
#rdo: RDO meeting (2016-05-04)

Meeting started by chandankumar at 15:01:13 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. rollcall (chandankumar, 15:01:22)
  2. RDO BoF -Newton summit- feedback (chandankumar, 15:04:55)
    1. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-austin-bof (number80, 15:05:24)
    2. ACTION: rbowen to write RDO BOF summary blog (chandankumar, 15:07:05)
    3. more presence in meetups, ping rbowen for swag and sponsoring (number80, 15:07:06)
    4. http://www.meetup.com/Shanghai-OpenStack-Meetup/ (rbowen, 15:08:51)

  3. request virt-sig to update ipxe (chandankumar, 15:12:51)
    1. ipxe is now in openstack-common until RHEL7.3 is out (number80, 15:13:50)

  4. powerp64le port (chandankumar, 15:14:29)
    1. https://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/2016/04/19/my-workflow-for-building-big-sets-of-rpm-packages/ (number80, 15:17:42)
    2. https://centos.juszkiewicz.com.pl/20160414-openstack-mitaka-for-aarch64/ (number80, 15:18:14)
    3. ACTION: mengxd to write blog documenting what had done on powerp64e packaging for RDO (chandankumar, 15:25:25)
    4. ACTION: apevec check with CBS folks about powerpc resources available (apevec, 15:25:59)
    5. ACTION: jpena help setting up the DLRN instance for powerpc (apevec, 15:26:35)

  5. RDO Bug Triage Day on 18th and 19th May, 2016 (chandankumar, 15:27:04)
    1. http://tm3.org/rdobugs is a good list to start with. But I'm sure chandankumar has a similar list bookmarked somewhere. (rbowen, 15:30:43)
    2. ACTION: imcsk8 to publish bz scripts (apevec, 15:31:42)
    3. ACTION: chandankumar to send Email announcement for RDO Bug Traige Day (chandankumar, 15:32:54)

  6. dlrn instance access (chandankumar, 15:33:35)
    1. DLRN admins NA: trown dmsimard EU: amoralej jpena (apevec, 15:38:54)

  7. dlrn instance migration (chandankumar, 15:41:22)
    1. ACTION: jpena to update trunk.rdo page to include admins and coverage (jpena, 15:41:29)
    2. ACTION: trown research tripleo promote via centos ci job (trown, 15:48:48)

  8. packaging docs rewrite (chandankumar, 15:49:14)
  9. Chair for next meeting (chandankumar, 15:53:38)
    1. ACTION: amoralej to chair for next meeting (chandankumar, 15:54:16)

  10. open floor (chandankumar, 15:55:14)
    1. https://review.gerrithub.io/#/q/status:open+project:^openstack-packages/.*,n,z (number80, 15:58:39)

Meeting ended at 15:59:22 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. rbowen to write RDO BOF summary blog
  2. mengxd to write blog documenting what had done on powerp64e packaging for RDO
  3. apevec check with CBS folks about powerpc resources available
  4. jpena help setting up the DLRN instance for powerpc
  5. imcsk8 to publish bz scripts
  6. chandankumar to send Email announcement for RDO Bug Traige Day
  7. jpena to update trunk.rdo page to include admins and coverage
  8. trown research tripleo promote via centos ci job
  9. amoralej to chair for next meeting

Action items, by person

  1. amoralej
    1. amoralej to chair for next meeting
  2. apevec
    1. apevec check with CBS folks about powerpc resources available
  3. chandankumar
    1. chandankumar to send Email announcement for RDO Bug Traige Day
  4. imcsk8
    1. imcsk8 to publish bz scripts
  5. jpena
    1. jpena help setting up the DLRN instance for powerpc
    2. jpena to update trunk.rdo page to include admins and coverage
  6. mengxd
    1. mengxd to write blog documenting what had done on powerp64e packaging for RDO
  7. rbowen
    1. rbowen to write RDO BOF summary blog
  8. trown
    1. trown research tripleo promote via centos ci job

People present (lines said)

  1. apevec (81)
  2. number80 (61)
  3. chandankumar (61)
  4. dmsimard (27)
  5. rbowen (20)
  6. mengxd (19)
  7. jpena (15)
  8. trown (15)
  9. jruzicka (15)
  10. zodbot (10)
  11. openstack (9)
  12. imcsk8 (8)
  13. EmilienM (4)
  14. amoralej (4)
  15. openstackgerrit (2)
  16. Teknologeek (1)
  17. noslzzp (1)
  18. jschlueter (1)

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