:03:50 <chandankumar> #chair trown
15:03:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: chandankumar coolsvap dmsimard imcsk8 jruzicka number80 trown
15:04:24 <chandankumar> number80, should i start with the first topic?
15:04:26 <adarazs> o/
15:04:33 <chandankumar> #chair adarazs
15:04:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: adarazs chandankumar coolsvap dmsimard imcsk8 jruzicka number80 trown
15:04:38 <hrybacki> o/
15:04:45 <chandankumar> #chair hrybacki
15:04:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: adarazs chandankumar coolsvap dmsimard hrybacki imcsk8 jruzicka number80 trown
15:04:49 <number80> chandankumar: yes
15:04:57 <jruzicka> chandankumar, go!
15:05:00 <chandankumar> #topic RDU2 network outage
15:05:04 <number80> (sorry, you have 10% of my attention, as I'm in a call)
15:05:24 <dmsimard> Last night around 11PM EST (whatever that is in UTC) the RDU network started experiencing network problems
15:05:30 <weshay> dmsimard, that is not my meeting :)
15:05:40 <dmsimard> The Raleigh servers/network were suffering high packet loss
15:06:09 <dmsimard> There's quite a lot of things hosted there, amongst which is a lot of the CentOS infrastructure like mirrors, buildlogs, ci.centos.org and so on
15:06:10 * number80 back
15:06:29 <dmsimard> Our DLRN server happens to be in that network and suffered some problems but thankfully, trunk.rdoproject.org was not affected because it is hosted elsewhere
15:06:52 <dmsimard> The problems are still ongoing, to a certain extent and the right people are working on it
15:07:00 <number80> (RDU is one of Red Hat main datacenter, not critical infrastructure ;-) )
15:07:00 <dmsimard> There's no ETA for complete recovery right now
15:07:17 <dmsimard> that's it for that topic I think
15:07:28 <number80> thanks for the brief :)
15:07:31 <chandankumar> dmsimard, Thanks for the update :-)
15:07:32 <jruzicka> so what of RDO is currently affected?
15:07:46 <number80> ci.centos.org, DLRN
15:07:57 <number80> repositories
15:07:58 <trown> cloud.centos.org seems affected too
15:08:04 <dmsimard> jruzicka: the CI pipelines were backed up, new packages may have failed to build or not built entirely
15:08:17 <jruzicka> so most of things :) OK, thanks for info.
15:08:30 <number80> yup
15:08:46 <chandankumar> so moving to next topic
15:08:58 <chandankumar> #topic Integration testing distgit reviews (!) with in-flight DLRN repositories
15:09:09 <dmsimard> oh hai
15:09:28 <dmsimard> tl;dr there will soon be weirdo jobs that also run on top of DLRN-rpmbuild for distgit reviews
15:09:36 <trown> nice
15:09:39 <number80> question: will it be additional jobs or replacing existing jobs?
15:09:46 <dmsimard> I've written a small post on it here https://dmsimard.com/2016/07/13/improving-rdo-packaging-testing-coverage/
15:10:13 <trown> I think it could replace existing job, since existing job just does install, and new job would cover that
15:10:14 <dmsimard> We've managed to make it so we are able to consume a DLRN repository from other jobs
15:10:29 <dmsimard> number80: the DLRN-rpmbuild job will stay
15:10:46 <dmsimard> but it will also have two children jobs, one weirdo puppet scenario and one weirdo packstack scenario
15:11:06 <number80> dmsimard: that's good, I can think of some cases, where we don't want to block package reviews on rpm-master
15:11:09 <trown> oh right we need the DLRN job to build the artifacts
15:11:10 <dmsimard> they will only be in the check pipeline and non-voting while we ramp up and test things so that they do not block if they do not work well
15:11:24 <dmsimard> also -- number80 reminded me
15:11:32 <dmsimard> they will only run on rpm-master against newton trunk
15:11:58 <number80> dmsimard: can't we configure this?
15:12:10 <dmsimard> because of the lazy branching that is still occurring, it'd be sort of complex to implement that logic (correctly) in the zuul layout to run the right jobs against the right projects *and* the right openstack release
15:12:26 <number80> dmsimard: ok, if we drop lazy branching, that could be fixed?
15:12:37 <jruzicka> that's doable
15:12:37 <dmsimard> once the lazy branching is gone, we can put a proper layout that rpm-master = newton, rpm-mitaka = mitaka and so on
15:12:38 <number80> if so, that's still a good deal for me
15:13:03 <jruzicka> I've hard "only for trunk" several times and it always expanded to other releases as well
15:13:05 <number80> DEAL :D
15:13:07 <dmsimard> other thing to note
15:13:19 <dmsimard> is that there is a generic builder to configure a DLRN repository "in gate"
15:13:45 <dmsimard> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/gitweb?p=config.git;a=blob;f=jobs/DLRN.yaml;h=d737c991e801b2ed955c9017d18681a98f50e575;hb=HEAD#l1
15:14:05 <dmsimard> so if you want to create a job to do something that would test that repository, you can use that builder and it'll "just work"(tm)
15:14:21 <dmsimard> like, I don't know, a job that would install the package and run the unit tests or whatever
15:14:22 <myoung> o/
15:14:32 <chandankumar> #chair myoung
15:14:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: adarazs chandankumar coolsvap dmsimard hrybacki imcsk8 jruzicka myoung number80 trown
15:14:46 <dmsimard> that's it for me
15:15:02 <dmsimard> #link https://dmsimard.com/2016/07/13/improving-rdo-packaging-testing-coverage/
15:15:19 <chandankumar> dmsimard, i am not getting this line install the package and run the unit tests .
15:15:44 <dmsimard> chandankumar: I'm just saying that the DLRN gate repository builder is generic, it can be used outside of weirdo by itself
15:16:04 <dmsimard> chandankumar: so if someone else has a use for a DLRN repository in a gate job, they can use it
15:16:17 <dmsimard> I was just citing an example of what someone could do with it
15:16:50 <dmsimard> limit is your imagination
15:17:06 <chandankumar> got that, Thanks :-)
15:17:31 <chandankumar> any more queries related to this topic?
15:18:11 * chandankumar waits.
15:18:30 <number80> next?
15:18:38 <chandankumar> #topic Upcoming dates
15:18:54 <chandankumar> below is the some of important dates:
15:19:04 <chandankumar> #info OpenStack Summit CFP closes TODAY AT MIDNIGHT PACIFIC
15:19:33 <chandankumar> #info Newton M2 this week
15:19:52 <chandankumar> #info Newton M2 test day next week - July 21, 22
15:20:00 <chandankumar> https://www.rdoproject.org/testday/newton/milestone2/
15:20:24 <chandankumar> Feel free to tweet or blog about RDO NEWTON M2 test day
15:20:35 <chandankumar> so that we can get better participation.
15:20:54 <chandankumar> </EOL>
15:21:47 <chandankumar> number80, we have finished all the topics.
15:22:07 <number80> then time for next week chair topic :)
15:22:10 <jruzicka> well, that escalated quickly
15:22:13 <number80> and open floor
15:22:24 <chandankumar> #topic chair for next meeting
15:22:38 <chandankumar> anyone wants to volunteer for next meeting?
15:22:41 <imcsk8> i can do it
15:22:53 <chandankumar> #action imcsk8 to chair for next meeting
15:23:04 <chandankumar> imcsk8, Thanks :-)
15:23:11 <imcsk8> chandankumar: np
15:23:19 <chandankumar> #topic Open Floor
15:23:53 <chandankumar> If i have missed any topic, or it is not added in the agenda, feel free to discuss.
15:24:02 <rdogerrit> Derek Higgins created DLRN: Remove .git when generating tarball name if present  http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1658
15:24:08 <imcsk8> i want to submit a proposal for the summit but i always get reject, do you guys have any advice on how to structure it?
15:24:47 <number80> imcsk8: targetting CxO, and practical use-case
15:25:00 <dmsimard> imcsk8: there is a framework in place for red hat proposals, there are internal threads about it
15:25:18 <dmsimard> you're kind of last minute though
15:25:51 <imcsk8> dmsimard: it's on my radar but i'm not very motivated since i always get rejected :P
15:26:00 <number80> for this summit, I worked out w/ a security lab on a practical demonstrator on RDO to modelize secure cloud deployment
15:26:49 <number80> to give you an exampe
15:27:24 <imcsk8> oh ok
15:27:44 <imcsk8> i'll try to focus on use cases
15:28:18 <trown> imcsk8: I feel the same way btw... the number of talks submitted to number of talks accepted ratio is very small
15:28:36 <number80> hint: academics take ages to  write/review proposals ...
15:29:46 <chandankumar> can we close the meeting now?
15:29:54 <trown|lunchnlear> hmm nick length limit on freenode? it is not a lunch and lear
15:30:15 * myoung chuckles
15:30:33 <dmsimard> that looks more like a typo than a nick limit :p
15:30:39 <dmsimard> you're outtypppewpewpepw is pretty long
15:30:47 <trown|lunchlearn> oh true :P
15:31:18 <number80> THE END :)
15:31:26 <chandankumar> #endmeeting